is my curse....
Is that Reaper's wife with her son and husband?
It's sad, because Reaper are gonna kill this familly slowly.
>Death walk among you
>My wife's son
Al least now we know reaper ain't a cuck
reaper is spawn
>all around me are familiar faces
Is that Symmetra?
What are you getting Reaper for Christmas to make him feel better?
>My ultimate is ready.
Did he make the Batman?
Preemptive post before the tracer lesbian fags start posting:
Fuck faggots and enjoy getting aids. When you're done letting muslim hordes into your country, you will be the first to be slain in the name of islam.
Reaper is a fucking midget son.
He isn't crouched over, those silver things are his knee pads.
He's standing straight up, pour guys a hobbit, what happen to him in Overwatch, get his shins blown off after killing fiddy men?
Amélie is purest girl!
>fags and mudslime are on the same side....
enjoy your autism
Holy shit, woman, if you're going to hold the fucking umbrella, you could at least hold it straight up so the rest of your goddamn family isn't getting soaked.
reaper looks cute there
I was just gonna say that
you do realize he's kneeling and a whole road away from the family?
proportions user
mother fucker
I guess i would be edgy if i was a cuck too.
>He is kneeling, what are proportions.
Yes, I know user, I was making a very plain joke about a few things, one the artwork is so fucking bad you cant tell he is kneeling due to the body language, one leg is even coming back more then the other, it looks like he is standing and not kneeling or else his knee's would be coming outward not in.
But thanks for missing my Cotton reference.
And a niggy nigson to you too
Gays dont affect anything, and muslims cant even take over their native land, let alone invade another country
>Brainwashed so she feels nothing and kills her husband
>Argues with Ana over her husband and puts flovers on his tombstone
Also i take Phara was with her father?
That's reapers husband and son
Brother actually, sombras map of related partys notes anna has 2 kids
I'd like to think that his looking at his son and his family.
He's unable to approach them because his monstrous appearance will most definitely scare the living shit out of them.
Poor thing won't be able to drink with his son or even hold his grand son.
That makes sense
I also noticed Sombra is in the same Bar as McCree
>Genji all sad and shit on Zenyatta temple
>Hanzo is all "aw yis xmas cake"
the way reaper is drawn here reminds me a lot of reaperfield
another butthurt blizzcuck bites the dust
>when she gets resurrected, her voice lines imply she wants to die and she occasionally calls out her husbands name
>despite being brainwashed and killing him, she still absolutely loves him
So the curse is he's a faggot?