Your choices from previous games meant absolutely nothing (as expected)

>your choices from previous games meant absolutely nothing (as expected)
>ugly new art style with uncanny valley character models and a blurry depth of field effect
>new and incredibly bland and boring male lead
>clementine is now a brooding edgy twat
>like 5 years into the future (IE another timeskip with no player agency)
>zombies are weak again
>they shoved out two episodes at once
>overall budget clearly lowered from prior games
>even die-hard fans and people who streamed the previous games say they're giving up and not playing anymore
>sales have never matched those of the first season from nearly 5 years ago
>"Your choices matter" has been consistently disproven
>all this after the lukewarm at best, bomb at worst Batman game

How did Telltale go from being THE name in storytelling games 4 years ago to being an empty, shallow husk with almost none of its original staff and games that just keep getting worse with every release (with the possible exception of Tales from the Borderlands)?

Is Telltale on suicide watch?

Did this already come out? Man their PR sucks ass.

They didn't mean anything in season one either. You could spare Carly or Doug and whoever you chose would just die 10 minutes later anyway. Choice was always an illusion and is in most games.

New Puzzle Agent please.

> How did Telltale go from being THE name in storytelling games 4 years ago to being an empty, shallow husk

That's what happens when a company's reputation revolves almost entirely around one well-liked game. Expectations rise, leading to disappointment when the company releases games more akin to the middling shit they would usually churn out. So then the company tries to mimic their one big success, but in doing so, they fail to ever evolve and just create a new standard of middling, soulless garbage.

First line is wrong. Disregarded the rest of your shitpost

Not exactly, Carly/Doug survived until halfway through episode 3 and played big parts.
Meanwhile in season 2, Nick had nothing to say in episode 3 and died offscreen in episode 4. And Sarah really did die 10 minutes after you saved her.
What went wrong?

I liked Tales from the Borderlands...

Oh, I'm sorry. Depending on your previous choices you MIGHT get a single, very brief flashback.

Considering Telltale always tries to build the illusion of choices mattering in the first episode of their games only to completely give up on it by episode 2 or 3, a piddling flashback is all we get for two games' worth of play.

Welcome to TellTale. Your choices don't matter.

>First line is wrong.
Prove it you cock-guzzling cum-chugging faggot

Nah. Suck my dink nerds. You're wrong and you're mad about it. Meanwhile I played through the episodes twice already and enjoyed it

>"Playing" non-games

kenny/jane are literally seen for less than 5 minutes before they die and their relevance to the game along with the relevance of player choices are completely gone


It's funny because Telltale I guess learned their lesson with Season 2, that they could never replicate the success of Season 1 even with the same franchise. This new game tries so hard to distance itself from the first two, and as another user pointed out everything Clementine did from the first two games is resolved in 5 minutes and never mentioned again. They're trying to go cinematic rather than comic-book and they're trying to make an entirely new "standalone" game. It's going to fail so fucking hard, but Telltalefags will defend it I'm sure.

Telltale games have always been fucking garbage where your choices don't matter. Haven't you noticed everytime you can save someone in S1 they either die or get written out the next episode?

I'm willing to sacrifice Kenny just so Janefags get a shitty, unsatisfying resolution to her story.

It's what he would have wanted.

Do they really expect me to still have my old game files from 3 years ago just so I can be unconvincingly lied to that my choices had any impact on the story?

I hope this spoilering works. If not it doesn't matter, shit fucking game.

Both of them have very unsatisfying conclusions.

**Jane hangs herself. Kenny breaks his legs and gets eaten by zombies.**

>when a company's reputation is based on one game

The Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands solidified their reputation just as The Walking Dead had catalyzed it, user.

Is it not ** anymore? Shit. Oh well, it's not worth playing anyway. We get two seasons of development from Kenny and one from Jane and they die in the first five fucking minutes from the most undramatic and unsatisfying shit.

>THE name in storytelling

with that emotionally manipulative, easy feels-bait, qte simulator TWD season 1?

No, the Wolf Among Us solidified their bad reputation. They released one fantastic episode, a second decent episode, then three shitty episodes that were rushed. Tales had a fantastic first episode, decent two middle episodes, rushed and poor final episodes.

Telltale is all about blowing their load on Episode 1 then cranking out shit as half-assedly as possible. They can never redo the miracle that was consistent quality as in Season 1 of the Walking Dead.

With Batman and New Cuntier though, they're total shit on day one, episode one. Telltale has failed.

For future reference, Ctrl + S automatically generates the spoiler tag for you. Try it sometime!

