How do we fix Nintendo?

How do we fix Nintendo?

What game is top right in Sony games?

gameplay is more important than graphics. Whenever I want spectacle I play on PC, these modern consoles trying to be glorified prebuilt PCs seems really retarded to me - it's clear they can't quite succeed given their lowered res and dropped frames being commonplace lately.

You don't get tired of making the same thread several times per day?
LIke, I get it, Nintendo is a jewish company that sells last gen tech as if new gen and the Switch will another WiiU tier failure. But damn lad, chill.


We don't
Graphics don't fucking matter anymore this isn't gen 5

Why do mods not ban you retarded Sony kid?

Zelda alone in this picture is a million times more worthy of being played than your generic wannabe realistic mature shit for manchildren that wouldn't even enter a real forest if you'd pay them.

It's kinda sad how all those four games in the lower half completely fail to understand what makes a video game. The whole magic video games had back then is gone.

Because I'm not breaking the rules.

Except you are? You are provoking flamewar, you are spamming and also autistic which should be against the rules.

I was banned for flaming you back once. Mods here are fucking braindead Sonyggers. But you get what you want, faggot mods. You will get all the NeoGAF tourists and all the people with brain will flee to infinity chan. You get what you want.

Such a cancerous faggot board.

Wouldn't even surprise me if you're a mod yourself, OP.

This board is literal JIDF cancer.

Delete this.

>games on the top
>colorful cinematic garbage with shallow gameplay and hours of obnoxious story heavy cutscenes, or games that focus on being "comfy" or "multiplayer" centric

>games on the bottom
>grey and brown cinematic garbage with shallow gameplay and hours of obnoxious story heavy cutscenes, or games that focus on being "realistic" or "multiplayer" centric

The problem is how to fix terrible games. It's not limited to one company.

The Nintendo games look more appealing to me.

It is pretty curious that they don't get banned ever. How is 4+Sup Forums? What are the posters like? How about tge moderation?

Artistic style vs Realism.
I will always choose style.
Because contrary to your belief real life isn't aesthetically pleasing.

I'm not the one posting these I'm only asking how to fix Nintendo. Stop being so paranoid.

Nobody likes Nintendo except maybe 1/2chan, but they're all filthy weeaboos.

Nintendo games are fun though

It would be more apt to ask Sony to stop fucking with their game brands.

The only cinematic game on top is xenonblade

I'm also taking Zelda into account, since the early gameplay videos alone showed WAY too many NPCs with way too much dialogue. And considering Skyward Sword, Hyrule Warriors, Link Between Worlds, and even Triforce Heroes, it's gonna be Way too talkative, and knowing OOT, they won't even let me skip the cutscenes.

Console war and brand loyalty in general is pure cancer

>since the early gameplay videos alone showed WAY too many NPCs with way too much dialogue
There was 1 NPC and he had like 10 lines in total...
You could even skip it completely if you didn't care.

>(Actual Graphics)

Good thing you clarified this. I was beginning to think those were fake graphics.

>cartoon style vs shit that is literally already outdated

Yes, that's WAY too much. Shouldn't Nintendo be the VIDEO GAME company? Not the cinematic experience corporation.

These guys should be staying as far away from any semblance of story in their games as possible.