Why are normies so mad about tracer being confirmed lesbian...

why are normies so mad about tracer being confirmed lesbian? fuck you just let her be gay god damn y'all prolly crankin yr hog to widowtracer anyway


why do characters in non-story-driven games need to have their sexuality addressed in the first place?

this desu
i'm a fagfag and this shit makes me hate faggots

They're probably idiots who voted for trump

So more people can identify as them meaning more people will buy the game

but in reality those people dont play video james

>implying the majority of OW players are Amerifats

because all the special snowflakes need to cling to other identical but just as special snowflakes to remind themselves how unique and special they are, just like all the other stupid fucking snowflakes.

The people that upset about it probably are.

Do you not see all this free advertising they're getting?

Because people are throwing temper tantrums it'll be in every fucking article on the internet.

Stop throwing a bitch fit if you dislike something. Christ.

>implying it isn't manufactured homophobia threads made by shills to keep the gay victim complex running

Really? People looked at Tracer and thought she was straight? Her and Mei are the most stereotypical dykes, wouldn't be surprised if they confirm them as the first canon pairing.

The alt-right are literally just as much a bunch of thin skinned triggered faggots as the SJW trash is.

Horseshoe etc etc

because it sells
>faggot sees videogame witha faggot character
>buys it
>plays 3 matches
>never plays it again
the people working at blizzard are geniuses

Is there any way I can ask for my money back? or gt them back

just because she's a dyke doesn't mean you can't rape her bodily orifices aggressively

because they did it to smash the straight white male patriarchy

The WORST thing is all progressive fags will use this to sprew their "see how backwards we are in almost 2017".



Look how we've had like 20 threads on this in the past hour. As much as people loudly declare "it's shouldn't matter" it clearly does matter.

I'm not mad but I'm from a time where we didn't need our video game characters to confirm their sexual preferences.

Doesn't most tracer porn have her doing lesbian things anyway? I feel like the community called this pretty early.

Uninstalled. Fags should be comitted, not encouraged and praised. Fuck blizzard and fuck video games.

Do straightfags not fap to lesbian porn? Who doesn't want double the ass and titty?

Why do non story driven games need to have fanservice, or any explanation of anyones abilities?

Why do story related, non romance games need the obligatory love interest?

>Don't know her motivations for joining the overwatch, but we know she likes pussy
This is shallow faggot shit

The actual game doesn't even pay any mind to the canon so it makes zero impact

Could be worse

Could be Bioware, where the first thing out of Tracers mouth from the earlier OW trailers was something along the lines of 'OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME AND FINGER MY WIFE'

So Blizzard can get in the headlines again for no effort.

>So more people can identify as them
But there are far more straight people. That argument doesn't make sense.

We need to burn the world in a nuclear holocaust and start over.

You're a fag if you hate lesbians. Dick loving hetniggers are the true fags, lesbians are purest love.

People upset over this are fucking stupid.

They included Reinhardt with his giant family. Torb with his got Swedish wife. Widowmaker at her husband's grave. Reaper stalking his old life from the shadows. Phara and Mercy still at work. 76 and Ana hanging out in the dark. McCree and Sombra crashing at a bar. Junkrat and Roadhog still carrying on like always.

Then they include ONE fucking character for LGBTQ people to identify with and people lose their shit. They make ONE character in the whole cast a non-traditional personality type and people who already HAVE a dozen characters to identify with are upset that Tracer is lesbian or bisexual.

Don't you alt-right faggots see? You're just as bad the SJWs now! Your rigid obsession with traditional moral values is identical to their rigid obsession with progressive moral values. Your hair-trigger tantrums are identical to THEIR hair-trigger tantrums.

You're the same kind of cancer.

Because it's pointless pandering, it doesn't affect anything whatsoever in the game yet Blizzard still felt the need to say "Look how forward-thinking we are! Depicting a homosexual in the future!"

Except we can't get some idiot.

>virtue signaling

Because making the mascot of your game gay is an easy way to make your company look good to the common masses.

