xbox wins again my friends
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>games I can get on my pc and games no one cares about
Yeah they really won
Have they fixed the xbone interface yet?
I had the console a year or so ago and I hated how ugly the tiles looked and the way the menus functioned.
hey dude Deathtrap is a fun little game, I really dig it, also has some p gud music even if there are only a couple tracks in it
It's improved but still kind of boxy. Doesnt looks traight out of W8 though.
Aye KI season 2 is free
Maybe if I hold up, I can get Season 3 for free too
thats pretty shitty
Season 1 was free this same time last year, so just wait one more year :^)
Or buy the definitive edition on sale goy
Origins is the only one that interests me. Does anyone know if I account share with a friend that has gold but doesn't get another year let's me still access the games we already downloaded after it expires?
Didn't they already give out the Bone version of Origins?
They completely redid the interface.
They also got rid of the Kinect gesture controls, which disappointed me because it made me feel like a crazy space wizard.
I think 360 games are yours forever but One games are not once the gold is over.
No bone version of Origins, they did give the bone version of Legends though.
Did they make it so I can use my X360 arcade stick for KI yet?
But they added voice commands via a standard headset.
Mine came with the Kinect and I want my money's worth. Cortana's freaking useless.
It was when it first came out and I was so sick of trying to find a PS4 because literally every store within hours was out so I gave up, spent the extra $100, and got an Xbone instead. I don't regret it.
>already have Origins and KI Season 2
Not much here for me.
As opposed to indie game no one cares about even on PC.
I own an Xbox one and dont want to play any of that shit.
In fact no game with Gold in the past 2 years is even worth playing except the crew which I might try out
Cool PC games OP. They've always been free though. Enjoy your gold membership.
Maybe you should consider stopping playing video games if you hate them ?
Shadowrun literally when?
I play video games just not bad ones. All the games on the free lost are free because they are over 4 years old.
There is better video games to play than this kiddy shit Faggot.
>gets backcompat
>still dead
You know it would be true.
Don't you have a street to poo in?
It is backwards compatible, and it's still dead. I just want to get all of my friends to play it with me.
>In fact no game with Gold in the past 2 years is even worth playing except the crew
>Sleeping Dog and Burnout Paradise were this month
>Wanting to play The Crew
Oh lawd, that's a spicy shit taste
Knight Squad was great.
>tfw don't own any of these
>tfw almost pulled the trigger on Origins several times but passed on it
I'm too stupid and too impatient to enjoy the cave.
It was free a while ago.
I don't know, I kind of like Cortana. She's probably the most effective voice recognition program I've seen so far.
Though I never use it because I feel silly talking to my xbox.
Burnout is on 360. Those backwards ones are not worth it. Sleeping dogs is from 2012. I watched some game play and it just looked so so bad
Stacked in the world of open world games, Sleeping Dogs is one of the greatest.
It's not exactly the most attractive game out on the market, but it's genuinely fun and has some of the best player mechanics and voice acting in the genre.
Rayman Origins for me. Shit month but still better than nothing. And yeah PSN is gonna find a way to be worse. It always does.
>death trap
Ayy what this?
If I downloaded the 360 games from my Xbone does it count as being downloaded from 360? My 360 is dead as fuck and only reason I have a Xbone is backwards compatibility.
>playing with friend
>everytime something happens he yells
>doesn't know he can just press the xbox button twice, then hit A to record that
Meh. It's on my ready to install but I probably will never play it.
Is that your quiz young pup?