What game has the best ost and why is it FFCC??

what game has the best ost and why is it FFCC??

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Sequal soon?

shit gameplay
great everything else
CLASSIC final fantasy

>shit gameplay
Take that back you piece of shit.

look kids a retard
there were 3 "sequels" but i havent played the one for wii. the two for DS were pretty good, but they gave characters voices and there was no customization. kinda ruins the experience

It's a shame they decided to go off script for the Wii one when the Wii-U would've had the perfect interface for a FF:CC reboot.

One of my biggest regrets in life is never beating this game. Took countless times to beat the final boss, then... it's not the final boss.


idk why they fucked up the "sequels" so god damn bad
maybe on their own they are okay games but as a successors this master piece theyre fucking trash
>added cheesy numbers based health system
>horrible story line/voice acting (ALL OF THEM)
>OSTs are annoying

because they really wanted to flesh out the idea of a game that interacts with a console and a handheld version. Kept running that idea into the ground until Crystal Bearers where they just said fuck it lets try something completely different.

FF:CC was doomed to be the step child of FF games because they wanted to experiment with technology to sell dongles.





i remember my first time playing through it. i got to year 46 before i figured out how to get the secret element

second to right always




>tfw never had 4 gameboys or 3 friends to play this with

i did
it was so much fucking fun
does anyone know if we can netplay this?

not bad
not great

as of right now there are no projects going to attempt it, and as far as we know it cant be done. its like oblivion netplay, something people REALLY want but something that will most definitely never happen

Clavat bros, WW@?



we use to do this lol

Playing this game with 2 people was just stupid. If you wanted to have fun, you had to play either alone or with 3-4 players. Unfortunately I only had one friend with a GBA.

But yeah, the ost was awesome.


The OST for this game was beautiful and I listen to it frequently


White cap master race.



>tfw had 3 friends, all of us with gameboy advances and all playing Crystal Chronicles regularly
Shit was the best gaming experience of my life honestly, so many good memories.


Why are Selkie so lewd?

>hey guys, want to play multiplayer?
>okay, great!
>I just need you all to bring your own gameboy advances along with GBA-GC link cable for each of you


>mfw I'll never be 10 again playing this with my older sister and her friends.

It was really worth it, but it's a shame they hamstrung it with requiring GBAs instead of just ordinary controllers.

Especially since they outlasted my GBAs

>tfw playing this with a friend a whole summerbreak long
Even with only one friend, it was my best gaming experience in my whole life. Shame they don't give a fuck about this franchise anymore.

Maybe if Nintendo didn't force their stupid gameboy integration into the game I could have actually played the game with my friends. Thus making a game that should have been fun and easily accessible to multiplayer, not.

This game is just another example of Nintendos retarded decision making. Muh innovation.

Very primal and open about their sexuality compared to the other races. That's my head cannon. I feel like a Selkie would fuck and not think anything of it

If you owned a gameboy and didn't own a gamecube or vice versa you are a fucking retard. They were both made to work with each other.

>Unironically called is rystal hronicles
Please do not make fun of me

What would you do to grope a pair of them jiggly tits? You know as soon as you go in for the grab she's gonna steal something, like your semen

They had every chance to turn this game from 7/10 to a 10/10 multiplayer game for TWO GENERATIONS STRAIGHT. Why aren't they doing it? They'd only need to change the multiplayer setup.

>grope her
>visibly upset
>give her fish

if you didnt play a lility you arent allowed to post

Who /buckethead/ here?

All Selkie all the time, at least in the DS games.

my brother did

he's in jail now

Yuke 4 life