>rushed and poor final episodes
Absolutely terrible opinion

I'm accustomed to using the actual text coding but I constantly forget it, so that's my bad.

>Is it not ** anymore?
You seem to be getting Sup Forums spoiler tags confused with how they work on infinite chan

I honestly don;t understand how someone can dislike the closing episodes of TWAU

Everyone take notice of this poster, and this post. THIS is the best these anti-telltale cucks have to offer. Nothing but absolute shit opinions that no one agrees with, but they'll spew their diarrhea just for the chance to shit on a game.

>zombies are weak again
A few years of rotting some more & people getting better at killing them, of course they'd be weak.

I don't give a fuck about any of that just pissed how they killed Kenny like that.

It's no issue, it's just a simple way to do it. Trying to inject some form of positivity into this shithole.

>How did Telltale go from being THE name in storytelling games 4 years ago to being an empty, shallow husk with almost none of its original staff and games that just keep getting worse with every release (with the possible exception of Tales from the Borderlands)?
You grew up?

I mean, it's been like this since DAY ONE. They buy up a big property name, release some utter dogshit, linear story-driven garbage with lots of pretend decisions, and casuals eat it up because it's just like da tv show.

They've never released a single game that's even passable once you see past the smoke and mirrors. Lazy writing, awful gameplay, they're one of the worst devs around and they keep getting rewarded for it by people who wouldn't know a decent story if it beat them to death with a shovel.

Why does jane hang herself?

Considering she's eaten glass shards and advocated for abandoning all groups to go it alone, she's clearly not right in the head.

The shame of carrying Luke's baby.

>ugly new art style
did you even play the first two seasons or what..

>Everyone in these TTG threads act like TWD was their first fucking project.

For what reason?

I like it so far...

This, holy shit, I've actually been excited for it and I had no idea until just now

cant wait for a game to come out thats like 50gb and actually has a new story line for every choice you make.

Anyone that says choices don't matter is a fat FUCK that eats lard and thieves calories all fucking day and they're so obese they waddle around Walmart for a 2litre coke to drink for lunch which consists mostly of sticks of butter

Got her retarded self pregnant

I don't know what you expected after the trainwreck that was S2.

Seriously. Season 2 was fucking horrendous. Possibly the worst writing in video games.

she was preggo with lukes baby

Because they didn't really matter before.

>I used to actually defend Jane in TWD threads

I'm just glad Jane died early as a coward while Kenny died teaching Clem something useful.

You should literally go back to your cuck shed

Why doesnt she just punch herself in the gut to kill the baby?

>Kenny sacrifices himself for Clem and the baby can live
>Jane kills herself after finding out shes pregnant, abandoning Clem and the baby
>Janefags forever btfo

I just finished up Ep 2.

I enjoyed it.
Hate not being Clem, but it was a pretty good couple of episodes.
Story 'twists' were super obvious though.

Clem is going to be the final boss, after she was forced to kill AJ to prove her loyalty to the new frontier.

> Trying to bang my bros wife for the entire game, assuming he's dead
> He turns out to be fucking alive the entire time

For fucks sake, did Javier know he was alive?

Go the subway and put everything on it.


>Thinking things through


The only story "game" with choices has been Heavy Rain.
Prove me wrong

It was pretty obvious.
They keep going on about how his moody kid is going to end up like him and not Javi.

Obviously, he went full Carver when things got bad and abandoned his family.

the choices don't matter in heavy rain either

>Trying to bang my bros wife for the entire game, assuming he's dead
>He turns out to be fucking alive the entire time
Did they run out of ideas so they just copied Shane and Rick's story from the comics?


Go back to bed, David Cage

>could've been raising luke's baby continuing his legacy after his forced death
>instead that bitch jane took kenny, what was left of luke and abandoned clementine when she killed herself
>we now have to carry around some retarded nigger baby as we play as some boring beaner trying to protect his worthless beaner family

This actually makes me somewhat mad.

i wonder how hes gonna react when his people killed his own daughter and wounded his wife.

I feel like someone in the New Frontier would have recognized the pro baseball star Javi and put two and two together.

>pro baseball star



Why didn't you save me, Uncle Havi?

>Jane was fucking crazy in the head
>But Kenny would hate your ass forever if you disagreed with him once in s1, and is equally crazy in a different way
End of season 2 left a bad taste because there were no good options no matter what you do. Not even an option to ditch both of the nuts.

Javi is some MLB player who got banned for betting his games.
Because this is Trump's America now, hombre

Any non-biased faggots here could tell me if that DLC with the black chick would influence flashbacks or whatever in the new game?

Surely smells of diehard fans and opposing faggots in this thread.

