So who is he?
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me on the left
why wont they hire a better artist
Do you think Blizzard is made of money or something?
I, am doctor ORPHEUS
>tfw you will never marry Pharah and have brown children together
What's going on with his arm?
Her dad
More like what's going on with his face. He looks like a ghoul.
that's probably her dad, who she also took to prom with her
I can imagine pharah as the type of woman who calls him at work and eventually grew to hate/resent Ana and doesn't have any real friends except for her dad
heh heh heh
>tfw Orpheus is gone cause Ventures are in New York.
Season 6 was ok. Only real hard laughing I did was Red Death, the last episode. That was actually one the absolute best one's ever I feel.
>Pharah, I've come to bargain
hey how about augmentations?
That season just kind of... ended.
A dead man walking. Y chromosomes are not allowed near my precious Fareeha!
Joanna Dark's father from Perfect dark zero
he seems to wear a military shir and jacket and her outfit seems very similar
he's most likely someone she works with and they are on a date
he seems a bit old so maybe she has daddy issues
They comission people on Deviantart to make them
And only 8 episodes. And now another like 2-3 year wait for possibly only 8 more.
the way her right hand sits on the table is just weird
has this artist ever seen people eat?
Anna's Bull
She's getting fucked by a LEAF
Simply from colour theory, he's like her father or brother, but the lighting and setting lends to a date. since despite the power being on, they still choose to use a gas lamp for light..
>not going on cute dinner dates with your dad
You're not one of those losers who hates their family, are you?
But why just the dad?
Why leave Ana out of it?
To be honest what kinda restaurant doesn't have candles on the tables?
I take my dad to pubs and burger bars and movies. Not candlelight dinners.
Ana is dead.
Or so they think at least.
I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that has.
It's a total fire hazard, so they have indoor lighting that can be adjusted for dinner and night time.
Pharah knows she's alive. Ana wrote to her remember?
Ana is just really fucking far away hanging with Soldier, likely still paling around after her second comic.
It could be one of the guys from her workplace (helix security international).
Right, but it's not like Ana can come home and go out for a christmas meal. She's presumed dead by everyone other than Pharah, her alter-ego is a wanted fugitive and she's doing important shit with 76.
>going on cute dinner dates with your dad in another country
I think it's meant to be the second-in-command from her unit.
Oh, here in yurop every restaurant has candles on the tables.
I'm trying to figure out what this line is supposed to be.
Sounds pretty gay desu
Why is she dressed like a dyke or trailer trash? It could just be the artists style but she really doesn't look straight to me.
Jowl? If it's her dad, he should be quite old.
this or her dad would be my bet
I swear I was wondering the same thing. I stared baffled at that thing for like 10 seconds
Her dad?
how is she dressed like a dyke? do you ever go out in public?
pretty sure jowls aren't perpendicular like that
> long neck shirt and jacket
> dyke or trailer trash
u shitting me?
Why is Reaper stalking Symmetra?
And if that's not her, why is there no mention of her in the comic? Even Lucio gets a billboard . . .
my thought as well
She's on the cover of he magazine on the coffee table in Emily's apartment.
Her father.
Seems like hunting gear.
If it's her father, it makes sense that they went hunting.
Well, not gear, hunting clothes.
maybe they went hunting omnics after
Why are her legs so thicc.
I want to scissor this girl
I hope your location is nearby, or in, the United Kingdom's capital, btw.
I am convinced that that is reaper's kid and grandkid.
But Jack and Mercy made him edgy, so he broods instead of telling them he is alive.
that actually makes a lot of sense
Maybe it's a stump.
I've always wondered why she had the native American skins, this finally ends one of my lore gripes.
But then why does Genji have bedouin skins? Why does Roadhog have pacific islander skins?
>why does Genji have bedouin skins?
Maybe he went on a pilgrimage or spiritual quest or something
>Why does Roadhog have pacific islander skins
His first name is Mako, he obviously has some abo blood
I'd be surprised if their writers actually came up with that
to me it seemed they picked the skins because she was black-ish and it looked cooled
Thank you for linking some completely random person's twitter.
ras al ghul
Genji probably went to a lot of places during his time with Zenny around the world too so it's not like all of them are out of place.
>eats pork
nice one Blizzard
It explains her ice fishing spray
Mako probably is Hawaiian.
did you read it?
I'm kinda sad 76 isn't her father. I loved the idea of Ana and 76 together.
That's what I get for being a dirty shitty shipper.
>Mako probably is Hawaiian.
Sniper, her father.
Masseter muscle. A lot of comic artists draw them in on older or beefy guys.
Yes, and it's an interesting theory (which has already been mentioned several times) that absolutely does not warrant linking directly like it's some sort of proof.
what about rein's though?
feels like they are just fucking with us
as a Canadian i disagree
maybe the father is Canadian, but not her
That's your fault for assuming.
so its canon that winston gave tracer and her fuck buddy the hot monkey dick for Christmas right?
It's "Ol' Penis Cheeks".
>hanzo carries his bow around with him at all times
what a fucking weeb
If her father is canadian then she's half canadian..
So if you're not linking it as proof, why are you linking some random twitter account at all?
Dude, atleast she might be partial Canadian, The Nordic crew got a fucking dwarf.
>having tattoos
>of a symbol belonging to a god from another religion
Yeah, Pharah definitely isn't muslim.
Underrated post
I wanna have a sweet lifelong friendship with my daughter.
The problem is to get a daughter, I guess.