This game is going to be awful isnt it?
This game is going to be awful isnt it?
It's going to be better than 4, that's for sure.
better than 4 worse than 6 confirmed
Resident evil has been shit ever since 4 happened. Yes, 4 is a bad game
Give me code veronica any day.
It's going to be lit af.
4 < 7 < 6 < 5
1-3 aren't even
I'm always the guy that shits on 4 because it completely ruined the series. It's a terrible Resident Evil, but at least a nice game.
Hey don't blame 4, Code: Veronica was the one where it all went downhill.
It's going to be epic.
Epic for the win, even.
It looks like the scariest RE in years. Getting chased by an axeman in a house while feeling completely defenseless is a nice change from blasting everything in sight. Problem with the RE4 formula was you felt like a badass and could eliminate most threats easily.
No, it's going to be fantastic and will literally save survival horror.
The demo was great. I feel like this game is going to be a masterpiece that many other studios will try to emulate for years to come.
I don't know. I'm not expecting much since there's only a handful of games worth playing in this series and the director directed Revelations
Wouldn't mind seeing how a first person action horror works.
Truly is a PT clone
At least this game is actually going to be released :^)
It's only going to be awful UUUU when the ratings hit the high 80s
member when RE was developed with gunplay in mind?
i member
Rather have a game thats canceled and not released but also shit
But it's not a walking simulator.
It's going to be voted best "it's a good game but not a good XXXX game" by stupid shitposters.
>having weapons
I would rather actually knowing if a game is going to be shit or not before prematurely drawing conclusions.
RE4 was shit. Then people turned around and pretended it was good, then hopefully now people are turning around and realizing it was always shit and the point where the series died.
RE4 was a good game but it wasn't really scary whatsoever. It was the best of the 4, 5, 6 style by far but they've done all they can with that.
>RE4 haters
Being a departure from the other games doesn't make it bad. At all. It's a fucking fantastic game.
No, because that's not what the original series was. RE4 shitters everyone.
PT was going to have weapons, like every fucking silent hill game. It was a demo that got canceled. Unlike PT Residnent Evil 7 has Capcom funneling money into it
>I would rather actually knowing if a game is going to be shit or not before prematurely drawing conclusions
man shitting over a plate comic.jpg
>RE4 was shit. Then people turned around and pretended it was good
People praised it when it came out. People praised it over every Resident Evil since. It wasn't the fucking downfall of resident evil. It was the peak.
>RE4 was a good game but it wasn't really scary whatsoever
Nothing in Resident Evil 1,2,3 were scary.
>Where Wesker
>Slow walking tank man
>Nothing slow walking tank man
The game was horror in setting not atmosphere. They tried that in Resident Evil Remake and Zro but thosegame turned out meh
>Then people turned around and pretended it was good
That literally never happened. People always liked the game, who are you trying to fool, fag?
Do you just hate all video games or something? Why the fuck do you even come here?
I love Video games. You're a fucking retard if you think that a huge fucking majority of games that are released in the last couple years haven't been fucking shit.
It was the point where the series died, no one denies that. Although that doesn't mean I have to pretend to hate it. Grow up.
>PT was going to have weapons, like every fucking silent hill game. It was a demo that got canceled. Unlike PT Residnent Evil 7 has Capcom funneling money into it
No shit dumbass, its was just a teaser demo separated from what the game would be. I still fail to see how RE7 is a PT clone.
>No, because that's not what the original series was
>implying you can't blast your way through every single enemy in RE1, 2, and 3
REmake is the only game in the series where you can't kill everything you come across immediately, but there's still enough ammo to kill everything in it.
pt with guns
Why do you fags want ever game to be the next tortanic?
Silent Hill. A horror survival action game. Goes FPS to explore a spooky house in a FPS with ghost and unnatural shit in a demo.
Resident evil. A horror survival action game. Goes FPS to explore a spooky house in a FPS with ghost and unnatural shit in a full game.
I don't want it to be but I see it going that way.
Why do you like 5 that much?
>This game will be shit
>Game comes out
>Its shit
Don't rinse and then repeat
>pretended it was good,
kill yourself
Outbreaks Files #3 when?
Better than RE4-6, that's for sure.
You mean like the first Resident Evil? PT didn't invent horror nor did it invent first person perspective.
when you change a franchise , i want it to be the next tortanic
i don't even care since re5 was so shitty i avoided 6 so whatever this game is good or not doesn't matter to me
but i dont want gran turismo turned into a call of duty (and i don't like either game)
Good, I want to see more of PT, and i'm sure as hell not going to miss Gears of Evil.
They are only changing perspective.
>it's a Sup Forums predictions thread
Not enough with Overwatch and Battlefield 1?
Are you also going to unironically say that next year's sports games will flop?
What is the story of 7? How does it tie into the rest of resident evil? Why are the bakers so strong?
Did you get the true ending? I keep getting the infected ending because the thing never gives me enough space to get by.
