awesome. Does anyone else love how they refuse to pair up white girls with white men and instead actually think up creative ways.

I love diversity, the whole LGBT movement actually reaching vidya now etc. I think Overwatch is the best example for how it's done right.



Stick to one thread faggots

Is there any other games that does diversity as well as Overwatch?

Yeah, go and stay there. bye.

And you can follow him.

>How to have people hate your movement 101

Congrats on getting Trump elected, too


>Go to Sup Forums
>Not a single thread about this


Wonder if the faggots will just fuck off one day if we stop giving them attention.

Every time a gay comes out and someone doesn't act surprised the queer starts throwing punches. Without fucking fail. They can't handle not being treated like the center of attention.

why are straight people THIS fragile lmao

This is what you are. You're proud of it? Cool but this is what you are. No meme, no buzzword, you are really this. This is step two after interracial, step three will be associating it with femdom, and then the unholy trifecta of shit will be complete.

They're busy getting the mtv video taken down again.

Nice falseflagging Sup Forumstard

Because faggots start punching me when I don't act like their coming out is interesting in any way.

My hatred of you fucks is well earned.

>Does anyone else love how they refuse to pair up white girls with white men
Reinhardt and Torbjorn have Aryan wives and like 8 kids between the two of them

Isn't tokening a form of discrimination?

>straight virgins literally can't handle a gay character in their vidya games

>They're busy getting the mtv video taken down again

Thank god.

That was absolute trash.

Shush user, how is that convenient to the globalist liberal narrative?

Think before you post!

Why are jojofags so insufferable?

It is, but having this line of thought means you're a Sup Forumsfag alt-right neo-nazi.

This is why I'm only gay ironically.


W-Wait... that picture...

Holy shit.. is...

is that...?


So, you people will masturbate to her getting fucked by widowmaker, but her actually being a lesbian is wrong?

Or is it just that blizzard does this to get brownie points with their ultra liberal fanbase?

Faggots are mentally unstable.

Dykes don't exist.

Trannies are failed men, Tranny women switch back to being women within months.

Containment board here:

Most of the characters are relaxing and then there are these dudes

She's not my waifu, thus I don't give a fuck.

if someone punches you then it's probably because you're an asshole and not their sexuality

Have they revealed who the trasn/demi/whatever character is?

This is my first post on the matter. My problem is a video game company is doing shit like this instead of focusing on the game and making the game better.

Balance the fucking game and add content to it. Stop wasting resources on this shit.

>the guy who runs around in chaps acting like a cowboy and has a chinstrip beard isn't the gay one

what the fuck blizzard

Don't gay people cry if you insult their wardrobe? Or if you call them faggots?

You're just insecure about how many straight people there are.

Best Mei skin by far.

The faggots exact words were "You didn't congratulate me." Want to know the kicker? I didn't even talk to him on any single occasion before that, his issue was I didn't seek him out to praise him for being a queer.

Fags are mentally unstable, interact with enough and you'll understand.


I was paranoid for 3 months after I hooked up with the prostitute and then there's this guy...

Content like this is attention grabbing. Maybe a few people buy the game, or those who already own it buy shirts or some shit like that because of this. That's money in the Blizzard pocket.

The part of the company that does the things you want is getting paid to do them independently of comics or merchandise.

Hey, I agree, but western gaming is fucked. It's not for us anymore, it's for nornies. Not sure what bitching about it will do.

>A character in a game is a lesbian, while literally every other character is shown being either straight or a robot

lol keep crying cuck

>fags need a mentally ill in their video games to feel represented

Crossboarders go home

>I think Overwatch is the best example for how it's done right.

nah, noone hates or cares about lesbians or even female transes. People hate male gays and transes and this OW shit won't make people hate them any less.

Blizz literally just wanted to get a goodguy stamp to keep getting better reviews than whaat they actually deserve.

This isn't a porno;
pick one

Is it a...

You know...




>having a token minority character is ok now

>the mtv video
which one

Lesbianism is liked by dudebros though. It appeals to the "dude they're kissing that's hot bro" crowd


>white boys mad


All the upcoming Overwatch heros will be non-white. And Rein and Ana will come together sooner or later.

Sorry for telling you.

Oh boy, ANOTHER gay character in our industry. So progressive! We're really evolving gaming, guys!

So to sell copies they'll make story content outside their game instead of making their game better so more people will want to play?

This isn't a lore heavy game, this is a multiplayer only game. No one is buying this game for the story or lore, it's for the gameplay.

I'm just giving my opinion, that doing shit like this is a waste of resources. I'm against it regardless of the gender and sex of the characters.

Make the fucking game better blizzard. Leave the porn and lore to the fanbase.