But the way Blizzard have done it, feels REALLY slimy and disingenuous.



are we really doing this.

Why are we doing this.

Ok quake III's sarge HAS "ADD"
DOOM guy is an insane homicidal lunatic on xanax and lsd.
Call of Duty World At War Makarov is GAY and Communist.
Sonic is a HEDGEHOG
Mario is a Polish Plumber

and finally

WindRanger from Dota 2 is Tracers Girlfriend.... seriously red head with freckles.... so Wind Ranger.

blah Sup Forums
blah Sup Forums

>forcing an agenda and complaining about a forced agenda are the same thing

Go away Sup Forums

There are a lot better and sweeter ways to show she's gay than ONSCREENCLOSEUPKISS. That's just damn obnoxious. A peck on the cheek goodnight would've been fine and got the message across without shoving it in our faces.

Reminder that this shit is part of the communist plan to take down america

So if I made 21 threads about how it shouldn't matter, would that change your opinion?

we need a virus to wipe the human race off the face of the earth..... in reality all we do is fuck and shit and dirty up the world. We are sick animals and need to be put down. I will start with myself... if you want you can follow suit.

>on an anonymous chinese checkers board

Every time they force their agenda into everyones faces the more people get fed up. This is a positive occurrence. Their methods are annoying but they screw themselves in the end.



why are gays so over represented in modern video games?
really made me think

So your response to a number of people having problems is to give everyone problems by killing them.

I mean, feel free to end your life if you really have problems. But that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Why couldn't we just not have social commentary? Why is it that the one fairly normal woman in the game is OMGWTFBBQ?

But I suppose that's the magic and the fantasy of fiction - a homosexual woman without brain damage could actually exist.

>Tracer is always at the center of people raging over Overwatch

This pleases me.

Gay people have more disposable income, more free time and more insecurities which makes them better consumers.

I don't see why they don't get it
When two men kiss, it's gay
When two women kiss, it's hot

except the baby was dead on arrival

>why do characters in non-story-driven games need to have their sexuality addressed in the first place?

Shit like this sells in 2016, make anything about the gays/trans people and people will eat it up, if you say anything negative about it people will instantly label you as a racist/rapist/misygony pig etc

New pasta, sweet.

This, ALL of this.

A forced agenda would be something that's included in game that a player has to go through to get a best ending.

This is a single thing in a side comic that most people don't read, doesn't affect gameplay, or otherwise.

How'd you describe this as Slimey? When I think Slimey uses of gay stuff, I think of Bioware. Remember how Bioware wrote things poorly, and when people said 'hey, this writing is shitty' they went and called their critics bigots for hating gays? That's slimey, in the sense that they're using it as an excuse to cover up their shit writing.

In this case, it's just a side thing, and Blizzard already said a Year and a Half ago that a character was hella gay

How is Tracer normal compared to the rest of the cast? She's a teleporting fake cockney that's dressed like a fashion victim.

>plying I'm talking only about overwatch
Your rant extrapolated there at the end, reddit

So we can make doujins of men raping Tracer until she starts enjoying a dick.

it is a mystery

gay people are artistic... they actually make up a marginal majority of the developing force behind movies. music. and video games.

I am shocked that no one relised that gay people exist and that they want rights. They want freedom of expresion and the freedom to hold hands and kiss in public shame on them.

Really shame on all of you for not getting it. IT IS LIKE AS IF SOMEONE WOULD BEAT YOU UP OR SHAME YOU FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE!

Jesus Christ you people are stupid.

This is why I like to live alone. This is why I want to watch the world burn. Little primitive apes everywhere I look. We will never build an inter galactic federation nor will we ever become force sensitive. Only politically sensitive.... pathetic.

Nah, not funny enough. Needs more navy seals desu

because gay lifestyle is anywhere from 4-40 times more hazardous when it comes to STIs and disorders like schizophrenia and suicide.

Am I missing something here?
What has happened that I apparently don't know about?
Other than obviously the thread topic.

whos more autistic blizzard fans or bioware fans?

