The nominees are up -

>The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award
-Borderlands 2
-Dead by Daylight
-Far Cry 3
-Far Cry 4
-Portal 2

>The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Stardew Valley

>The “Test of Time" Award
-Age of Empires II HD
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
-Sid Meier’s Civilization V
-Team Fortress 2

>The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award
-Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
-Rocket League
-Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
-Fallout 4

>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award
-Bioshock Infinite
-Grand Theft Auto V
-Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
-The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

>The “Game Within A Game Award” Award
-Garry’s Mod
-Grand Theft Auto V
-The Stanley Parable
-Tabletop Simulator
-The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

>The “I’m Not Crying, There’s Something In My Eye” Award
-Life Is Strange
-To the Moon
-This War of Mine
-The Walking Dead

>The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award
-ARK: Survival Evolved
-Blood and Bacon
-Farming Simulator 17
-Goat Simulator
-Stardew Valley

>The “Boom Boom” Award
-Just Cause 3
-Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
-Kerbal Space Program

>The “Love/Hate Relationship” Award
-Dark Souls III
-Darkest Dungeon
-Dota 2
-Geometry Dash
-Super Meat Boy

>The “Sit Back and Relax” Award
-Cities Skylines
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Mini Metro

>The “Better With Friends” Award
-Don’t Starve Together
-Gang Beasts
-Golf With Your Friends
-Left 4 Dead 2

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not really surprised but pretty disappointed to be honest, it's just a bunch of popular / meme games instead of more interesting entries, but I guess that's what happens when most steam users are voting and you don't even have to own shit to nominate it

That first category though, Far Cry 3 AND 4? Fuck's sake really? Fucking Paladins in that other award and most of the t"est of time" ones are barely even 5 years old or so, I'd expect waaay older things, like Thief Gold for instance

Also some people don't seem to understand some categories the "Whoa, dude" one, like what the fuck is the twist in DOOM, GTA V or Witcher 3? Phantom Pain I can kinda understand and Bioshock Infinite too was one which I expected even though I think that whole game is pretentious bullshit

>The “Test of Time" Award


>The nominees
more like The Normienees

>Bioshock infinite on the The "“Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award"

>when the game you voted for doesn't even make it onto the list

When is the christmas sale going to start?

>steam users showing their shit taste again
nothing to see her

Guessed most of these nominees since they're mostly meme games. The nominees for "I'm Not Crying" aren't even games which I fucking called too (except Undertale but that was a given too)

My guesses for winners

>Portal 2 for le meme reddit cake game
>Skyrim which is a given because le meme
>Civ6 because that's what this category was made for
>Bioshock Infinite: Wait a Minute That Card edition
>Toss up between Gmod and Tabletop

Also TSP isn't a game

>TWD because TWD fags swarm everything

Undertale was the only game nominee

>Goat Sim because le meme game

>Dark Souls because le hardest game ever made!
>ETS2 or Cities

>Bioshock infinite over DOOM

FUCKING HOW?!?! how the ever loving fuck can that game be entertaining after so long? Theres so little you can do.

>The “Test of Time" Award
>-Age of Empires II HD

That's pretty contradictory

>>The “Test of Time" Award
>-Age of Empires II HD
>-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>-Sid Meier’s Civilization V
>-Team Fortress 2



Good ol' skyrim, right user? Man every time I hear the skyrim theme I get so much nostalgia. They just don't make good games like those nowadays.

>>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award
>-Bioshock Infinite

>>The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award
>no Undertale

what the fuck

>>The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Stardew Valley

Wasn't this supposed to be about not popular,"hiddem gems" games? What the fuck?

>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award – Some games melt your face. Maybe it was a crazy plot twist. Maybe you just got your wisdom teeth removed. Either way, this game BLOWS YOUR MIND.
>Bioshock Infinite

>The “Love/Hate Relationship” Award - “Games are just supposed to be fun!”… oh sweet summer child, your naivety is adorable. Games can be more than fun. They can be challenges that demand perfection. These games are punishing gauntlets that make you question your very skill… a crucible that will push you either to greatness or a breaking point. You will wake up family members as you scream. Words will come out of your mouth that would make your mom blush. Your chill friends will ask you, “Why do you play something that stresses you out?”… and you will stare at them with steely eyes and reply, “Because I love it.”

