Why didn't I play this sooner, jesus get me off this ride

Why didn't I play this sooner, jesus get me off this ride.

Other urls found in this thread:


what game?

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

is this actually a meme now? Is it supposed to be funny?
I don't get it

This is silent hill right? but which one?

>posts some obscure game trying to start a discussion
>intentionally makes sure the image in the OP doesn't have the title of the game in it
>intentionally doesn't mention the name of the game anywhere in his post

I honestly HATE this board.

didn´t you make this thread yesterday or so?
STILL not finished with it? Goddamn.

it´s SH2. Lets repost the SH PC Guide + DL links:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.

your underaged Xbot-ness is showing.

i really hope this is a joke post...

ive never even played it and i know its Silent Hill 2

>mfw I read these posts word for word yesterday
I come here too often

If you don't recognize that series, I honestly doubt you visit this board ever.

>your underaged Xbot-ness is showing.

Ironci since SH2 got an Xbox port.

You really think the typical Xbox kid played something else than HALO and Madden? Not to mention most Xbots started gaming with 360.

It's all a foreskin metaphor


What's the point of the webm?
Nothing happens there.

>turning off film grain

Bitch nigger detected, the monsters being hard to see is kinda the point of the game.

>can't tell if shitposting or actually believes Silent Hill 2 is obscure

Either you're retarded, or pretending to be, which just means you're retarded.

>guys it's condoms
>it's always been condoms

It's 60fps. It's in HD. It's quite nice looking.

That looks like a fuckin PS2 game.


Does this look like a PS2 game?

nice bait

We had this same thread yesteday...
But i don't care, love me some Silent Hill threads

>that outfit

>That looks like a fuckin PS2 game.

How bout this?

Did they fix the 60fps audio glitches yet?

I can't believe that this game was released in 2001. It's fucking spooky how good it still looks.

>turning off film grain
Not OP, but I've played through it several times on PC and PCSX2 (with film grain). I now turn it off only because at 1920x1080 it's so low res. It still has it's charm though.

If there was a mod for high res film grain it'd use it no doubt.

>If there was a mod for high res film grain it'd use it no doubt.

explain further


it´s an effect injector.
One of the latest versions has a Film Grain option.

Requires you to use DX8-to-DX9 conversion + sh2proxy 0.2, assuming the new widescreen fix does not do the same already, then apply the SweetFX on the game, and hope you get the game to launch OK.

I don´t have screenshots with me at the moment, but I used that to get SMAA, hi-res noise, vignette and gamma boost on the game a year or so ago.

looks like some last gen trash

Well I'll be damned. I use Reshade/SweetFX all the time and I never thought of that.

It's so obvious now that I think about it, but I never felt the need to even apply it to SH2 since I mostly use it for color correction in other games.


It was fine until that point.

I thought this was a scat webm from the thumbnail.

>Silent Hill 2


Are tehse posts ruses ?

Fuck that looks good, is it color corrected? i know PCSX2 has options like that

>half the screen is literally black
I thought we hated stupid screen-obscuring mechanics like that.

How do you make the game look this smooth? Are you playing the PS2 version emulated or the PC version with some sort of hack?

Pretty sure PS2 is capped at 30, but there might be a 60fps patch for it, there is for KH1 & 2

No it's just rendered in DX11 1080p 4x MSAA. Without film grain that time.

Part of the reason why I never even thought to try it is probably because I prefer playing the emulated version, especially the Greatest Hits edition/Restless Dreams. For the minor improvements in sound/fog. Admittedly at a loss when it comes to lighting/shadows from the flashlight.

It's PC version running at 60fps. Fans have been tweaking it for years.

It has sound issues I hear.

that better be b8

Sound issues are fixed my making the game run on one core only.

I didn't know it can actually change the sounds by doing that user?????????????????? HUH??????????????????


You said sound issues. Not PC version doesn't have updated sound.

I'm the fucking guy posting PCSX2 screenshots saying I prefer that version for the sound.

you talking to the wrong guy, user.

Right, didn't notice the new IP address. But the point still stands.

>tfw this post is probably real and posted by somebody born 2000+

it fits the game and it´s dark / fog filled visuals well, if used conservatively.

True, and all the major drag & drop fixes, starting with the good ol´ sh2proxy, do that automatically for you.

that video is borderline b8, and exaggerates the issues.

