Why do Trump voting mods delete the Overwatch thread?
Fuck off.
Why do Trump voting mods delete the Overwatch thread?
Fuck off.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because 1 thread would be enough to contain the butthurt and shitposting, but instead there were four.
>few developers actually try diversity for once
>nazis are going crazy
There are so many games with straight white couples and everything. Give it a rest.
It's not Trumpfags, it's the SJW mods that moot hired before he left.
They're mad Sup Forumsfags are allowed to post in the threads and go against the narrative, it triggers them.
Nah, one thread alone would be way, way too fast.
Fuck off to r eddit SJW cancer
Diversity is great right guys?
The threads were video games related
There are no Overwatch threads on Sup Forums except those ones
The threads were also relevant because of a recent comic and thus is not general
Mods can fuck off, the threads were respecting the rules and not Sup Forums bait since it's official.
Because you need to stick to one thread faggots
Good, and it needs to stay that way. You filthy cunt.
Well, it kinda triggers me too. Fuck Sup Forums kids.
>Blizzard fell for the /u/shitters and their le forbidden love meme
>We'll never have a qt homo boy
Racemixing leads to stronger offspring anyway.
You guys realize that defending it is a sign that you're insecure, right?
God bait, though.
>People mad about Blizzard pandering when this comic literally had Brianna Wu
>the narrative
Here's the narrative "Some devs make 1/21 characters gay and not even gross dude gay but lesbian gay which was 99% of fanart before the reveal anyways and Sup Forums raids Sup Forums to bitch about it"
>Blizzard took the easy way out lesbian method
Jesus fuck you can't be serious
I don't give a shit about OW comic, I give a shit about mods fucking up Sup Forums. When they are needed they vanish, when no asks them to intervene they ban video-game related threads
Because no one wants to talk about a shitty sjw pandering game where the only real fun is paying REAL money for skins you CAN'T trade. Also OP is a faggot.
Actually it's not a political bogeyman at all. It's just the mods doing their jobs and banning OW back to /vg/ where it belongs.
No, the narrative of Sup Forums being a safe space.
They're slowly trying to turn Sup Forums into NeoGAF.
There isn't anything specifically wrong with diversity in vidya.
It's just the fact most Vidya writers are terrible at writing, and then collectively shit themselves when they need to actually approach a topic with any tact (See: Bioware)
This problem also affects hetero romances, but since most people are already numbed to it thanks to action movies shoving sexy romance in, it gets a pass for some reason.
Blaming the problems of Vidya on 'muh SJW's' distracts from the true issue, which is Fanfiction tier autists being allowed to write in the first place.
Because you are breaking the rules faggots
take your overwatch shit back to /vg/
>shitpost with literally no effort and just saying dumb shit like btfo or we did it boys
>surprised when your shitty thread gets deleted
Are white people really this entitled?
>be japanese
>skype with random ppl from sweden
>they're african
so progressive #killwhitey#blackweebsmatter
Even Gone Home, the game SJWs jerked off for a whole year was too scared to have gay men.
But Sup Forums is complaining that mods aren't letting them post their tenuously Sup Forums related threads here. Sounds like they're the ones who want a safe space to discuss political issues they feel are important.
belly laughed at this post
White guys, seriously.
Get in your containment thread.
>wahh why are mods deleting spam threads "discussing" a comic semi-related to a videogame
>The threads were video games related
>recent comic
LOL threads aren't allowed, why would they allow your shitposting either?
Cant mods merge threads?
>hiroshima nagasaki just hired a new round of janitors
>still takes an hour to delete Sup Forumsgbt/ threads off Sup Forums
I will go play those games then
Who the fuck cares about Sup Forums?
That was clearly video game related whatever you like it or not.
The fact it got deleted because some people were posting Sup Forums tier shit is crazy.
>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/
>long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/.
Rule 6. You stupid faggot, it's about time mods enforced the rules.
lol is that guy iraqi?
>going to Reddit
You act like that doesn't make you insecure.
We have to stop these evil nazi goobergaffers guys!!!
Why doesn't Tumblr take their casual moba shooter to their containment thread on /vg/ instead of making 5 fucking threads?
And no it's not fucking video games, you're talking about the comic and shipping and nothing but the comic and shipping, take it to Sup Forums instead.
You have to go back.
>LOL threads aren't allowed
those are probably the best thing about this board, it's like ja/ck/ threads but with a wider focus.
shame both are banned on their respective boards
>There isn't anything specifically wrong with diversity in vidya.
Yes, there is something inherently wrong with the left's diversity fetish.
>Who the fuck cares about Sup Forums
Sup Forums cares. Talking about how mentally ill gays are and SJWs ruining games isn't Sup Forums related. Those are political topics. You're an absolute, undeniable, objectively a moron if you think it belongs here. There is no arguing that so don't even try.
Those threads weren't about general discussion and therefore do not fall under generals. It is you who can fuck off, dumb ass cunt.
This is not LOL thread about "funny" fan web comics, this is an official video game related comic.
>just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/
The threads were about recent comic, fuck off.