Is it shit? Had my eye on it for a while and it's currently on sale, though I'm put off by the amount of paid DLC.
Is it shit? Had my eye on it for a while and it's currently on sale, though I'm put off by the amount of paid DLC
If you like the setting then you will love the banter and art direction.
The gameplay is typical clusterfuck with inexplicable loot grinding.
It has quite possibly the worst loot system I've ever seen in a video game. I was real close to buying it since it's fun, but the loot alone ruins it for me.
How integral is the loot system? It's probably the main thing giving me pause. Do you need to have good loot to have a good time?
you only really need the loot to put out enough damage on higher difficulties, but theres very little point to playing on the very high difficulties except to get better loot/hats. you can play normal/hard with white/green no problem.
You might be interested to know that they have literally made the loot system nonexistent these days.
They throw exotic (orange tier) at you from every direction:
>contracts give humongous amounts of extra orange gems
>quests give guaranteed items of your choice
>shrine lets you use the gems to try to roll for them
>you can easily upgrade lower tier weapons up
>Nightmare difficulty us practically guaranteed orange if you pick grims.
Anyone who was scared of the loot system or annoyed by it before should be happy nowadays
I must be the only one that liked the original loot system before the shrine. It made every good weapon you found with decent rolls special. It didn't help that 9/10 weapons were really shitty though, not until the LATEST patch did they bother balancing shit. Now it's pretty great though. I love oneshotting rats with two handed dwarf axe on cata.
After the shrine everyone had all the OP weapons and the best rolls within a week.
I didn't really like it. It's just L4D with swords
You probably are, since it was horrible and a key reason why the population dropped and only recently has improved.
I have every single weapon except the dwarf pick in orange with 2/3 best traits and I enjoy playing the game since I can actually use all the sweet different weapons effectively.
>L4D with swords
You mean
>L4D with better characters, better dialogue, better setting, more interesting enemies and the best first person melee combat developed thus far
i like it, its fun.
The loot system so far works fine for me
The original was WAY too random.
The current one is too easy - and I don't even know how much easier quests&contracts made it.
This trivialized all weapon drops so the whole thing is kind of meh all over.
Still, the game is very enjoyable even without, I find myself coming back to do a run or two just for the gameplay itself.
You can play all the DLC if someone else hosts, you only need to buy it to host yourself.
Love this game and most players are pretty sound so buy it user.
You're not the only one. I never had any issue with the original loot system since beta.
It's a fatshark game.
Like every fatshark game its fun for a few hours then you realize there is no depth to be had and you're already bored of everything the game could ever offer.
>best first person melee combat developed thus far
press button to slash and press button for bigger slash and mindlessly mash?
Its by far their best one yet though, and they already gave me relatively satisfying melee combat once with WotR.
Honestly, if the game was released today as it is, day1 with consoles, and they kept churning out new maps on a regular basis, it could've been a very successful game.
Instead it spent over a year in an after-release beta while slowly sliding into death to make sure it won't be financially viable to create more maps for it, so support will probably soon stop fully.
Oooh what a technical argument user, bet you could tell us about the in-depth workings other intricate video game combat systems.
>Quake: Space to jump, click to shoot, mindlessly jump and shoot
I'd suggest going through Cataclysm and getting good before saying anything about mindless lad.
The combat is surprisingly precise and demanding, with quite a lot of depth when it comes to movement, weapon selection, weapon attack patterns, headshotting and so on.
That requires more than 10 hours of playing to grasp tho
yea man vermintide is totally as involving as quake you're a reasonable person who i surely wont have a fruitless argument with.
>The combat is surprisingly precise and demanding
Yea sorry, nah. You can't trick me because I actually played the garbage. Like I bet you fucking wish the game actually took advantage of those elements. It's a hack and slash but sometimes you have to reposition, wow, thrilling, skill based, deep.
If you can't admit to the stupidity of your first post, surely you don't want me to think that you came in here wanting a reasonable discussion.
You clearly haven't played the game, you wouldn't last 2 minutes on Nightmare, nothing at all on Cata, but obviously you are the expert on virtual melee combat, you little shit.
loots not that bad, there is multiple ways to get what you want especially the quest board, which only bars you from good progress if you cant do nightmare.
I'll try to write a non meme review.
Bought this game on the first day, played it with 3 friends, had the time of my life for the first ~30 hours.
You will reach a point where you know every detail in every map and it's just repetitive farming for better gear (weapons and trinkets), if you like that, cool.
I rarely played this game alone, it's on of these games (for me atleast) where I need friends to have fun and keep motivated.
It's a fun game and worth the 10$ on sale.
Only thing that really bothers me is the missed chance.
Idk how you can let die such a game with such potential.
There were no DLC's with new characters, its the fucking End Times, it's literally Skaven vs. Chaos vs. Every Thing Else, like everything can group up.
No new enemies, it's all the same rats over and over again.
What did the devs add with DLC?
New maps
And also some new weapons i think, but they all act the same, like no new shit like dual wielding hammer stuff.
It's worth 10 dollars if you want to have some fun for 10 hours.
also sry for bad englando no mother tongue and le tired xd
it's pretty fun. the grind and terrible rng with the gear and stats is what killed the longevity for me.
there were also several big bugs.
keep in mind I don't know if they changed/fixed any of this since I haven't played after they released several big patches.
