What Am I in for?

Just got this in the PSN sale. Never played a game from this studio before.

Also does this have any improvements on Pro whatsoever?

You should probably just play the fucking game and find out.

Get ready for EDGE

It's going to take 3 hours to download. :-/

Enjoy man. Try discovering everything by yourself, much better that way.

Also, regular version or GOTY ?

Regular. I bought it with the $10 Sony gave me.

I bought 2 copies of the physical GOTY version by mistake, should I keep them both because the game is too good?

Don't expect the best game ever or anything Sup Forums says about it. Enjoy it for what it is.

good luck m98 its a good game
dont look up anything about the plot
dont ruin it

btw the DLC is 10/10 you might want to pick that up eventually

No, unless you want to be as autistic as the faggots that bought TLOU three times.

How hard is this game compared to dark souls 1. Some say it starts out hard and gets easier and others say it's hard and only gets easier if you get better. I remember I played Dark Souls and just stopped playing after beating the stray demon with drake sword. Is this game just as hard?

How do you know if you're autistic?


>Bloodborne costs $10 on sale, but I already have it
>think that means that TOH must be on sale too so I'll go pick it up
>it costs $20
what the fuck Sony
all of their sales are such hot garbage


There isn't any.

Its easier if you take advantage of the fast dodging and other new shit, harder if you dont

Too bad for TOH, pick it up when it's on sale, it's well worth it.

Not him but the game has a great narrative even if the plot is minimal. You just happen to play the pawnshop garbage man tasked that gets to plod through the aftermath.

I like that tune.

I got it as part of the GOTY edition.
Worth it just for the Whirligig Saw.

Don't even play it without the DLC. It's mandatory to squeeze anything out of the builds.
If you have ToH however, prepare for an unmatched experience that suffers from a few hiccups.

Is the loading improved at least? I remember people bitching about it when it came out.

Yeah, it was patched a while ago. It's about the same as Dark Souls 3 if you've played that on PS4.


The base game is fine despite this dramatic user. DLC is the best FROM has ever done.

The weapons just give you so much, and tie everything together in a beautiful package.
He does himself a disservice by playing without it, and definitely should consider the meager investment.

>the game has a great narrative

No. There is no plot. It basically went like this:

>we're making a game where you fight monsters
>plot? pfft just tell the player to fight monsters

Cue autists and retards spending months trying to manufacture a plot as if there was one and posting cringey forum posts and YouTube videos.

It's great. It means From Software don't need to waste time on story and their designers can be creative without being limited and hampered by story decisions.

It's a game about exploration and fighting monsters. Narrative is superfluous shit that doesn't matter in Bloodborne.

>What Am I in for?

A life changing experience.

Not even memeing.

Close your blinds/curtains, turn off your light, put a blanket on your head, put on a good pair of headphones and enter this game. Experience it.

First weapon I used when I bought the dlc. That pre-nerf L2 was amazing.

Welp time to reinstall and do another Maria chikage Twink run

>wasting precious time with low IQ generic shitposers desperate for attention

When will you people learn anything?

Bloodborne was my first Souls game, too, if it even counts as one. I'd argue that the first level is the hardest part for a new player, and it gets gradually easier. If you put points into strength, you can breeze through the story unhindered. Other builds take a little more skill. Also, play Offline Mode so you don't constantly have social media cancer all over your screen.

Best weapon to start with?

You're going to die

This. It's exactly the same with Zelda.

>what if Link was dead all along and the dark world is an alternate timeline???
No you faggot, it's a game where you rescue a Princess.

Hunter Axe

great range, great damage, you can play the whole game with it

The saw is one of the best weapons in the game, hunter's axe is often good but useless against bosses who are too fast. Cane is a gimmick.

cleaver every time

You'll enjoy it 10x more if you've read some Lovecraft

Still a great game anyway

Don't use guides for your first run

false, you just suck at timing it

Axe. I tried out a few weapons along the way, but I never found anything better than my Hunter Axe. Beat the first enemy with it, beat the final boss with it.

>have to work harder for the same result as another weapon

Best choice for a beginner.

Once stopped Ludwig's charge with it's charged R2.

To think I started with the Threaded Cane...