Any other link for the PC version of SH2? Mega is a bitch with big downloads and i'm too lazy to mess around with vpn just for one download, also the torrent is slow.

help mi

Silent hill 2 is a great game. I listen to the soundtrack regularly

>tfw OP is remaking your thread from 2 days ago over and over

The video isn't even comparing the sound issue of the PC port (where you have to set it to one core). It's comparing the PS2 which might be the Restless Dreams/Greatest Hits edition I was talking about earlier which has updated sound effects.

But the major difference I heard there was that it sounded like the PS2 version utilized EAX whilst PC didn't. It sounded like the effects in the PS2 version had appropriate reverb depending on what environment it was in. And on PC it was like a direct sound sample being played.

Any proof to debuke that video? Give me a countervideo then.

There's a point where opinions like these need to result in an underage ban regardless on your age.

are you okay?

videos would be totally useless, because of the YT conversion + major differences between user hardware and configurations. I can only say that I´ve played both PS2 and PC ports for years now, and the audio differences newer hit me as hard as they´re portrayed in the video above.

that's a no? Ok, i guess the video stays.

You know what would be a good idea? A remastered edition.

literally just played both the ps2 version and PC version 2 days ago and there are blatant differences in sound. Get that wax out of your ears.

Have not played the game since 2009. Should give it a go.

been to my home image board since quite a while and although it too suffers from an influx of newfags and circlejerking (small boards fall prey to this too easily) the mods at least try to do their job.

Just today some newfags got banned for hating anime. Feels good.

The biggest difference I always noticed was the "confirm" sound in the menus, which always sounded notably louder / lower quality to me. Other than that, things sound pretty damn fine.

Has Wrapper by Nemesis been fixed yet for Silent Hill 4? Last time I tried to use it, resolutions higher than 1280x1024 weren't forced. Some people had to use cheat engine as a solution

Why do I have to install it? Why can't I download with nocd already set up?

More flexibility with possible future fixes, and setting up a nocd is literally copy paste and overwrite.
What's wrong with you?

>What's wrong with you?

Fuck you.

good damn, it looks so good.

No fuck you leatherman.

Never played a silent hill game in my life, how long on average are they, I say this as someone interested in playing through them but with limited free time.

5-8 hours if you're not too slow

5-10 hours on first play through. 1-3 are essential. From there is up to you.

Thanks, I'll give them a shot

How'd you get it to look that good?


I'd prefer to play in 25, 60 looks too clean and smooth

PC starting to become a good alternative if u don't have a ps2 or the original copies. I'd still recommend you play the ps2 originals for that original feel.

Yeah us real gamers started gaming on the PS2 and played hit classics such as kingdom Hearts and final fantasy!!!!!

What is it with Japs and terrible cameras? Western games never seem to have this problem.

3 is best SH.
And I have evidence to back up that statement.

Understand the historical context nigger. Silent Hill was made as a reaction to Resident Evil and its clones. They wanted to do something that was different, and an improvement. Silent Hill camera is a huge improvement over the static camera angles of RE games.

Back up that statement

How could you be more wrong?


does anyone else actually like the jaggies in silent hill 2/3?

kind of blends everything together in a way that isn't as noticeable or undesirable in current gen games

Let me explain... 1/???

While Silent Hill 2 is undoubtedly the fan favorite, and a 10/10 game in its own right, Silent Hill 3 picks up, unbeknownst to the player, as Silent Hill 1 left off. It forms a coherent story to contain both Silent Hill 1 and 2 within the same universe, under the same set of coherent rules even thought 1 and 2 don't share anything else in common.

In addition to unifying the series, it also features an extremely likable protagonist, who if you are young, you can relate to, and if you are older, you want to protect. Making her a bit of a delinquent, who is 17 and just quit smoking, and not just a Jesus Christ like mary sue, we find that her life is on the up and up in a VERY real way, not just a feel good sort of way. She is trying to improve herself when she is sucked into this nightmare. So you, as the player and listener, immediately have a connection with Heather. Whether you relate, or whether you want to protect. The connection is there.