I like the game but it is no way an intricate melee combat system. it's not bad, but it has nothing on something like DMoM&M or M&B
For what it is - multiplayer co-op online, it is great and has a considerable learning curve/depth.
We have better - offline, and we have debatable in pvp titles.
Unless you'd like to share the secret list of co-op melee titles with superior melee combat out there that I somehow avoided all these years, I'd actually love more games like this.
It's pretty fun. I used to play it quite a bit with some people from my old job
>also some new weapons i think, but they all act the same, like no new shit like dual wielding hammer stuff.
Your other points I understand but this one is straight up false.
All the weapons that have been added have had significantly different mechanics to them than what basegame offers. They also aren't straight up better than basegame weapons either which I like.
I have been into warhammer for over 20 years, and it respects the cannon.
However the game is fairly dull, it compares disfavorably to L4D imho
>debatable in pvp titles.
no it's not debatable. and there isn't a considerable learning curve. it's simple, but it's not mash one button simple. like I said it's not bad, but you're making yourself look like fool when you say it's exceptional.
>They also aren't straight up better than basegame weapons either which I like.
Have we played the same game?
>Elf oneshotting every normal rat on Cata with super fast power double swing with infinite rat penetration with the new 2hand axe (2 handed axe on the fuckin ELF, what?)
Literally everyone uses it when playing as effective as possible, if they have it. Also, the DLC weapons didn't get any balance tweaks.
>Repeater crossbow massacrating rats with 1 shot heads and 2 shot body penetrations
Everyone that has it uses it for their WH.
Have yet to see the new Saber and Pickaxe.
>No new enemies
>DLC arrives
>Pictures on rats with SHIELDS
>Never hear about it again
>Get to wave ~34 on Horde mode
>Gee I wonder if they made a new boss
>Here 4 ogre at same time, fuck you
They can give me every weapon in Warhammer fantasy and it still won't feel good without more fucking ENEMIES. The DLC maps feel like shit too compared to the original ones. Drachenfell was all fucking grey and brown in half-darkness, the new DLC is shit tier Winter maps where everything is plain white.
Straight up wrong.
Glaive hits only two targets and after the recent patch doesn't one shot Cata clan rats without headshotting.
Volley Crossbow is worse than Repeater Pistol, except against ogre.
Falchion is a bit like Glaive in that it deals loads of damage but hits minimal targets and has low stamina.
Pick is shit.
>put off by the amount of paid DLC
Nigger what? The DLC is all free. You can just pay if you wanna support a kickass developer.
I got it in humble monthly but no one is fucking playing it and the bots are literally retarded. Like I could prop my dog up on the keyboard and she'd do a better job than them.
Don't bother.
If it takes people to get over 100 ranks to play Cataclysm properly I'd say there is a considerable learning curve. Those who do it sooner than that are rare and few.
There isn't a lot to learn per say but playing without taking damage when surrounded alone takes a lot of feel for how the rats flow. Just cramping up with the 360 block or spamming push doesn't do a whole lot.
i like space hulk more, though it needs more content if you're looking for primarily a multiplayer experience. non-linear levels are something that this genre really needs and the game does a decent job of showing how to do it properly.
both games have pretty simplistic combat, but space hulk gets around it by stressing importance on blocking off entry points.
Well you do need a friend who owns the DLCs to play them right?
Anyways, the only relevant paid DLCs are.. Drachenfels and Azgaraz. That's two (2).
Press L to open the lobby browser you inbred fuck. The "matchmaking" doesn't seem to work.
In Europe at least there's dozens of open lobbies at any hour.
And the bots are actually better than the average shitter at fighting rats, they just need correct equipment and the player has to not act dumb.
>DLC is ALL free
No it fucking isn't. At least one in your group needs to have any MAP DLC for the group to play them and you CANNOT search for those groups in the in-game browser.
Yeah, pretty much this.
You can still play the DLC, as long as you find someone who paid for them, and you can play everything.
Thanks to Space Hulk for being a piece of shit, it made me pick up Vermintide again for all times sake.
I just played through the Dwarven city DLC missions just the other fucking day by simply just "random" searching for a map to play.
Official tier list in terms of effectiveness:
Nowadays literally every weapon is Cataclysm viable. Twohanded sword is the best melee weapon in the game for tackling any situation. Repeater Pistol/Volley xbow do hilarious Ogre DPS and kill specials easily.
Twohanded sword and Rifle/Blunderbuss. Can deal with anything.
Until they hotfix other staves, only Beam is great. In the DLC beta the staves were much better.
Her two crutches (Glaive and Trueflight) got nerfed so hard she's just a one trick pony with Hagbane. Running while blocking is nice though.
Why. Soldier has better melee weapons. Only Dorf had going on for him is Drakefire blasting for waveclear, and waveclear shouldn't be an issue ever. Best banter though
>the best first person melee combat developed thus far
Wot is Chivalry???????????????????????
What are the ideal traits for the blunderbuss? I'm guessing 2 are master crafted and targeteer, but what's a good third, ammo holder?
That or Rupture desu
No, even Deathwing is better.
>Well you do need a friend who owns the DLCs to play them right?
No you don't. You can select the maps in matchmaking. If you search for a DLC map you'll find a host with the DLC. Simple. You don't need to pay a dime.