
What is going on with this game?

Areas/regions are shared by random monster levels, so you can have a LV50 monster sat right next to a LV5 monster.

There are little to no tutorials, or even a guidance of where you should hunt/grind, even the quests are all over the place.

For as good as this game seems, it sure goes out of it's way to piss off the player. So, what is going on with this game?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Areas/regions are shared by random monster levels, so you can have a LV50 monster sat right next to a LV5 monster.

Because youll be all over the map the entire game. Areas are not leveled as you keep advancing.

>There are little to no tutorials, or even a guidance of where you should hunt/grind, even the quests are all over the place.

Your complaining there isnt handholding?

>For as good as this game seems, it sure goes out of it's way to piss off the player. So, what is going on with this game?

Sucks to be you i guess. Ive been playing on and off sinxe release. 130 hours in. On the last mission but just havin fun with it.

>Your complaining there isnt handholding?
Not so much, I'm used to a good grinding game, but it would be nice to split some areas up. Having on segment one level, and the next segment another would have got rid of this problem.

Bought the game a few days ago, only about 25 hours in and on around Chapter 5/6 but I hate how the quests aren't to your level, they're randomly spread out between too easy and impossible.

I will say one thing though, the world looks damn good and the soundtrack is ridiculously good.

If you have a quest to kill a specific monster, then the areas it can be found in will be on your map. If you need to get collectibles though yeah, you're stuck needing a guide sometimes

>Having on segment one level, and the next segment another would have got rid of this problem.
Then it won't be open world anymore, retard.
Go back playing your shitty corridor game instead.

This is one of the main points of the game that actually piss me off. Every item should have been a drop-chance from enemies over actual items you pick up.

Why wouldn't it be? I'm only saying split them up further, it's annoying whilst I'm fighting a group of my level and then a team member hits an AOE. Unless all I do is spam assemble and wait for a good spot to fight them which I've been doing.

Yeah, same problem I was having with the game OP. Some quests I wasn't even sure if I was doing them right since a level 70 monster would be right next to where I thought I had to go. I also hated the collectibles quests since it just tells you a certain amount of items you need but no indication of where to pick these items up. Call me a casual, I don't really care. All I wanted was some sort of text that says "to the south east of here" not an objective marker but it doesn't even give you that.

I think it's fine op. Makes the world seem more real to have high level enemies walking around right as you start. And it's not like those types of enemies are hard to avoid.

Although I will agree to a point about the combat. I wish the tutorials went a bit more in depth with things like overdrive. Even the manual entries kind of suck for overdrive.

Not OP, but I skipped the first xenoblade and went right into this one. There is a serious lack of explanation on how the combat works. After going back and playing some of the first game, I now understand it a lot better.

So what exactly IS the best way to level? I'm 24 now, and I've just been doing random quests here and there. I sat and grinded at one point where there was a high density of enemies in a cave my level, respawn was nice too.

Do I just find a spot and grind? Or how much difference does the Skells make? Not got one yet, I'm assuming it's linked to the story?

This is the best song


Another XCX thread, another day im bitching on Sup Forums that i want to play it. Might aswell make it a tradition.

>tfw i wanna explore this alien world, take screenshots and be comfy.

>doing random quests
>need some moss, quest says you can find it near waterfalls even points me to the spot
>another quests says to find orewood with no more info, not even a spot on the map.
Turns out after googling it orewood spawns in a specific area of the map, in the morning AND is more likely to appear after raining.
This is some deep bullshit

Without looking it up you would literally never find it, unless you had the mission tracked out of the small TWENTY you can.

The quest to recruit Murderess is the most fucked thing I've ever seen in an RPG

Some cunt betrays and tries to kill you and that's how you get her on your team? What fucked logic is this? Overall I feel like this game was made by people who were obsessed by open world bullshit but had no experience or good design ethic and just threw everything together in big jumble.

>For as good as this game seems, it sure goes out of it's way to piss off the player
Didn't piss me off in the least when I was playing. The problem is with you.

fucking this

how the hell are you supposed to find anything without a strategy guide?

I played the first one first, but I agree. X seems to sort of assume you've played the first one already, which is not good considering how complicated the combat is.

But on OP's point, I love that you have monsters of varying level ranges all over the place. Makes it seem more like a real world and less like a video game world.

I can't tell if this is a tactic to avoid shitposters, or a genuine question

there are so many good songs, the soundtrack, other than NLA night, is perfect

No it isn't.

She never really intended to kill you. You could have just let her take treasure peacefully.

