Best selling console of all time is an underpowered dvd player

>Best selling console of all time is an underpowered dvd player

does this prove that hardware doesnt matter?

1 question please

What is the best video game console for a gamer who only plays to videogames rated E for Everyone in the ESRB?

Probably a Wii.


If you have the best games, then that compesates the weakness of the system. PS2 had great exclusives and almost all the multiplats. The DVD feature definitely helped.

The NES or the SNES. Actually, every Nintendo console.

Anything by nintendo

It proves that the other two consoles were kinda incompetent. Xbox was supported for 3 years and GCube got zero big excluives after Prime 2.

>hating on DVDs

>It proves that the other two consoles

why does barely anyone on Sup Forums remember the dreamcast?

3DS does not help me

I hate pokemon

I hate zelda games

And I hate all RPG video games
Why do they always have to be Nintendo consoles?

Is there any alternative to nintendo, in terms of video games for all ages?
Snes control i do not like how the buttons are put

And nes miss games like FIFA, Madden NFL, and realistic racing games

Because they weren't old enough to be aware of vidya back then

Because not even Sega does.

2005 wasn't too bad. We got Geist, Resident Evil, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. Granted Resident Evil was a timed exclusive, would have been one forever had Capcom not gone back on their promise. There were also some good multiplats like Time Splitters 2.

All the consoles have E rated games, but Nintendo has the most of them, it's like the brand style.

But if you want the lastest FIFA or Madden, then get an Xbone or PS4.

Why is there like one Nintendrone spamming this in every Switch thread like all fucking day? How autistic do you have to be to defend a console that's not out yet by comparing it to the best selling console of all time?

Why do you solely play games based on the ESRB rating system?

>Why do they always have to be Nintendo consoles?
It's their image.

>replying to stale old b8

>The 3rd best selling game of all time was a fucking spinoff

That's gotta hurt

>It was better than the the Dreamcast
>had automatic sales since PSX was so successful and it had backwards-compatibility
>good launch titles.
>other consoles were at like a year or two more advanced in tech, not a whole gen
Why can't people understand that the difference between the PS2 and Xbox wasn't as great as the difference between the PS4 and WiiU, or the 360/PS3 and Wii? You're trying to compare apples and oranges here.

It's not bait if you don't lose anything by replying.

call me when you played splinter cell on ps2

But I do not want consoles that need the internet, and whose most important games are violent games.

And I want to play totally directly.

No updates

Without DLC

Because I live in america (in costa rica)

and I say America as the continent

>why does barely anyone on Sup Forums remember the dreamcast?
Because I was already 20, when it came out, and therefore too old for a kid's toy.
So I got the DVD player instead.