Is tracer really lesbian since they are technically a guy?

>tfw you used to ship reinhardt and mercy

>Sup Forums makes shitty political cartoons

My talk of fanservice was in regard to Widowmaker's sleek outfit and long hair, and story based games that have a heterosexual romance that's part of the plot for no reason apart from having the LI die at some point.

Why can't we have a Widowmaker in a gillie suit or something, would be a lot more realistic.

Kotaku and the likes need to get their stories somehow.

Because blizzard is retarded, went and ruined their waifu bait by making her gay.

>tracer/widowmaker a popular pairing for porn or otherwise
>tracer revealed as gay
>people lose their shit

I don't understand

Go back to tumbler you triggered fuck

Does it matter, though? If they had had Tracer hitting on all the girl characters in-game or had a bunch of voice lines of her saying gay shit that'd be one thing, but this BIG REVEAL is in a comic that 98% of the playerbase is never gonna read, and which has no real effect on the game itself in any way.

that is actually my point. You are all doing that. Making a big deal about tracer kissing a girl. If you have a problem with this.... its over for you. You will not live well in the coming years. Everything is changing. Technology is evolving us. We are changing yet people cling to false morals and to past full of violence and disease...... basically if you cannot get with the program .... they will reprogram you or have you erased.

i only care because it's obvious virtue signalling

>Not Bioware

Blizzard hasn't said shit yet, Bioware's done more shitty stuff that's accurate for this cartoon by calling people bigots for telling them their writing is shit, when they built themselves up on 'writing, the company'

No one expects good writing from Blizzard to begin with.


way to go nigger

>your rant
>implying i'm not some cantonese sweat shop worker on break watching you crackers complain about stuff that doesnt matter

How does that not make sense? It gives everybody someone they can identify with.

so... this is the power... of faggots.... woah...

it's not ingame though, it's a comic

Do you own a buttplug?

>Do you not see all this free advertising they're getting?

This, morons. Hate or love blizzard all you want, but they're viral marketing is top notch.

>blizz employee takes literally 3 seconds to make a post on OW forums
>"hey btw tracer is fag"
>costs them nothing
>make more shekels from virtue-signaling blue hairs
>this strategy works EVEN BETTER when people get pissed and write all over the internet about it

Newfags, thats an edit of EA during the golden poo awards from 2012.

Lurk more, no wonder you are in Overwatch threads

It's a supplementary comic isn't it?
It's supposed to flesh out the things that don't need to be addressed in the actual game. Shouldn't you be happy about that?

go back to tumblr

>they actually make up a marginal majority of the developing force behind movies. music. and video games.
Well, that explains why the majority of movies, music and videogames are utter dogshite.

Because the special snowflakes get hurt feelings if they don't get treated like royalty. They cant just let a character be a character, they have to inject their bullshit into everything.

This is a gateway now, rather than being a character without a stated orientation that everyone can play and feel attached to regardless of preference, now this shits going to fucking be everywhere and there will be SJW's swarming the game in record numbers because they don't play games for any other reason than confirmation bias.

You cant just be gay, you have to shove your fucking bullshit in everyone's faces and make sure EVERYONE KNOWS YOU'RE GAY.

4 butt plugs :)

No it's there as marketing material, it's not there to fucking flesh out characters you dumb kike

Bioware fans, but they're a minority these days. Bioware has a nasty habit of not actually listening to peoples advice on writing when they make their living off of writing based RPGS

Blizzard has a reputation for shitty writing and contrived plotpoints since WoW: Cataclysm, and a bit earlier than that, and are generally known for being really poor at writing/making romance relevant.

See: Pretty much every single character, Malfurion/Tyrande, Thrall/That one orc chick that got ditched by the writers, etc etc

Not saying it's a pass, but it's not the worst they could do

>neogaf is upset tracer is a lesbian because she and her partner are too hot

You're clearly forcing your own agenda, mah negro

LGBT Pride has become a cancer. They went from "We want to be treated like normal people" to forcing their shit everywhere from vidya and comics to movies.