Give XP for wining matches in multiplayer

>give XP for wining matches in multiplayer
>tons of units hidden behind xp wall
>Loser gets nothing winner gets new skills, new units and overall becomes stronger

Is Creative Assembly retarded?

>the winner is rewarded
>the loser is not

no, are you?

Does XP give you some special bonus or what? If so isn't there some kind of matchmaking in place already?

It's a strategy game you moron you expect the match to be fair if you are playing against someone who has a huge advantage in units and skills?

XP gives bonus to the winner. If you play the game for the first time and your friend also plays for the first time and he wins the match he gets new skills, new better units etc. You get nothing which means winning against him has become impossible now as long as he doesnt make some retarded mistake on the battlefield.

It was somewhat balanced by the unit cost differential, as well as the system preferentially matching you with someone closer to your rank, though that doesn't work anymore since hardly anyone plays S2 mp.

S2 mp still stands as the best mp attempt that CA made.

wait wait wait.
I've played total war games a little but never MP.
Are units locked behind some sort of level system or what?
From what I've seen there wasn't any kind of system like that in place in previous total war games.

Wrong. Even the loser does get a little XP. If you lose enough, you can still level up, and he can get unlock skills that can help him win games to unlock more units.

He's only talking about avatar conquest mode for S2, not classic mp mode.

>in a Total War game

Playing against the brain-dead AI is fun for only so long.

oh nvmd then

>game has xp system
>game is now on the idgaf 'bout it list

Yes, it makes me smile too. Total Warhammer multiplayer is really good, and I think the balance is in a good place at the moment.

Is this the new TW thread? Reminder the first two games are the best ones.

RTW MP was better
>steamworks update destroyed performance and gamespy is kill
>you will never experience 8 player FFA again

CA's designers need to all be stoned to death.

>you expect the match to be fair if you are playing against someone who has a huge advantage in units and skills?
In ranked games you only ever played people at or near your skill level anyways. Losing tells the system that you aren't ready to handle playing more skilled players or deal with a more varying army composition. Its meant to keep you in a "safe zone" until you master the basics. The only issue with S2's multiplayer was the lazily implemented custom game options, it should have come with both the rank system and what was already in previous games.

M1 sure is, but Shogun sure isn't.

That's not Rome 1

It's not. Medieval was better.

I played it recently and it still holds up great even if it's simpler than Medieval because of how focused it is. I prefer how it's balanced to Shogun 2's balance.

Jesus Christ user...are you that bad? Win some games, promblem fucking solved

Does anyone even play S2 anymore?

I fucking love RTS and turn based strategies
yet i loathe total war, and i cant understand why? i keep buying and trying them but they just aren't clicking

all the new ones are shit and barely involve strategy

Stick to Mario Kart u fucking retard.

After playing Starcraft a bunch I had a hard time having my guys die when I first played Total War.

It clicked for me when I started to accept that people will inevitably die in combat and that I should perceive them as whole units instead of as individual soldiers

fuck off grandpa

get off my lawn kid

He's objectively right though. Shogun 2 was the last acceptable Total War. And it was only barely okay.

You are in no position to comment on the series.

Fuck off.

t.Nu-Total War kiddy.

t. nostaligatard that spouts Sup Forums opinions

Oh never mind you are just a total moron beyond saving

It's a strategy game you moron you expect the match to be fair if one of the players is huge retard?

>finally decide to try out Europa Barborum for R1
>turns out AI is braindead even after 10 years of autistic work on the mod
And I mean this LITERALLY: enemy units just stand still while my slingers do their thing.

For what purpose do people recommend this shit, seriously?


i just got shogun 2.

i'm having a blast figuring out everything agqinst AI but i know it will get stale.

where do i go to find people that still play?

>i'm having a blast figuring out everything agqinst AI but i know it will get stale.
I got 238 hours clocked in without a single MP match.

AND I haven't even touched the expansions.

>not having touched Fall of the Samurai
Why do you even exist? It's the high point of the entire series. Maybe Total Warhammer will eclipse it when it is complete.

There was a point system and higher xp/tier units costed more to field.

I'm turned off by firearms in Total War.

Cannons are okay, but that's it.

it's true though
attila was an improvement over rome 2 but still had a lot of problems that were also imported to warhammer + extra streamlined

There's been firearms since the very first game don't be a pleb.

But it took until FotS to make them great.

Creative assembly is retarded. Just not for the reasons you think.

You see, you can always choose to fight players with similar rankings to you.
