Did you enjoy Splatoon?
Why or why not?
Do you like it enough that you would buy the sequel?
What would you want added, removed or changed?
Did you enjoy Splatoon?
Why or why not?
Do you like it enough that you would buy the sequel?
What would you want added, removed or changed?
here's my only bump
>mfw only bought splatoon because Sup Forums said so
I can't tell if you regret it or enjoy it
Make it for actual humans not pedos. Tha nks.
Absolutely loved it. Played last time for the first time in months and still had fun. Hope the sequel will bring back a lot of players.
Really wish Damage Up is removed though. Or replace it with something like Ignore Defense. E-liters and Carbons having boosted Burst Bombs is a bit much.
More cute squids
More Marie
I played the shit out of Splatton. Best third person shooter in a while - a sequel would be day one for me.
They need to add a party system that isn't a colossal fucking mess like squads were.
I liked it a lot, and I'm looking forward to sequels. Hopefully they don't fuck up the Switch, because the Wii U held the game back a lot.
Cheap autistic pedobait
Drip feed of content aside the game was pretty stellar mechanically. Competitive is pretty legit
Hahaha die faggot
You are a pedophile.
Did you watch the LAN last weekend?
Also would pick up the sequel, not sure if i'd get it day one if it had the same model of dlc
too many tryhard chinks on it
I really enjoyed it, especially the test fires and the launch.
Improvements? Allowing me to choose what mode I want to play. More colors as well.
Splat zone > turf war >> rainmaker >>>>> shit >>>>>> Tower control
Nah. What did I miss
It was great. Looking forward to the Switch version.
A couple of pretty hype sets, a mediocre grand finals, and a moderate amount of autism. Much less 'tism than the Smash event it shared a tournament with.
What tournament doesn't have a palpable amount of autism?
Surprisingly, the Splatoon community doesn't have that much autism in irl tournaments. There's a bunch of socially awkward people, but they're typically pretty chill. There's maybe 1 or 2 spergs that stand out, but can be avoided. They also don't smell, which is most surprising at all.
>Did you enjoy Splatoon?
loved it
>Why or why not?
It was fun
>Do you like it enough that you would buy the sequel?
>What would you want added, removed or changed?
Get rid of the loli shit and remove the weapon limit.
>and remove the weapon limit
The loadout limitations? Why would you want that? It's nice to know exactly what to expect from someone just by looking at them in the opening scene, and it balances out weapons to an extent so you can't just throw Disruptor/Kraken on everything.
Didn't realise there was a community.
I'd really like it if it let you pick stages like in MK online, and let you change weapon and gear before the match once the stage is confirmed, and not during.
Yes I enjoyed it. Was one of the few times I was hyped for a game and the hyped lived up. Would love a sequel, more events, more gear, and customization.
Let us choose our modes
>tfw checking online and having to wait 4 hours because it's a bad stage/mode combo
I wouldn't want stage voting, because you'd just end up playing the same 1 or 2 maps like in every other shooter with map selection. I would like to be able to choose a weapon after learning the map, especially if they keep the rotations. Having maps that are total opposites in the same rotation ruins it for me. I don't even bother playing if I see something like Kelp Dome & Moray Towers in the same rotation.
I can sort of see your point, only other online shooter I played was MGO, and nearly every lobby was U.U. or M.M.
As for the variations, I try to go for something that's all round like the splattershot, I like rollers but they fall flat on open and vertical stages
I liked it. As for changes obviously more customization and a proper stage rotation holy shit balls. That's the main cause of me getting burnt out so quickly every time I turn the game on. Fucking sucks being stuck on the same god damn stage over and over because there's only two and the RNG for it loves to fuck me and pick the same one.
tekken and street fighter
i love the style and aesthetic and character designs
the gameplay was good i guess but i never put more than a few hours into it
never could get used to the gyro controls
the hentai doe
fix the netcode and add regional matchmaking so I can filter out laggy jumping japs
They should just do the same vote roulette thing Mario Kart is doing.
It's on a Nintendo console
>brand loyalty prevents me from enjoying other things
Yes, congrats on being able to read my post.
Remove wii U gamepad
Tekken is full of Korean Autism, and SF is full of thuggery.
it was great, played it a bunch at launch, and then a bunch more about a year later when the content had basically tripled.
For a sequel I'd like an expanded campaign, and a removal of motion controls. I can't wrap my head around them, so I'd like them removed so that the people who CAN use them don't get an advantage over me.
Played it on and off for a solid year, would love a sequel. The community is a little underwhelming now compared to what it was even 4 months ago
What's your issue with the motion controls? You just translate the Gamepad with a slight rotation, changing the sensitivity if you need to. Honestly, I'm having a hard time with other shooters because I'm too used to the gyro aiming.
the fact that it disables the X-axis of my joystick.
It's only fun when you aren't playing SplatZones because the people on your team are fucking retarded and your opponents probably have aimbots.
Oh, and fuck the Japs.
I've been S rank since the summer and I can't go any further
it was good but not enough content at launch. From what I heard they eventually got to where there was enough.
I'll buy the Switch port and probably enjoy it
I wish there was an offline one player turf war mode where you play against the computer and other added offline content but other than that it is an okay game.
You mean Y? Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure I can move the screen left and right with both gyro and sticks.
Still, gyro+stick gives an incredible amount of precision that I can't get with just stick alone. Keep trying with the motion controls, user.
I bought it on release and played the shit out of it. There are no visible lags but that's kind of bad because I know some people lag-kill me because my hits are not properly counted.
Splatoon was my very first console shooter and so I was really bad with joystick aiming or aiming in general, good think there are rollers and buckets to compensate for that, Nintendo really did try to make the entrylevel as low as possible.
Nowadays the active playerbase is 99% japs at mid-high level so they usually stomp the fuck out of beginners.
I'd like a more transparent online mode and a more attractive reason to level up my character. It's okay if they choose to remove the single player mode in favour of a more fleshed out arena mode.