>everyone liked PT and the first person view
>RE does it and everyone hates it
PT was coming out as a spooky fps survival in a house
It gets canceled
Resident Evil comes out looking like the same fucking thing a couple weeks later
>Good, I want to see more of PT
Silent Hill games have been nothing but shit for the last couple years. Resident has shit-meh.
then it will be another doom2016 and shit
People like RE4 because of the cheesy good lines from Leon and other characters and the general atmosphere, not cause it has the RE name. You can appreciate RE4 for what it is and still recognize that it was the start of a downward slope for future entries.
Yes, it will be a good game then.
>Everyone liked the short teaser/demo for a potential Silent Hill game developed by Kojima
>People hate another shit out Capcom game that sells itself on "WE ARE RETURNING TO OUR ROOTS"
Really makes you think
>Hurrhur but 6 is da bad one, I should know, I spent all of the intro playing it and never bothered experimenting with all the movement mechanics
Resident was a completely shitty Gears of Wars clone with zombies.
This one is a horro game, it's an automatic improvement and it's already better than the last 3 RE games.
Have a (you)
enjoy your cutscenes every time you finish an enemy then
>eople like RE4 because of the cheesy good lines from Leon and other characters and the general atmosphere
Item management
Mercenary mode
The Enemies
The castle
You're misinformed about the quality and consensus of 4
No, it's just Sup Forums trying to find the next tortanic.
Every game flops according to Sup Forums
Until they come out, that is.
>PT was coming out as a spooky fps survival in a house
>Resident Evil comes out looking like the same fucking thing a couple weeks later
By your metric PT was an Outlast clone
>Resident was a completely shitty Gears of Wars clone with zombies
You know you're scraping the barrel of bait when all you have is "Third Person shooting = Gears of War clone"
It was a mediocre third person shooter based on run and gun, and it wasn't even good at that, so yes, i'm glad these Gears of Evil games are absolutely dead, it's exactly what they deserve.
From trailers/demo
>Ethan is the protagonist
>He gets message from his wife that leads him to the plantation
>His wife was missing, presumed dead, for 3 years
>The plantation we know from the demo has been abandoned for at least 3 years
>Clancy is the protagonist of the demo, whether or not he plays a role in the game is unknown
>He went to film the location and got abducted, his coworkers were murdered
>There's the plantation, the forest around it, and a city area from what we've seen so far
>Baker family all seem to be tyrant-tier, or just below tyrant-tier infected
>They maintain some level of intelligence but are highly deranged
>From the demo, umbrella was watching the Baker family
>Virus this time around has a heavy bug/mold theme to it
>There's a spooky ghost girl, possibly psychic from virus or some convoluted bacteria explanation for powers inbound
>Protagonists could also just be hallucinating, we don't know
>By your metric PT was an Outlast clone
Yeah and Outlast was an Amnesia clone
>Run and Gun
>An FPS with a gun isn't considered a Run and Gun game
Resident Evil 4 and 5 you couldn't move and shoot at the same time. No more replies for you. You're actually retarded
the castle is the shittiest part of the game
I wonder if the actual gameplay will be the same as the demo.
I was actually indifferent to the game but after playing the demo, i got sort of hyped. Plus i got my coin too
No the Island was you pleb
mori es vivir
I love how this contrarian is unironically trying to defend the massive pieces of shit that RE4, 5 and 6 were, but he's just too embarassed to do it openly.
Think about it, those games were so fucking bad that not even Sup Forums's contrarian nature lets them pretend to like it.
Why would it be awful? Demo was spooky as fuck
Even xbone looks better than the PS4.
Sonyggers on suicide watch.
REmake and Resident Evil 5 are my favorite games in the series.
Post yours anons.
haha lmao
It'll be pretty decent and it's going to sell like mad, much to Sup Forumseddit's desmay.
Mainline: REmake
New style: 6
Spin-off: darkside chronicles
both zones have equally retarded shit
for me the castle have also worse map design than the isle
>its going to sell like mad
>after the main normie gaming crowd burnt themselves on horror games like Outlast,Slender, and what ever garbage was shit out by the indie crowd
3, 4 and 6.
None are outright bad
Mainline tie between 3 and 2
NewStyle : definitely 4
It is autists just like you that will be mad as fuck when it turns out good.
And it's going to have all the Youtubers doing free marketing for it.
Yes, RE4, 5 and 6 are legitimately bad videogames that don't really give you a reason to play them.
Of course, Sup Forums contrarians are going to praise them, but fortunately, Sup Forums's opinion is completely irrelevant.
Don't know why some people like RE5 so much, other than steroid Chris punching a boulder and the death of Wesker it isn't that memorable.
>It is autists just like you that will be mad as fuck when it turns out good.
>Everything pointing to it being bad
Its autists like you who will vanish or stop posting about this game when it comes out
>And it's going to have all the Youtubers doing free marketing for it.
Those viewers mostly watch the games and never play it. The fuck are you talking about.
6 is mechanically superior to 4
And as far as corny horror action schlock goes the story isn't half bad either