>He doesn't like lesbians
>He doesn't like interracial
Holy shit Sup Forumsanillas truly are the worst kind of normie

>Does anyone else love how they refuse to pair up white girls with white men and instead actually think up creative ways.
Are you retarded
The same comic had Reinhard with a shit ton of white children and Torbjörn and his white as fuck blonde wife.

>boy i sure am tired of sjws shoving social poltics in my face 24/7 when i just want to play video games
>guess i'll make a thread discussing social politics every 30 mins on Sup Forums to fix it
>that'll show them

>homosexuals are like 1.5% of the population
>homosexuals in media are like 15% of characters

This is one thing that annoys me about gay/trans people. They demand that you treat them like they are no different from straight/cis people, but then get offended when you don't treat them like the special snowflake they think they are. Hypocritical.

>Sup Forums being this upset over gay characters that they have to come to Sup Forums instead of hiding in their hugbox

Fuck off already. No one care about your shitty opinion.

I, too, have such a fragile mental state that I often relate my own sexual desires with cartoon characters in children's games.

Gays really are the most easily trolled demographic.Really all you need to do is say you hold even one vaguely conservative opinion and within seconds they're screaming on the floor crying.

Wait is the comic on right canon?

wtf? have you ever been outside like ever? please listen to yourself lmao


Your shitposting is garbage if you have to be so desperate to try to turn it into race-related shit.

you didn't congratulate him? sound like an asshole to me, i'd punch you too

>So to sell copies they'll make story content outside their game instead of making their game better so more people will want to play?

>Instead of

Pretty fundamentally missing the point. There's diminishing returns on the development side, you can't introduce changes too radically or else things go tits up no matter how much money you throw at them. They have a team that's working on balance, new characters, whatever. Paying them more or introducing another team isn't really going to improve what they do substantially.

So yes, instead they put money to outside of game content such as merchandise, advertising, and these story comics. Despite what you say they're evidently popular with the fanbase.

So Papa Reinhardt fucked her companion in the comics? Bridget?

>Go to Sup Forums
>Not a single thread about this


Imagine that faggots cry and cut themselves because they know they'll never be real, sane people like the rest of us.

>real, sane people like the rest of us.
Where do you thin you are?

>That one fat redneck LARPing as a crusader in the other thread

Total cringe

Pretty sure Blizzard did this. And it's great.

What is your problem?

>He doesn't like interracial

niggers are gross dirty trash, user.

>having such an insecure and fragile psyche/ego that you need shitty webcomics to validate your existence

I know you're being facetious but the fact that people think like this is legitimately sad.

>be in a future where robots exist
>not fucking them

what are you a faggot?

Since OP is a attention whore faggot, can I get some yous?

I befriend trannies just so I get to be on the shortlist for hearing about when they do kill themselves.

Fucking dancing every time.

I don't get why people are so mad about overwatch's diversity

The heroes in the game come from all different parts of the world, and you seriously want every hero to be a white male?

This is one of the few cases where diversity makes sense

People of color is the new nigger by liberals and progressives.

Sup Forums


how many piercings do you have

also can i borrow your hair dye?

The best part about this is that WidowxTracer fags are finally and eternally btfo

Only if you check my 5

There's a difference between "having a mildly conservative opinion" and "REEEEEEEEEE FUCKING LIBERALS GETTING DYKES IN MY GAME"

COME on, user.
Not everything is a JoJo reference.

>wahhhh im a faggy shitskin

>The heroes in the game come from all different parts of the world, and you seriously want every hero to be a white male?
No one is saying that. You're delusional.

See? Told you.

>tfw not Anthony Burch

>Not everything is a JoJo reference.
Is this a JoJo reference?

Are there any other games that do diversity as well as Overwatch?

I don't want to see ANY homogenous couples anymore. Sick of it. Just mixed or LGBT.

link it nigga

>real, sane people like the rest of us.
>the rest of us
>real people

>implying the hispanic population is going to grow that fast

>Faggots are mentally unstable
>while using a reaction image of a statue of a guy that fiddled a ton of little boys in his time

Yeah some guy complaining about gays was such a brilliant and hard-hitting argument against liberalism that I just had to post about advocating political neutrality on a board that has nothing to do with politics. Everyone who doesn't kiss your side's ass is really just a mad extremist for the other side. You've completely figured out global politics and have learned everything from a Taiwanese knitting BBS.

Dude I dare you to find any Widowtracer fag who's not happy about this.

you sound like a pussy, you should have kicked his ass, don't whine to me about being a little bitch.

why do you want it? you some sort of tumblr faggot too?

>have you ever gone outside
>uses Sup Forums
projection sure is a close friend