The Celeste three was one of the most fucked-up ones for me. Briggs and those guys were true assholes. Even more shocking was the second one.

Just relax and explore everything on foot.

>Be level 20

>Get quest in level 20ish area I just cleared for a story mission

>Required to fix a helicopter

>Need some random part, have to google where it's found, only found in some cave full of level 40+ spiders


Thematically it makes sense, but it can be frustrating when you're just trying to get from point A to point B to suddenly get destroyed by a high level monster out of nowhere.

This becomes a bigger problem when compounded with the game's sometimes awful scenario design.

MISSION: Find 5 dingleberries
>Dingleberries are only dropped on rockmonsters
>Rockmonsters only spawn in one area on the fuckhuge map
>Between 10pm-3am
>Only 2 spawn at a time
>Dingleberries have a 5% drop rate

There are a handful of missions like this. Enough to make me stop playing for a couple days whenever I HAVE to do one before I can progress in the story.

Both wrong


Shame battles don't last more than a minute.

That actually sounds pretty damn good. When the fuck do I get Skells? I think I can afford them now in the shops but I can't pilot them.

Yep. Those quests really ruined the game for me. I just wanted to get a mech and fight big ass monsters but I never even made it that far.

Can we please appreciate the fact that XCX is the only game that has Kamen Rider inspired armor.

Just for that the game is a 10/10

That's why you always do group tasks and online missions to always have a supply of tickets to trade in for monster parts.

I've never been disappointed more during a videogame than when I got my first skell in this game.

I thought it was going to be an extension of my characters class or build or maybe they mechs were going to be classes unto their own, but it's literally just whatever weapons on a mech and spam all of them.

I found the best way to farm around your level was to fight the grexes in the beast's lair once you get a skell. You need to find the right equipment and stuff to kill them quickly enough, but you can gain a level/class level every couple fights in there for a good ten levels.

>what is Monster Hunter

I LITERALLY just did this one. It was right after a similar one where you had to go save some BLADE guy that was a student of the bald dude (forgot his name) and that cave was filled with LV40's, but the quest itself is LV20.


Is this the comfiest song in the game?



That... makes sense. I always just ignored the online portion because I'm retarded and didn't understand how it worked.

patrician taste coming through


No it isn't.

>Or how much difference does the Skells make?
Skells can make grinding pretty easy when you first get one since you'll be able to tackle enemies around 10 levels above you even with the first level 20 Skell you get (depends on equips of course). So I went around Sylvalum killing Ganglion dudes that were 10 levels above me with my skill, and since the EXP multipliers still apply to Skell combat I was able to rise up in Inner and Class levels really quick.

>those riddle missions for lvl 5 excavation
I wonder if anyone was autistic enough to do all of those without any sort of guide

If only the lyrics aren't about a couple having a fight.

It is a good Open world game that doesnt stops your immersion by hand holding you every step of the way

Im still salty I bought the CE
man this game is pure shit in almost ever aspect

I know I know Nips already said its shit but I didnt listen


When the game came out a big portion of the threads were about how horrible the music was with this song being the 50% of the reason.

For Boze's quest, it's worth noting that none of the level 40's aggro to you except for the buried bugs if you step too close to them.

The world is fucking awesome to just stand back and take in at times, other than that I couldn't agree more, it's absolute garbage.

No. This is the best most patrician song in the game.


New LA Night is probably one of the best songs from the game, no amount of shitposting will change that.

You don't "grind" in XCX, at least not to gain levels. You'll get more than enough experience from just exploring the world, doing quests and testing new arts, tactics, builds, whatever.

If you feel the need to grind then you're playing this game wrong. If the bosses are several levels above you, you're simply rushing the game. Try to keep Elma and Lin in your team in case you're struggling, they compliment the MC well enough and there's always time to train the others later in the game.

It might be if it didn't have random grunts and yeah's.

no offense but you sound like a mmo babby

>another day, another thread of retards complaining about no handholding








Levels are meaningless, except for HP boost. They don't improve your attacking stats at level 60 any better than a simple augment at level 20.

You want to raise class ranks, that gives you access to arts and skill. In order to improve class rank the fastest, don't face 1 strong enemy. Rather face multiple enemies at your level. Experience need to gain a level is much higher than experience needed to raise a class rank.

>current year

Do I look like some sort of faggot, user?


It literally doesn't.

Probably because it gets in your head. I've been playing today for about 6-8 hours, mainly in Noctilum and this song has been in my head ever since.



