MGSV leaves out the ending

>MGSV leaves out the ending.
>Worst game ever.

>MGS2 leaves out the ending.
>Pinnacle of interactive media.


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Mgs2 has an ending. It has a great one.

MGS5 feels unfinished with a huge loose end, MGS2 wrapped up its story nicely.

MGS2 has an ending

did you even play the game?

All they left out what the cutscene of Arsenal crashing into Manhattan the rest is still in. MGSV has no ending and leaves and entire story arc open, when it was supposed to the bridge to MG.

MGSV has an ending it is just shit. Somehow Big Boss becomes a bad guy and so does Phantom even after he is show to be literal Jesus all game.

>defending mgsv over mgs2
Babby's metal gear

But MGS2 has a proper ending.

MGS V is an obvious unfinished game with parts missing and a retarded ending and and story. You aren't even BB.

MGS2 ends with an encounter against the main antagonist, with the main Arsenal Gear threat being neutralized. The after credits stinger is more of a sequel hook.

MGSV's second chapter recycles levels, requires you to play Side Ops or recycled missions between actual new missions, Liquid and Mantis are on the run with not only one, but two weapons of mass destruction that were the main McGuffins throughout the game (repaired Sahelantropus and the last English parasite test tube). The last level of the last game in the series is literally the recycled tutorial level with no changes whatsoever apart from one additional cutscene. Let's also not forget that the main twist was shit that everyone who wasn't a drooling retard already figured out when the game started with name input and CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN.

I hope you can see why people didn't really like the latter.

Don't forget this section of autism

I'm not the smartest person when it comes to picking up story clues but even for me it was obvious that you weren't playing BB after the opening.

>"What about him?"
>Doc talks about face reconstruction.
>Guy in the same room as you has whole face bandaged and the voice of BB.

Gee, I wonder what is going on here.

Both finish with the main character finishing his character arc. The games arent about metal gear, they are about memes and themes.
Mgs2 finished before Snake and Raiden attack the Patriots, mgsv finished before Venom could beat his kids. Both ended so they wouldn't fuck up the character arcs. Mgs4 is an example of a character arc gone too long. Kojima had to make up some bullshit super aging so Snake could be a new character.
Only difference is that you autists don't have a new game so you can go back to mgsv and reanalyze the story.

Still doesn't change the fact that you don't play as BB in the last ever MGS.

I think you missed the point of my post. I was complaining that the "twist" was too easy to pick up on.

I was born in a small village

Yeah, the hints were about as subtle as bricks to the face.
>Custom name input and character creation screen, with characters talking about facial re-surgery but then you're suddenly playing as a character who looks like Big Boss again
>"You're talking to yourself." - Masked Kiefer Sutherland
>"You're pretty good." - Masked Kiefer Sutherland
>Masked Kiefer Sutherland helps Venom fix the latter's arm just like Naked Snake did himself in MGS3
>Masked Kiefer Sutherland dying causes Time Paradox game over
and later on
>"You're not Snake... are you?" - The only time The Boss AI pod ever talks in the game
>"We ran the tests and can be 100% sure that Eli, who everyone already knows is Liquid Snake isn't actually your clone." - Ocelot

It feels like they wanted to recreate MGS2's Solid / Raiden switcheroo, except instead of revealing it right at the beginning they decided to drag on the actual reveal and then paraded it around alongside Nietzsche quotes as the game's supposed big main twist. It's as if MGS2 had Raiden wear the mask the entire game along with his usual voice and only remove it after the credits roll, with the writer assuming it'd be genuinely surprising at that point.

no moron they cut the scene where arsenal gear is shown to crash into lower Manhattan. One expository scene edit does not change the fucking ending.

lel. glad I never bothered forcing myself through to the end.

How would Venom reclaiming Sahelantropus "fuck up" his character arc? Besides, Venom is a self insert protagonist. what meaningful character arc did he have? The last mission comes out of nowhere with no cutscenes or other events leading up to Venom getting a flashback and realizing who he is. Considering the mess that is the rest of chapter 2 it's natural to assume it's because of budget issues rather than the writer's conscious artistic decision.

We just get a recycled tutorial level, followed by time jump to apparently Outer Heaven period with Venom listening to Big Boss' tape. It's an ending delivering a poorly thought out "YOU the PLAYER are Big Boss now" message. Venom is nothing but a shitty blank slate with his only characterization being that he was supposedly one of the best of MSF, and he's perfectly fine with being used by Big Boss because Kojima is a hack who thinks players love Big Boss so much they'd gladly be brainwashed and used by him.

What makes it worse is before that you spend about 1 hr sneaking or fighting your way through the largest, toughest and most guarded base in the game to kill Skullface.

You get to him and then he captures you and then you have to sit through that car scene.

>cut ending
>cut half the fucking game
False equivalency you penis pump

>"V" shall release Snake bound by destiny, and by the passing of the baton shall also release the player who is tied to Snake, completing the cycle of legend. This farewell is definitely not phantom pain, but shall become a never to be filled "endless blank" that enables us to move forward. Enjoy "V".
Really made me think...