Today is Cave Story's 12th birthday

Celebrate here.

A couple of months ago some developer or publisher put out a 3D render of Quote on twitter, did anything happen with that?

good job Sup Forums. you've lost your way.

Did you really think times hadn't changed? That this game's legacy wouldn't bury it? You're a child

And you are reddit.

> no color

post misery

When I beat Hell I was using a Snake and a Nemisis
What where you carrying when you beat Hell?

>r-reddit! MOOOM

Jesus, try to keep your feelings in check. I know the truth hurts, but that's no excuse.

>mfw Kero Blaster was fucking nothing in comparison

Fuck off.

Cave Story is GOAT

Polar Star

I gave up after a few hours and settled for the plain ending. That was dumb of me since I'd spent so much time getting to that point anyway, and I can't imagine I still have the save anywhere so I can't make up for it now.

I still love the game so much. I really need to get back to it

Kero Blaster didn't have a 5-year dev period.

it was pretty good though imho

Kero Blaster was a much better designed game, it's just short and lacks a proper story. Cave Story has some major pacing issues and quirks in its gameplay that people overlook because they want to fuck robots/bunnies and get their fee-fees hurt when robots/bunnies die.

Kero Blaster is great.

Happy Birthday, Cave Story.

Who /hatemadeflesh/?
My dudes?

Happy birthday Cave Story.

>Cave Story Plus
Don't play that butchered port!

>Cave Story has some major pacing issues and quirks in its gameplay

The gum base shit, the dog fetch quest, the whole sequence you have to go through to save curly to name a few.

Don't get me wrong, it does some really fucking cool (the egg corridor revisit is one of my favorite repurposings of a level in a game ever), but I don't think it's a perfect game.

I want to benis that rabbit :D

happy birthday Undertale!

Happy birthday cave story!

>egg corridor revisit
really awesome