It hits harder, so wrong again

If you want to have fun: Axe
If you want to be efficient at everything: Saw
If you want to be a special snowflake: Cane

All fun in their own ways, but the axe is the probably the most fun to use.

Actually it has a very straight forward narrative:
Two men find an eldritch power and disagree on how to use it to best benefit humanity, which eventually causes a rift between their factions, as the lines between the real world and the nightmarish conjurations of these beings that descend upon the city for their own purposes. Upon arriving in the town seeking a cure for an ailment, you are unknowingly employed by one of these entities, and set forth to uncover the mystery of what happened.

Costs more stamina and doesn't do extra against beasts. Sort of an embarrassing mistake you made there.

Saw Cleaver is the best weapon in the entire game
Not joking

>I'm dumb please spoonfeed me

Fuck off retards

so you are claiming that the cleaver hits as hard as the hunter's axe, and that the threaded cane also hits as hard as the hunter's axe?

inb4 goalposts

the saw spear has the thrust r2 though

The only people who use the hunter axe are casuals

but the saw cleaver has the fun r2 though

I'm not sure why the cleaver even exists when spear does desu. It's one of the few weapons that has no proper identity. I guess they wanted to make it as basic as possible and that's why the spear can be found like 2 minutes into the game

No, I already said the cane is a gimmick.

Hunter axe, it has an incredibly versatile moveset, high regain and overall you can't go wrong with it, honorable mention for saw cleaver for having high speed and extra damage against beasts.

Whatever you pick just don't make it the threaded cane.

I do really like how the cleaver's moveset is so similar to something like a longsword in dark souls despite being handled so different

saw spear gets a bonus against beasts in both forms. Cleaver and Cane only get it in 1 form.

BB has two long swords though.

Should I try Wooden Shield/Torch run?

Parry by shooting. This is the 2nd most important skill besides dodging.
Bosses have 3 primary routes to victory: weakpoints can stagger them allowing you to score a riposte, you can parry them with a shot allowing you to score a riposte, or you just have to slash the shit out of them.
First area is trial by fire.
Don't attack NPCs for the most part, but don't trust them all completely.
Spend currency as you get it for level ups and spend the rest on healing vials.
You can ignore the story completely if you wish, but if you're interested, read item descriptions.
All the weapons are viable. Use the ones that have a moveset you like.
Arcane is a hard build for most new players because they starve you of good gear until late game and the expansion, while bloodtinge can be completely tricked out in one optional area.
Beware the singing and the sharks.

Isn't there a cringey Bloodborne lore video you should be poorly editing right now, you autistic fuck?

Here is a question. My friend might be getting the game soon and I'm going to play through with him. What weapons are the weakest unless heavily optimized? I'll build a character around them to show them off so he doesn't have to waste time doing it. I already have a full arcane character.

is a bl4 run as easy as a sl1 run in dark souls

spend blood from first two bosses on blood vials

This is stupid fucking advice.

Level up your vitality more than anything else OP.



Did people really have problems with Frenzy? I only died once to those spear-brain things

>all these sale newfags not knowing what theyre getting into
c u in pvp fags

>can't figure out the plot by just playing the game

You literally have to be borderline retarded

I regret only using the Hunter Axe for the entirety of my first playthrough; it's a good weapon but gets a little boring after awhile. Thinking about starting a new character tonight.

What's a good skill-scaling weapon in the early game? I'll probably go with Threaded Cane to start

You're in for the game that saved video games for me.

How much is right now on the PSN and how long will the sales be available ?

The base game is 10 without PSN+, $8 with. The GOTY edition with dlc is $20. I think this is going to last until next tuesday, when the last sale goes up.

>No plot apart from kill monsters
>there r-really is a plot g-g-guys. Youtube said so

Underage or autist? Shit, you're probably both.

Holy fuck, I gave my PS4 to a friend for a week. I fucking it'll be there when I get it back, I've been thinking about buyng this game for weeks since I already had the DLC but not the base game

Why not just tell your friend to buy it for you, you fucking autist?

Oh wait. You need daddy's credit card? Get off Sup Forums. You're underage.

You know you can just buy things through the online PSN store, right?

Game of the decade.

Well there are no sales anyway where I'm from so fuck it.

Just buy it on disc, it's almost always cheaper and won't disappear when Sony shuts down it's download servers.