How do we stop this trend of making cute tomboys lesbians?

How do we stop this trend of making cute tomboys lesbians?

replace them with cute femboi gays

I'm serious.

>cute tomboys
dry liquid

Would you rather have realistic fugly fat lesbians?

I love chicken-chan!

Stay with me, this can be hard to comprehend:

Tomboys are tomboys because they low-key want to be boys and attract girls

I was about to call you a faggot before I realized you were right.

Why contain it? S'cool.

Not true, at least not generally true.

name two (2)

We make them into cute boys.

Chicken-chan isn't a tomboy nor is she a lesbian.

I'm so fucking glad you can customize the trainers in S/M, because the default hat, hairstyle, and clothes for the female MC are fucking terrible.



I just wanted to use that image desu

there is an image i've been searching that i've seen on Sup Forums that compares last of us with atelier totori

does anyone have it?

>not a lesbian

He's still a faggot even if he's right.

Which he is



by not supporting western trash
western(read: American and Canadian ones, Swedish and German ones probably would aswell if they would actualy make games) are currently trying to promote that being gay is normal, as in 51% of the population should be.
So yeah, dont support left wing garbage, hit it where it hurts them the most: the preorder wallets.

Stop that, user. I don't want to be a degenerate. Christ died to end boy fucking.

Why does she wear a chicken hat?

End peer pressure. Nowadays tomboys are viewed as closet lesbians and are pressured to swing that way from friends and society. This piggy backs on other social expectations such as weak willed guys are icky. The problem arises from the fact that most of the men that are into tomboys are in so way socially stigmatized. So when faced with the two options of "Socially stigmatized guy" and "lesbian" they tend to swing towards the more socially accepted option first then MAYBE will swing back is they age.


I honestly thought the SM male protag was a girl at first. Shame the clothing options are so bad, else I would have played as him.

If he didn't want boy fucking, why did he make them so cute?

and this is the part where the fun and games end

Why aren't you?


I love the blank slightly amused but ultimately board expression the Male trainer has. All this shit is going on and people are praising you and then just blank face. I want to know what goes through his mind during these scenes.

Chicken-chan a cute lesbian


She's not a lesbian. Just because you say so doesn't make it true

He'd had have cute tomboys riding his dick.

>tfw only find boys kinda cute
What kind of a halfway faggot was I made to be?
This is bullshit, I can't have sex with half an erection.

>ignoring all the evidence that Chicken-chan is a cute lesbian

Denial isn't just a river.

socil justice is all about being what yu look like. if yu look like a boy, you are better off as loving girls, aka anybod wearing a dress and long hair. it was never deep or complex, they are toddler that need the look to match the label, that's it

>virgins so desperate they cant understand friendship

What about you stop being a huge faggot?


what the fuck are you going on about

Chicken-chan a CUTE (lesbian) CUUUTE

This. Is this supposed to be the hat they got after graduating their special ed classes?

>Game refers to Ilima as male for the first time

We send in the Russians to sort the faggotry out.

Two cute underage girls having sex is pretty hot, makes for good porn.

Sup Forums was a mistake


>currently trying to promote that being gay is normal

Already done. Gay people and their supporters have more financial clout than the folks who oppose them so deal with it. And the silent majority doesn't care either way. Money talks.


What went wrong in Russia

I recently watched The Handmaiden and it has shown me that yuri is truly the purest form of love. Even for 3dpd. It's amazing, this movie. I used to not care for yuri at all but I have finally seen the light

It's happening in comics too. Everyone is becoming a homosexual. First Montoya, then Herc, Iceman, now Ivy and Harley. It's getting to the point where people can't be friends, they have to be lovers.

Female friendship doesn't exist, it's all pure uncontrolled lust


the country is a shitty place to live so they need a scapegoat

I was going to watch that but I dropped it when I found out it was a lesbo romance.

oh boy, someone seems mad that I dont support left-wing media
Go start another riot because of trump or something

if you have short hair you love vagina, if you have ponytail you like cocks

Herc is fine and makes sense. He's always been a sexual character, and it fits that his tastes wouldn't be limited to women.

As far as I know, Montoya is fine, but I'm not familiar with any stories where her character wasn't already an out lesbian.

Ivy and Harley is... okay. It's a little like someone trying to make their fanfiction canon, but at least they have years of stories to back it up and make it plausible.

Iceman is fucked up.

Go be butthurt about Tracer somewhere else you retard.

the russians shaming the gay guy arent in the wrong
Yes, its wrong to cause another person grief, but if the person is threatening the sanity of the country, all is fair

never play a western game again

like i said, gays are only hated in russia because they're scapegoated by putin and his government to distract everyone else that putin and his band of oligarchs are looting the country

How does a person's existence threaten the sanity of a country?

Did he commit acts of terrorism right before that picture?

I just wanted chicken-chan's hat. Google is not giving me the results I want. I wonder if J-list has it available.

We don't. Sorry, OP.

what about all of the /u/ in jap games?

that's not made for the purpose of cultural marxist propaganda

Just bay Balotelli's chicken hat then.

I dont even own Overwatch and I dont care about SFM porn
But left wing bullshit for the sake of pushing an agenda and not for storytelling reasons can fuck off.

literally its okay when japan does it

how does it feel that despite trump winning your favorite industry is still just as leftist as ever and leaving you behind

Dont you see how the faggots got more and more power in america and how it ruined some parts (for example Common Core instead of regular math)
If you restrain them early, all the better

You can leave

It's supposed to resemble flower petals and not a chicken, maybe search for that.

The truth,
Well done.

Herc is bi, not a homo!

None of this is okay, user! None of it!

noun: context; plural noun: contexts

the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
"the decision was taken within the context of planned cuts in spending"
synonyms: circumstances, conditions, factors, state of affairs, situation, background, scene, setting More
"the wider historical context"

>Iceman is fucked up.


Not that I expect anything other than hack writing and forced bullshit from that book, look at the faggot they have writing it.

I'm going to KISS sun!

>the gays are responsible for common core


So those games don't have enough cocks for you?
Yes we know you are butthurt about Tracer and you are stupid. You can leave now.

Wait, are they trying to say he's straight up homo now?

Hitler literally didn't gas enough Jews

>Lillie literally changes her lines from "I want to be with you" to "You've taught me a lot" when you play as a grill

Not buying this "evidence"

The problem is I entered alola region girl hat. And the one that's displaying is the badwolf cosplay site. But 4 weeks is too long. I'm searching for other options here.

Trump never gaved 2 shits about video games.
But if real life politics change to the other side, maybe in a few years, agenda pushing in video games isnt seen as profitable anymore and becomes less and less frequent, or at the very least, is used in a way to progress the story.

Sad Hitler did not fart on you?

Just judging by what Sup Forums was going on about when it actually happened, yes, I believe he is exclusively pitching for one team. Thread after thread was made about how he should be bi but was instead full on homosexual.

I just joined the thread because of Chicken Chan. The topic came later.
The only thing that irks me is that Character X is gay because progressive thinking, that Character X is Tracer is completly irrelevant to me

Stop talking shit about things that you don't know anything about you fag

Well that's stupid. Also, it must have happened really recently, because I was just reading a Sup Forums thread a few days ago about Herc being bi with Logan.


Ah, I see that you are a conisuier of fine wines as well.

Nice image desu

The industry was leftist during GWB's era, it will still be leftist during Trumps reign, you might as well just stop playing them altogether.

Silly user, it's commom knowledge that a fictional character's sexuality is defined by the number of cute fanart they have