>No Greatest Disappointment award for NMS

This is scoring really fucking high on my cringeometer.

>when none of the games you voted made it into the list

Whoooaaaaaaa, dude... that card

>The “I’m Not Crying, There’s Something In My Eye” Award
-Life Is Strange
-To the Moon
-This War of Mine
-The Walking Dead

To the Moon deserves this the most but it won't win because of meme games.

>hipster award
>no one to vote for actual "before they were popular" games because they weren't popular so all the games are popular
I voted for undertale, fuck tumblr and all the other shits I was on the demo threads here months before that mess

the taste of cum

This war of mine is legit good


I kek'd.

>not one single award nomination for Mount and Blade

If I could sum up the entire spirit of gaming on a PC, I'd do with it Mount and Blade.

Not because it shows what PC can do, but because I think it's the epitome how great games can be based upon their gameplay and fanbase.

It's ugly as shit, and yet people still flock to it.
ALL DLC for it is either a huge expansion or an overhaul, and while *one* of the DLCs was shit at launch, it recieved a free overhaul to make it pretty great.

The mods out there allow Warband to essentially be an RPG of any period you want, from LOTR to Warhammer to Crusades, any world/setting you like, there's a mod that makes Warband an RPG of it.

The multiplayer-especially in Napoleonic Wars-is still alive and kicking.

It's a game driven entirely by its gameplay; no fancy cinematics or story or big voice actors or any of that shit. Just pure, honest fun and everyone who newly comes to PC should put it in their library because it goes on sale for fucking pennies several times a year and gives easily hundreds of hours of entertainment.


Normies don't play good games user.

>Skyrim got the Test of Time award
>Mount & Blade didn't

Why do normies have such shit taste?

>The Normie Awards

>It's a game driven entirely by its gameplay
I think the gameplay is pretty shit, to be honest. Don't see what everyone else seems to see in the game.

The Steam Awards only further prove that Steam is console gaming for people with PC hardware. Same audience, different platform.

how anyone can care about this pointless shit is beyond me

I know some people don't like it, and it's because when it boils down to it vanilla warband really is a bit of a grind.

The combat is what brings people back, reason being that it's something that is part of the great "easy to learn, hard to master" system.
In singleplayer you can reduce the difficulty if you're a faggot, but on the regular intended mode you will have to be quick with reactions and keep your wits about you in fights.

Weapons have different reach/different attacks do different things/so on and so on.

Like the gameplay or not, a game designed entirely around such a great, skill based combat system is neato.

Personally when I get bored I
set the difficulty to easiest possible, give myself the "200% reduced damage" or whatever it was option, use a twohanded sword and just travel from tournament to tournament, killing all bandits along the way Guts style.

It's still pretty hard, even with easiest setting and build focused on combat instead of commanding troops. Archers are a bitch with no shield.

My new favourite thing to do is alt-history shit in 1257 AD. For some bigger scenarios that would take forever to set up, I usually cheat to set up a character, then disable cheats to see it play out.

For example my current storyline is a situation when Boleslaw V "The Chaste" of Poland was a cruel, disliked leader who lead petty wars for territory without rewarding his men with holdings. I played a common-born Polish man who grew to have power second only to the King in Poland, who eventually rebelled and split Poland in two, between him and his companions/fellow vassal friends and the Boleslaw Loyalists. Authorfag so I have a text document which describes it in a novelstic faction, with titled sections, with the rebellion/civil war titled "The White Eagle Bleeds" to reference the line of Polish settlements Boleslaw razed to cripple the rebel king's income.

>these test of time award nominees
>no doom (1993)

>No Man's Sky didn't get voted in for 'most disappointing'

>No RE4 for test of time
trash list

I voted for Braid

>reman that card