Jesus christ Treyarch

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't say that.


Best spiderman game.
>tfw found a glitch where you could go into wall climb mode on the floor, making you immune to punches

Haha, is he /ourguy/???????????

>finished the cage match minigame (which I originally thought was endless) by crawling onto the ceiling and spamming webshot
good times

I would do that but instead use web pull to throw them around while laughing like a retard

Are licensed movie games even a thing anymore?


>New spiderman game exclusive to ps4 coming soon
yes, user.

>Remember, with white power comes great responsibility.
How did they get away with this?

I played that game when I was younger and seriously fucking loved it. As much as 2, if not more. Wanna go back to it someday.
>tfw playing as the green goblin for the first time

What the hell is this meme, why is everything from Sup Forums so esoteric

Best Spidey game ever made. Spiderman 2 babbies need not apply.

>yfw you could replay the game as the green goblin with a glider and an different moveset
Nowadays that'd be repackaged as dlc

Getting paid double...

>try to start conflict about the two best spider man movie games
Neck Yourselve

>Hey! That nigger stole the boy's pizza!

That's not a movie game.

>web the sky to swing


About to play this. You feel like you're actually Spider when you play it because it's a movie game.


Is this real?

It was a different time.

It was a different time

You didn't say "movie game," you said "licensed game."

Worst fucking meme ever, kys

What was Raimi thinking

>What's your name kid?
>The Human Holocaust
>Pshh, why don't you name yourself after something that actually happened kid

Holy shit, WAY too soon Raimi.


>that scene where mj sucks off peter in the alley

can Sup Forums just fuck off already?


Sup Forums is best board so no

>posting the fake screenshot

yes, but on mobile, usually in the guise of an endless runner, candy crush clone, etc

>raimiposting on Sup Forums

For what purpose

He said "licensed movie game".

The graphics of that game impressed me back then, i literally said "so this is the power of the 128 bit gen". I still think they look pretty good.

It's not a glich, it's a crouch move. Unless you are calling glitch to being inmune in that position.

I wouldn't call being on all fours on the floor ''crouching''

In Xbox, you could set yourself in the wall crawling position in the floor by pressing one of the sticks, and i believe the game manual itself call that as "crouch".

Fucking aye man.Also, when did this meme start?

It began like this:
>That's a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you?
How did Raimi get away with this?

Says neo Sup Forums.At least Sup Forums it's still what Sup Forums is about at it's core.You are just some fuck from reddit

reading it in tobeys voice is pretty much the only thing that makes this funny

>try entering cheats
>it says it worked
>never actually worked

>Impressive.. For a nigger!
Holy shit Raimi

>And remember. With great power comes the responsabilty to kill minorities.

It was truly a different time back then.

Being this NEW



>If I flip the pizzas Mr Aziz will flip out like the subhuman chimp he really is!

Oh my god...

I forgot, was the Man of Spiders line in the game?

I've never seen two boards hate each other so much

Jesus christ, how did he get away with this?

>Jimmy Neutron operating a camera

Sup Forums and /mlp/

Only real hate I see is from Barneyfag

Nah. Even if the rules allowed it, there is literally no chance a /mlp/ related thread could be here without getting flamed to fuck and back.


I was sipping my drink when I read this and now I'm practically coughing my lungs out you cunt


How did they allow this?

>yeah, then this fuckin' nigger tried to rob my dad

What the fuck, dude?

What's with the get-up, chump?!


Someone fill me in on these nazi Spider-Man memes. Please.

They're all mobile games now.



After all these years i still have no idea what the first Spiserman game looked like, people only ever talk about 2 (rightly so). Was it that bad?



Who is she?


"He's just a kid… no older than my wife's son"

What the fuck Raimi?

How could she not?
>Mary Jane: Who are you?
>Spider-Man: You know who I am.
>Mary Jane: I do?
>Spider-Man: Your friendly neighborhood kike exterminator
I mean, if I was half as smooth as him, I could get any woman to suck my dick in an alley

>that one post-credits wide-shot sex scene with Peter and MJ that went on for like ten minutes

All jokes aside, what the fuck was up with that part?

I got you for 3 MINUTES....of play tiiiiime. Now get over here so I can give you the poz!

Get the fuck out of here now


>If you had not been so selfish, your castration would have been quick and painless, but now that you've really pissed me off, I'm gonna cut it off nice and slow. Your asshole and I, we're gonna have a hell of a time!
Anyone else find this out of place?

I didn't get the scene when he just sat on the rooftop and stared at the World Trade Centre for like 10 minutes. Was it an in joke or something?

>The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the goblin and ate his asshole out.
Why was Green Goblin such a flaming faggot?

Dont forget all the soccermoms getting upset and demanding the Mary Jane cheatcode be removed because if you kept it on, the ending shows girls kissing girls

If this was today, that shit would be praised and demanded its own spin off

truly we lived in a different era a little over a decade ago

My sides

> Before we start, did anyone lose a bunch of twenties rolled up in a rubber band? Because we found the rubber band.
>[slight laugh]
>Also i fucking hate niggers

whoa dude what the fuck?

>implying this isn't caused by shaming them so hard they literally try to kill themselves through their sexuality

Green goblin resembles stereotypical representations of jews. that's literally it.

>You've spun your last web, Spider-Man.
>If you had not been so Jewish, your little girlfriend's death would have been quick and painless, but now that you've really pissed me off, I'm gonna finish her nice and slow.
>MJ and I, we're gonna have Holocaust of a time!

I loved this movie but I really wish they'd stop demonizing innocent white nationalists.


Hory shet

> I like being bad, it makes my dick fucking rock hard also fuck gooks.

wow raimi how did you get away with this

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong thread, the mental gymnastics meet's two blocks down

>before we start, the holocaust never happened"
>[slight laugh]
Holy shit how did this get though?


What the fuck? And I only noticed after rewatching it a few days ago how the fuck did they get away with it?

i cant remember which documentary its from but this is actually true, a lot of these people, when interviewed, basically say "we're gonna get aids and die anyway; may as well make it quick and have fun with it"

You want Sup Forums gone, Man of Sup Forums? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old board. You will cry like bitch? This is fair. We will post in other ways. When I was in old board, in Sup Forums, my friends and I... we do things to mods. Terrible things, make them ugly mods who will never be respected. Your friends, janitor man and hotpocket man... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of shitpost and spam upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Sup Forums when they are nothing more than shells... you will know Sup Forums has gone.

For this month


>"what's with the getup, chump? you look like one of those pansy faggots who like to take it up the ass."
it really was a different time.

>Go web! Fly! Up, up, and away web! Shazaam! Go! Go! Go web go! Tally ho!....
>[web expels from Peter's wrists and falls silently onto the city street]
Jesus fucking Christ

You'll get your rent when you fix this goddamn door you FUCKING KIKE NIGGER!

oh boy it really was a different time

>I protected you in high school. Now I'm gonna fuck your little ass.

How did he got away with this?