Post first person

Post first person

Other urls found in this thread:

>mismatched screen size

I'm puking.


Wait, is that Yakuza? Are you running a Yakuza game on PC?

But we have this threads just in 2 weeks. And only very few posts actually discuss the video games, most are just what people see in the pictures. Do you normalfags really love blogging about your life?

you do realize that monitors can also take input from hdmi, right, and you do see that ps4?

>I'm puking.

maybe you should check yourself for autism?

You're doing it wrong

yeah bruv, did you miss the launch we had recently? Boy there sure was a lot of shitposting

Ah, didn't see the PS4, contrast settings too high.
Too bad, I was getting excited there.

Battlestation thread?

nice poker keyboard m8



>inb4 autistic comfy-fags ruin the thread with their neatly layed out everything that sits there gathering dust because they dont actually play any real games

It's a PS3 you shitters.
Yakuza 5 isn't even on PS4, which is the game in that photo.
You can run Yakuza 1 and 2 on PC using an emulator. So technically we could run 2 Yakuza games for years now.

I play video games occasionally!

I dare you to post a photo of worse quality

>You're doing it wrong





>Blue Yeti

Twitch or Youtube?

Same PC case


Seems like a kekworthy investment.

Post music

Someone from Sup Forums followed me from this post. That's awesome.

>karate bugmen

mien nigga

>Vert background on an xbone
Pas mauvais, pas mauvais.


>Blue Yeti

Twitch or Youtube?

discord, I caught it for 50% off at a bestbuy sale with a misplaced tag, and store policy was to give it to me for tag price, so I ended up paying like 50 bucks for it.

I use an audio interface with an XLR mic for shit I record for voice over projects for school though since usb mics are fucking trash tier


literally kill yourself my man

>the front page of reddit is bookmarked
Please stop.

Maybe take the time to actually look at the video.