I'm sorry everyone, but outside of a few instrumental tracks when you're out exploring, i really don't like the soundtrack to the game at all. It's a shame it doesn't have a music volume slider in the options.

how do I start a new save without deleting my old one

If it didn't have the fucking rap in it, sure.

That's thing about Sawano these days, He adds shitty rap to his songs. I'll never forget that Christmas Day when the Kill La Kill OST was released and everyone listened to the full Don't Lose Your Way.

No need to apologize for having a correct opinion.

is there a version with no vocals?

create a new user on your wiiu i guess

Yeah, well it feels as if I'm weaker than I should be because of how the world actually works. I've got Elma and Lin in my team 24/7 because they are actually needed for 90% of the in-game quests.

Also, I'm believing more and more that this game is a stealth game. I've done so much already by avoiding monsters, or jumping over mountains etc.

Create a different login on your Wii U, and start the game logged into it. It's the only way.

Well you're posting on Sup Forums so odds are that you're a faggot, yes.

Since fucking when are Kamen Riders insects you dumbass?

I was enjoying it up until an hour after I got flight, because the story was shit so I knew I'd experienced the best the game had to offer.

all you retards know that the vocals aren't the only instruments in this song right?

It literally does.

I purposefully added ''you need to know''. A few smaller things are missing, but we've got retards in this thread that do not understand the basics of the battle system or how to find items.

explain to me how you're supposed to find items with a 5% spawn rate with no indication where they spawn?

Having to look at an external source to find items to finish a meaningless quest isn't exactly great game design.

Now now lads, here we are:
Final boss was pretty anti-climatic imo but good lord the music was amazing

I can guarantee you everyone will get this answer wrong.

If a monster does 2000HP of damage in XCX with no armor, which is better 200 Def or 20% resistance?

not him but NPC tell you where to find items, and the dialogue change every chapter. Ask away, I can answer every question you think the game didn't answer


I did actually. Wasn't trying to be autistic to solve the riddle but somehow just got lucky from exploring almost every inch of the world.
I only used guide for that bullshit lobsters.

So if someone put random screeches in the song you could still enjoy it, because the rest of it is pretty good?
Which I do agree with by the way, the instrumentals are pretty damn good, but those vocals make it difficult to listen to.

>Bought it on release
>Got to the second area proper and met flamouyant alien man
>Went off to college
>Came back
>Forgot everything I did
>Feel like I have to restart
Also my character was an angry old man wearing a swimsuit and heart glasses.

If you have been paying attention to NPCs and going to Intel>Information, you would know that items separated by area, and not one giant continent where every item has an equal chance of showing up.

The NPCs/quests will tell you, user.

>pick up quest from quest board
>get 5 bear assholes
>try and find people in city to ask about bear assholes
>no one says anything relevant


Depends on the base Def value. If it's zero than former, if not the later.

What changes would you want to see in a potential Switch port?
>make it easier to switch party members
>experience share with characters not in your party

Of course
Last Story final boss spoiler youtube.com/watch?v=kt809kr0jQo

bet you didn't expect me to reply huh?

>Breast slider





>a potential Switch port
Where do people get this shit from?

No armor is 0 defense base value. And you are incorrect.

Defense is additive, resistance is multiplicative.

>200 Def:
2000HP - 200 = 1600 HP of damage
>20% resistance
2000HP * 0.8 = 1600 HP of damage

>Also, I'm believing more and more that this game is a stealth game. I've done so much already by avoiding monsters, or jumping over mountains etc.
True, but it's so much fun.
>mfw sneaking past those robots guarding the Prone's towers that can turn their heads around 180°

At least when you find those bear assholes, you don't have to lug your way all the way back to the board.

*2000HP -200 = 1800 HP

>Skell flight now only activates while pressing the jump button in midair, allowing you to Skell jump normally after getting the flight pack
>Audio options so the voice actors aren't drown out by the music's lyrics
That's it.

Sound options.

Some baritone dude chanting 3 minutes into a song is not the same as a guy going uh yeah ever 2 seconds. Unless I missed the random screeching in that song.

Nice math.

not my fault you don't talk to NPC in a RPG, a lot of dialogue can be missed between normal and story missions

it's a big budget game from a second party developer that a whole hell of a lot of people who don't have a Wii U would probably love. If the switch does sell well it's one of speculations that'd be more surprising if it doesn't happen. Kind of like how everyone just expected GTAV to come out of PS4/X1 long before it was announced, and no one was surprised when it was.