What a great game

What a great game

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God that looks like shit, so much wide empty space too like why?

>be newshit
>too young to have played classics like this
>too dumb to play them on an emulator, too dumb to beat old games
>"aged badly"
>shit on old games to trigger some people with taste


i remember being ok with it at the time, with my main problem being the loading times. and the villain models looks ugly as fuck

>mfw sonyponys think their shit fur bait excuses for franchises are in any way shape or form anything other than complete and utter dirty brown water trash

Rehash bandisloot, shy pooper, ratshit and stank, ballsac and haxtar, isharted and so many other shitty franchises are complete ass and the only reason anyone thinks they're anything close to not the functional equivalent of a heaping mound of garbage is because they were the few games that took more than 20 minutes to beat among the mountain of shovel ware shit that got dumped on the wobbleststion 2 which is all you played with when you were kids because your family was to fucking poor to buy anything other than some two bit nip cuck mediocre DVD player

Fuck off faggots

Wrath of cortex is fucking mediocre at best and the ps1 crash games were the classics.

>unironically defending wrath of Cortex

Top kek end yourself life senpai

I hope this is a pasta

it is, this pops up in every Crash thread since the Remaster was revealed to be PS4 exclusive

It's been around before that, newfag

got a source on that?

First time I saw it was like 6 months ago

so after E3

Not even kidding. I thought that was a screenshot of random fanmade crash game.

The game is not fucking widescreen, but yes, the game, especially the jungle levels, look like ass.

60 FPS, though.

Wrath of Cortex was an abomination, as was any other post naughty dog crash.

but it was better than Titans and Mutant

No, even further, it was after uncharted 4 came out

Look it up yourself if you don't believe me, nigger


Even Tweensanity, Starring Crass Bendycunt from the Crash Bandicoot series?

It's not even the gameplay, but the fucking LOAD TIMES that are the biggest piece of shit in a mountain of shit, I bought it full-price for Christmas when I got a new PS2, before I knew what the difference between a developer/publisher was, and I remember nearly 3 minute load times

I wanted to assume there was a good game buried under segmented levels that needed constant loading, and while the Xbox version fixed all technical problems, the gameplay was a whole different story

I call him the "Sheen from Jimmy Neutron" Crash because they both have spikey hair and triangle heads.

What about Twinsanity?

I bet the HD jetski and plane levels are going to look FUCKING amazing.

>Playing Naughtydog shit.

>not playing top tier

>That feel when I think Wrath of Cortex is okay

Soundtrack is pretty sweet too.

That's Traveller's Tales, you inbred pig fucker.

Music has its moments, but there are few good tracks from start to finish. They seem to have this little riff that's cool and Crashy, accompanied by generic techno beat.

Hardcore af m8


Twinsanity imho is the best Crash game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Looks like one of those few 3D GBA games.


Those quality DKC graphics.

Twinsanity is the root of Crash's downfall, bruh.


post yfw after the trilogy success, the same team decides to remake Twinsanity, restoring all the cut content

Its a good game though

I've been playing games for 23 years and I still haven't played any Crash games. My Playstation 3D Platformer series of the late 90s was Spyro. I should probably try Crash.

>yfw 100%ing all games unlocks playable Crash Bandicoot 4 demo

play Crash 1,2,3, CTR, Bash, and CNK if you want the good games.
the GBA games are fine too

what about new levels designed for co-op?

Waste of time and effort. Sequel. Now. By Vicarious Visions, release year 2018/19. Open world, but compact levels. Presentation faithful to the first two games in the series.

Also, condemn Crash Twinsanity in several jokes in the sequels.

>Bash, CNK

It's a good Ren & Stimpy knockoff, not a good Crash Bandicoot game.

Wrath of Cortex was just a pretty mediocre version of Crash 3. It had a few interesting ideas like the rolling ball levels, but everything else just felt subpar and even more so compared to the originals.

As a standalone game though, it's okay. And it would have been good if it wasn't for the physics (Crash was way too floaty when jumping), the generic music and the shitfuck abysmal load times.

Everything else post-naughtydog was shit. Except for Twinsanity, that was actually a pretty awesome game.

>Recommends Crash Purple
>But not Twinsanity
K then.

Bash is a solid party game, and CNK, while not as good as CTR was still a good Kart racer, plus it was the best post-ND Crash game

I enjoyed it on Xbox since it fixed most of what was wrong with the PS2 version. Especially the load times which are basically nonexistent on that version. It's the last classic Crash game worth playing imo. Twinsanity was decent too but is a different type of game entirely.

post-Twinsanity and Twinsanity aren't the same thing.