Next, the gameplay. Silent Hill 1 and 2, while they have aged well, have not aged as well as 3. The gameplay was overhauled in 2, and again in 3, finally bringing the game into the age of a 3D controller. The action is much easier to get into, when need be, but still sparing. And the controls flow. So rather than using tank controls to make a game scarier, Silent Hill 3 relies on genuine disturbing imagery, and mind bending puzzles more so than the avoidance horror of 1 and 2. Though 1 and 2 DO feature many wonderful puzzles, much of the horror comes from the fact that James and Harry are hard to control.

Save me


Visually, you might think that Silent Hill 3 is the same, or similar to Silent Hill 2. This could not be further from the truth.

While Silent Hill 1's otherworld focused on barbed wire and meat and fire, 2 took a much more subtle approach. Water damaged buildings, and concrete made the world feel like a wet prison. Something we didnt know yet was that Silent Hill 1, more over, Silent Hill the movie was going to shape the future of the series' representations of the otherworld.

Silent Hill 3 had its own unique otherworld that mirrored the otherworld from 1, but had a few visual tricks. Vibrating textures, fuzzy walls of what appeared to be rotting meat, and creatures that were hard to discern the shape of. All of this is a much more subtle theme than Silent Hill 2's Drowned Prison. Its the theme of lost memories. Hazy recolection. Heather remembers the severe emotional, physical, and sexual trauma of her childhood, but doesnt know how to quantify it. Rather than filling the world with fetish dolls, Ito chose a more subtle approach... Things that are vaguely threatening make up the literal architecture of the world. Without over or understating it, we understood. As an audience, the feeling of repressed memories is conveyed to us through even the textures on the walls, and design of the enemies. All of this culminates in the boss fight against Alessa, who looks just like Heather, but vaguely different. Darker, less easy to distinguish her features.

nice bait bro

Best way I think, is to emulate 1 & 2, and play 3 on PC. And if you truly care you'll download Restless Dreams/Greatest Hits version for PS2 emulation. I can't stress that enough. As I've played both PC and PCSX2.

People in this thread have mistakenly argued about sound between PC and PS2, as if the issue is the glitch that can be fixed on PC, where the audio would cut out or repeat itself inappropriately. The truth as far as I've found is that the reverb or environmental audio is better on the PS2 Restless Dreams/Greatest Hits version. Sounds that may be the same as PC on the original PS2 release. Fog is marginally better on PCSX2, but it's minimal.

Meanwhile PC has way better lighting and shadows. You can run both emulated and PC version at 60fps.

So I take it the crash test dummy shadow never got fixed, no? pic related

>Fog is marginally better on PCSX2, but it's minimal.

I'll admit I only tested it in pic related. So if that image is true, then I'll say PCSX2 is the way to go.

Most of my images are deleted though, so I can't post them.

There's a fog fix for PC


Finally, its the story.
Its a fucking banger of a story. It expands on 1 and 2, and brings them both to an end. With memorable characters, downright likable antagonists, and a theme of repressed memories, and history repeating itself. No Silent Hill before or since has had such a strong cast of characters.

Heather, likeable, loveable, relateable, and someone we all want to protect.
Vincent, funny, antagonizing, a nice guy stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Harry, we have a past with him, and seeing him go out like that makes us want to fight even harder.
Claudia, sinister, but relateable. Doing work for what she genuinely GENUINELY believes is the greater good.
Douglas, funny, kind, caring, is tricked like many people you might know in the real world into doing something wrong, but tries his hardest, and sacrifices himself to fix it. Hes the father figure Heather desperately needed after Harry passes. And he still cant help her much.

Silent Hill 3 is a closer to Silent Hill 1, and to a lesser extent 2. It brings them together in unity, and at the very end, provides closure. The cult is destroyed, and everything is wrapped up. Or is it? Silent Hill 3's main sin is it's own vagueries. It hits it's own themes so well, that room is open for interpretation, and sequels were made to what I think is the perfect bookend to a series.

And, in almost symbolic irony, the series continues on after the closer. Another central theme of the game is sins past, and much like the cult of Claudia Wolf, the series continued without want or worry of the original intent.

If sequels were never made, Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3 would be the perfect video game trilogy. 1, unrelated to 2. And 3 tying them all up together in a neat package.

Oh and another thing. The lighting is better on the PC version. To simplify things it goes like this:

>PC > PS2GH > PS2

PC side is already showing the fog fix user...