Why don't developers remake rushed games with uncut content?
Why don't developers remake rushed games with uncut content?
Wouldn't make money.
It's called DLC.
I'll admit, I would like to see Xenogears remade to be actually what he wanted it to be.
and Warren Spector has said for a while now he wants to see Deus Ex remade because that game had SEVERE limitations in its development, basically only the story came out as he envisioned.
Because not all cut content is worth playing?
Sure, every now and then you get to hear about some feature removed during production that sounds neat, but 9 times out of 10 it was pointless to begin with and wouldn't have actually added anything.
same reason as movies
remakes are greenlighted to capitalize on brand value. brand value is typically established thanks to high-quality and defining ip. rushed games with cut content don't tend to establish themselves, and so execs looking through their back catalog don't see them as high-value items.
remaking something niche and terrible is a risky move, when the entire driving force behind the remake wave is attempting to mitigate risk
Ghostbusters was the perfect choice to remake. It was untouchable. They could bring in all of the popularity that was associated with the name, and deflect any criticisms as sexist.
But that clearly isn't true because it was a big flop, likely losing over 250 million worldwide.
Couldn't they have made a GOOD movie while they were at it? I mean the original The Thing is a remake too, and The Thing From Another World is a fantastic film, but the remake is good too.
>Bring in all the popularity associated with the name
>Tell people not to watch it
Pick 1
A Company will never greenlight a remake for a game that didn't do well to begin with. Because you wouldn't make money.
You could do a lot taking the games with fantastic ideas but not the tech or time to support it, and remaking them, but if they didn't sell to begin with, a company won't bother with it.
Capitalism was a mistake.
Well, for one thing, it wasn't good.
Having all the Ghostbusters be women was a terrible choice that just made the movie unfunny.
Pathologic is almost perfect but it is still getting remake that is probably going to improve it by a wide margin
But not completely
>tfw no expanded abattoir and termitary
All women wasn't the problem.
Not casting Sigourney Weaver as the lead was the mistake.
>tfw no Dragon's Dogma complete edition where you go to the moon
Female ghostbusters has nothing to do with the quality of the movie.
The issue is that was literally all they focused on. Every scene is "HEY LOOK A THESE FUNNY WOMEN! LOOK HOW FUNNY THEY ARE! REMEMBER, THEY'RE WOMEN AND WE'RE PROGRESSIVE!" It had absolutely no faith in itself just being a good movie.
The script is fucking garbage and regardless if it were men or women it would've been a garbage movie.
>You could do a lot taking the games with fantastic ideas but not the tech or time to support it, and remaking them
So, Deus Ex?
This. Anything Ghostbusters after the first movie is bad, with the sole exceptions being that one 360 game and Ecto Cooler Hi-C. They could have gotten Harold Ramis to rise from his grave to reprise his role and it would have been a shit movie.
You didn't like the cartoon?
Also it's Sony who have been creatively bankrupt for the last 20 years. They've had approximately 0 hits in the last, what, 5 years? They're probably the worst distributor in the business right now.
The Ghostbusters comics are great.
I liked it a bit when I was about 8, but even then it was pretty mediocre. I haven't seen the new one, but I doubt I ever will.
A good ____ sells better than a shitty remake. This is such a fundamental truth but most suits haven't learned it yet because they cling to the "brand power" meme and think it can hold up a product on its own.
well, they're right most of the time. A nostalgic brand will get dummies to buy it just because.
That's how I feel about Scanners. That's a movie that deserves a remake. Interesting idea, so-so execution.
the main actor is so fucking terrible in that movie. I hope Cronenberg considers remaking it sometime.
Yeah the acting is pretty bad, and the plot is all over the place. You can really tell they made it up as they went along, which is what they did.
But a psychic "underdog" picked out by a high tech company to infiltrate a secretive underground psychic community planning a war is an idea that has so much potential.