At least Twinsanity felt like a Crash game

Twinsanity is unfinished, added a bunch of unneeded crap, and gets a majority of the characters wrong.

No, it didn't. Twinsanity and post-Twinsanity are one and same, as far as the things that ruined the series went, minus Spiralmouth.

>getting a majority of the characters wrong
how so? and I don't just mean Crash's so-called "characterization." He's not even voiced so you can hardly put anything on him

Oh, I meant everything post-PS1 was shit. Crash Bash was a pretty awesome game too imo.

Twinsanity is better on every aspect you nigger, even in gameplay

>Twinsanity and post-Twinsanity are one and same
So you're telling me this was Twinsanity's fault?


Remake of crash of titans when?

Twinsanity started with profoundly fucking up the characters, yes. Namely Crash and Cortex, the ones you see on the screen the most.

empty my wumpa in the pumpa

I didn't hear any botched gibberish or "LOLPANCAKES" in Twinsanity.

Cortex has always been a comic-relief villain. You can't just blame him because he had a different VA and more screentime.

Game plays well and has the best asthetics in the series, see

Crash being retarded (you dont need a voice to show this) and Cortex is a parody of what he once was, coming off more like a children's evil scientist than in the PS1 games where he was actually threatening

Why the fuck does Crash look like this 90% of the time?


Crash 3 and CTR made him more of the submissive personality the later games would feed upon.

>Cortex has always been a comic-relief villain.
no he was not

I would be so happy. I loved Twinsanity.
It also had the best Crash design, by far.


You're full of shit, and you know it.


Lex Lang was told to make Cortex shittier because the soccer moms were crying about Cortex being too mean. And the ETERNAL ANGLO Traveller's Tales listened to them.

I will take "PANCAKES!" over making Crash a literal retard any day.

there is a difference

Wait, you mean people actually didn't like Cortex as the comic-relief villain?

Only in your mind

no not really,
being gullible and confused are not the same as being retarded

He was hot garbage, like any other shitty cartoon villain from that point on.

this part pissed me off to HELL and back.

Dr. Eggman already exists, we dont need 2 of them. and Cortex was never like that in the originals, the most it got was him naming the Cortex Vortex after himself, thats about it

Prove Twinsanity Crash is retarded, you cant

Because he leads a very stressful life when he's forced out of his comfy beach bed to save the world.

What do you mean? that shit was great.

Did you want Crash to drag around a brooding and straight edge scientist for the entire game?

Makes sense. From what i can remember, literally every single depiction of him at home had him chillin and maxin.

>people shitting on comic relief Cortex
I found Twinsanity hilarious as a kid and still do so I love that portrayal of him. Crash wasn't a serious game at any point (and it shouldn't try to be one) so having serious villain characters didn't really work. The game also didn't make Crash a bumbling retard, he still proves to be resourceful but his quirky personality went more to the lovable oaf side than the edgy 2Kool side.

Pancakes Crash is horrific though and really just took the stupidity way too far.

>Doctor Eggman
>"comic relief"
The dude is equal parts goofy and menacing. If anything, he is a model of what Cortex should aspire to be.

Dumb shit faggot, Crash is hiding behind two fucking hot dog straws, is well within sight without the need of binoculars, AND could have easily dodged the incoming spears that supposedly came out of nowhere. Fuck this part.

the opening scene with him shows him digging in the dirt, with his shoe in his mouth, he does not recognize Cortex when he dresses up like Coco
theres 2 examples right there

>b-but LOADING!!
It plays perfectly on emulator, and the loading is a complete non-issue if you just press F4 each time a loading screen comes up. No excuses.

where is this in the games

How do I fix the shit gameplay user, I can't find the option on the emulator.

Retarded AND gay

> Cortex outright calling him retarded (I'm paraphrasing)
> Crash falling for Cortex in Drag
> fantasizes about Cortex's ass twice during the game
> offers to make out with Uka Uka
> eats his own ear wax
> can't even tie the blimp to something secure





Well, what would you have tied to blimp to, since youre so smart.

How would you have gotten past those cortexboarding sections?

Your ass.

But seriously, Eggman is the kind of guy who can get shit done while still looking jovial and pleasant. If anything it makes him an even more effective villain

Crash is retarded because he has brain damage

Also he's stupid

Why was SM64 the only good looking platformer on the N64

and Goemon's Great Adventure

This is what we are seeing with Skylanders Crash and Remake Crash, NOT Twinsanity Crash.

How they could fucked up such a simple and iconic design?

>Underage thinks he's looking at a PS1 game he never played

>Someone thought this looks ok