What are instances Sup Forums was wrong?

What are instances Sup Forums was wrong?

20% of Sony Interactive Entertainment or Sony as a whole?

The PS division is doing good right now, but in terms of total company revenue it says less about how good PS is doing and more about how bad all of Sony's other divisions are doing.

Huh, they're really pushing their streaming service.

Its really sad that a tech giant like Sony's only decent products are their toys

Better than a toy company like nintendo not being able to sell their toys.


>1 point above 80
Well technically its a victory.

The best kind.


1 degree is all it takes for an expensive NASA toy to crash onto the surface of Mars.

Let's be real, PSN and PS Plus represent financial growth. PS Now and PS Vue represent failure.

>off topic

The topic is when Sup Forums was wrong.

I recognize this loli h-manga.


>bag of dicks and crows
user better have delivered.

Sup Forums is always wring, every time. It'd be easier to list all the possible moves in a game of chess than list all the times Sup Forums was wrong.

>Implying Sup Forums is ever right about anything
>Also implying Sup Forums is one person

Well gee, maybe if they made better movies instead of garbage like Ghostbusters and The Emoji Movie, they wouldn't be in this situation, now would they?

how does now work? they don't actually have tons of ps3s hooked up with custom software like I imagine, right?

I used it on my pc and was able to play TLOU. Worked fine and was good experience.

How is that impressive? Sony has no successful products outside of their gaming division. It's like a full time employee bragging that he spends most of his time at his job.

Every minute someone on here says "objectively" or "literally" and is wrong most of the time

Who is this ZhugeEX guy? I feel like I would punch him if I bumped into him.

filtered :p

Most people on here don't even know the meaning of the words they are using.

I think he's some neogaffot

they're always shilling for sony


>Free money for doing nothing and masking it as "Plus" drives growth.

Who would have foreseen?

>Sup Forums
>being right

Scam Citizen

when they said undertale was bad just because they hate furries and popular things

when they say resident evil 4 is shit

when they say oot is shit

when they say the new dota update is shit

when they say pretty much anything at all

Anita a cute

>Scam Citizen
when? what happened?

2016 election

Holy fuck you losers got BTFO

Shills vs. Sup Forumsirgins.
Sup Forums was right, Scam Citizen never came out (Release date was 2014, we are in 2017 now.)

He was banned about a year ago.

Part of this is how shitty their movie department is. Combine that with their main console competition being the Xbox One, and it's not surprise.


I'm constantly disgusted by the way she chews

Sup Forums is always wrong. In fact here is the proper way to discuss video games with Sup Forums: You don't. The proper way to browse Sup Forums is to find out about games that you would otherwise never have found if you didn't browse Sup Forums.