I thought he was a pro poker player

No, michonne has literally nothing to do with this story in any possible way. Are you retarded, why would you even think it would? Fucking retard

Why did they just have to kill Luke, the only actual reasonable option.

That was meant to tie in with specific issues of the comics.
It isn't related to the games.

>disagreed once

Not true, there are things you can argue against him that will still keep him on your side. Like I don't usually get to tell him Lee is a convict and I keep Ben alive yet he still has my back.

Holy shit you have to be baiting

Well nice to know, I wasn't sure if I was to purchase it because who knows if it somehow would be related to the new game.

Now I am probably going to wait for a few weeks to see how bad it is

I just got the 1 episode from CODEX.
Didn't block it in my firewall and the choice percentages at the end showed up correctly. Does anyone know if TWD has any DRM or does online just work in that version?

Fucking retard you better buy it right now

>Christa is the leader of New Frontier
>She stole AJ because her baby was born blue
>Clem gets kicked out of the super cool guy group
>Goes on a Moody revenge trip to get AJ back

What do you think about Jesus being in the game?
I think it's pretty lame.

Season 3 should just have been Clem hunting down Bonnie and Arvo and skinning them.

I doubt you have played more than one of their games, if even that. Yes, the writing often uses cheap tactics to affect us, but it works in the context, depending on which game we're talking about.

I liked the part where he went full Lucas Kane and started doing backflips and shit out of nowhere.

Both Jane and Kenny were annoying, melodramatic crybabies, but at least Jane didn't want to murder Clementine just because she disagreed with her.

Still an incredibly dumb way for both of them to go.

Don't you think they could have created a brand new character?

>>But Kenny would hate your ass forever if you disagreed with him once in s1
I disagreed with him on stealing from the car and leaving Ben behind and he was still my foreverbro.
He was right about everything else.

>What do you think about Jesus being in the game?
Terrible. The "choice" to trust Jesus or not is fucking stupid because if you know anything about the series it's that he's a trustworthy guy. There was no drama or risk latent in the choice because I'm already informed as to what his character is.

This is the same thing Telltale caught criticism for in the Game of Thrones game - it's no fun having Ramsay Bolton run around in his plot armor knowing there's not a damn thing you can do about it. There was no point in a player trusting Tyrion because they knew he'd be on trial soon.

jesus is the dumbest character in the comics aside from maybe michonne

Jane hid a baby alone in an abandoned car during a blizzard to prove a point about trust

>trying to reason with a retarded janefag

>t. mr shekelberg

you can let Kenny kill jane and after kill him, so Clementine will end alone with that fucking monkey baby.


Reminder that:
>season 2 was a mistake from the get go
>getting rid of Christa and Bromid the the first five minutes of the game was a mistake
>Bringing Kenny back was a mistake
>making the final confrontation Kenny vs Jane was a huge mistake. Jane was a literal who that nobody liked. The final confrontation should have been Luke vs Kenny
>the worst character from 400 days was the only one that got any screen time in season 2
>that black woman, Rebecca, is a total bitch in episode one, then turns into the nicest lady ever the next episode
>Saving Alvin, Nick, or the sperg girl does not offer anything of note to the story
>Clem is the only character that's not retarded
>the Russian bullshit

What a fucking meme season 2 was. How did they manage to fuck up that bad?

>Make one good game based on a popular TV series
>People hop on your nuts because their feefees tickled when Clementine dictated your morality
>They got hired to do a TWD style game for every property under the sun now
>Start raking in the cash
>No longer have to worry about creativity because you are now on some big name payrolls
>Just churn out dumb shit and kill a few characters every now and then and get paid for it

Telltale just got complacent. They were never big on making your choices matter but now they have even less incentive.

I'm just here to tell all of you that Wolf Among Us is the best TellTale game.

Sure, but they didn't and they did good with him.

>but at least Jane didn't want to murder Clementine just because she disagreed with her.
Are you implying that Kenny did? Because I disagreed with his "plan" to punch the first son of a bitch he sees, take his gun, then shoot the next son of a bitch he sees, about taking the shot at Carver at the lodge, and about beating Arvo every 5 seconds and he was my protector until the very end.
I also refused to leave him for Wellington.

Sorry if Kenny hurt your fee-fees, user, but at least he didn't neck himself like a little bitch because he was too busy fucking instead of keeping watch for walkers.

>it's no fun having Ramsay Bolton run around in his plot armor knowing there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
>Here Forrester, here's a knife kill me with this right the noo ya fukin puss
>oh shit lol you almost did it was only kidding bro come on LMAO