How does it feel to be a Winston loser?

How does it feel to be a Winston loser?

Why do fags have this insatiable need to ruin everything?

She shows up you dip.

are you intimidated

Patiently awaiting some sort of loss edit.

The pages after that are maximum feels for anyone spending the holidays alone.

Yes, I don't want faggots in my video games.

>One poofter ruins the entire game

Your ego is more fragile than a gay person's immune system.

By what, fag? I'm just curious, why can't you leave things alone and be what you are, rather than showing your shit down people's throats?

>tracer without her stabilizer

Does Blizzard even fucking care anymorr

>showing gays in any media is "shoving it down peoples throats"
Ivan, I know this is hard, but your laws only work in Russia.

They care more about showing a lesbian relationship

why can you? the same can be said about heterosexuals showing ther shit down peoples throats in literally 100% of entretaiment media

>ib4 muh faggotry is degeneracy and a sin

Didn't even notice this.
What the fuck.
This is a publicity stunt if I've ever seen one.

>be what you are
>but don't be what you are in public where I can see
lmao, epic

It's in the apartment, recharging

>countdown to a slew of gaming "journalism" articles calling the reaction from gamers to the comic as "hateful", "bigoted" and "homophobic" in 3...2...1...

>shoving it down people's throats
I only do that to my boyfriend

it is degeneracy
objectively it is
but you don't have to be such a whiny little faggot about how "oppressed" you are because you don't get representation in every fucking piece of media

own up to your degeneracy, stop playing the victim and move on

Well, Tracer was shitty character anyway so nothing valuable was lost.

>Holidays are supposed to be a time for friends and family
>But now I'm short on both

This would have been ok if Blizzard didn't make a big deal about one of their character coming out as 'gay'.

not him but doesnt she need it at all times????

Twitter says she just needs to be near one.

Yeah. cop out.

I want to fuck the gay out of Tracer

Vlad, pls stop getting tirggered over a hot lesbo kiss

What a joke.
I mean, overwatch lore was already pretty shaky at best, but this is just dumb.

Is that her mom or is she in lesbians

Where do i read the comic

I am waiting for one like
>Overwatch just got its first LGBTQ character and it is awesome!


Is that how you kiss your mom? In fact don't answer that

Didn't they say something about two of their characters being gay?

How is it that every single lesbian in fiction ends up being moon over june?

Yea, pretty much.

This guy gets it.

>gay people go do their own thing
>angry straight males with fragile masculinity issues seek out something to bitch about

>it is degeneracy
>objectiveley is
based on what objective facts user?
>muh ass

and i dont feel orpressed at all im just showing you how stupid your argument it

Well, there were threads on the OW site titled something along the lines of "All faggots and dykes die", give or take some sloppy censoring to bypass filters.

And then there's this guy and he's not alone.

Can't say it'd be offbase to say there's a decent amount of bigotry being slung about.

>tracer is canonically gay
next they will tell me mercy has a black husband

>it is degeneracy
>objectively it is

>you cant do it because its DEGENERACY
>faps to vore/diapers/cucking
dont call homosexual relations out before you call out straight kinks that are actual degeneracy. also, youre literally the only one whining in this thread

Google what GAMF stands for.

You can't compare straights and gays.

Straights have and always will be the majority.

gays are such a small demographic compared to straights its laughable.

t.Gay as fuck fatman

Tracer being gay just means that Tracer X Widowmaker is about 80% more canon.

On the side of the cheek? I've known people who've done that. Granted, they're mostly french, but still.

You aren't the first to push that meme

No asian

Winston is gay too?

the only silver lining to this situation

>tfw they can actually make le freedom cowboy a faggot
pls no

>Tracer's GF is Windrunner

so being a demographic minority means that every time that you show a gay person on eny entretaiment media is political pandering?

It's not her mom user.

It's grumpy.
Stop shilling this meme

not this shit again

How is the argument stupid? Homosexuals are failures of nature. Just like people with brain disorders are failures of nature and cripples are failures of nature.

It's quite literally the definition of degenerate as they've lost all their normal qualities.

If homosexuals could reproduce with their gay partner? Then they would be normal. Until then they're objectively degenerate.

Russian version doesn't work. English version works perfectly fine. I like lesbians.

>make characters dykes
>it's not even the butch dyke character

Tracer x Widowmaker is the poor man's yuri
True patricians believe in Mercy x DVA or Mei


>dude the tumblrtards need one of these gunshootan avatars to have a canonical sexuality, and it better be gay
>short hair small tits tomboy? gay lmao
I fucking hate this, I fucking hate blizzard
make a gay, fine, but you KNOW this was tacked on way after the character was made and of course they take the most stereotypical and safe option, why not do something INTERESTING? at the very least make a gay dude, lesbians are overfucking saturated recently in western shit and forever in jap shit

>All these butthurt straightshits
Yuri supremacy wins again, men will eventually go extinct. I can't wait.

are they any worse than fat useless virgins on Sup Forums that do nothing but leech from the government and collect disability?

When the only point is to show they're gay then yes, it's pandering.

Inclusion is fucked up.

it's legitmatley backwards and anyone praising tracer being gay is literally furthering identity politics. to be INCLUDED is to be LABLED. to be labled is to be SINGLED OUT shes gay to SOOTHE feral gays without any effort on anyones part. token characters are an actual affront to any sort of equality. stupid fags who are blinded satiated

Who the hell is the redhair tho

And with men, the human kind, or MAN kind for short.

oh and god forbid you complain that this is bullshit anywhere else, because it's a fag that's ALL you're allowed to focus on, therefore if you don't like it it MUST be because they're a fag, it's a perfect shield for this lazy shit

Because heterosexuality is the canon sexuality and therefore it is allowed to be portrayed anywhere, consequence free.

Homosexuality however is inherently revolting non-canon and must be done well or else it shits up a story.

Yuri is purest love

No men means no yuri.

The problem is not that the character is gay, the problem is that they are forcing some kind of agenda onto the playerbase that has nothing to di with the game - and before you say "Hurr its their story, they have the right, video games need to be deep", just shut the fuck up.
This is a sci-fi shooter, with no single-player story mode - the issue of sexuality of a certain character shouldn't even be brought up.
But they want to appeal to faggots, so there you have it now, get ready for your game to be filled with ones.

I thought it was greedy.

>If homosexuals could reproduce with their gay partner?
We're startlingly close to making that a reality

>Adding something pointless to a back story to push an agenda.

Why do we need to know these fps character's sexuality at all?

Oh, shit. That makes a lot of sense.
I assumed it was "Greedy" because of the dollar sign and gold stuff, but grumpy works.

She is literally just kissing a girl. I thought Sup Forums was into yuri between qt grills.

what's Sup Forums about the post, fucking point to it

you might want to pay more attention in school and less on tumblar

Go back to tumblr libcuck

Indeed they'll make the 1% of idiots like: represent all gamers eventhough the majority here actually reply against them and are fine with it.

>Just like people with brain disorders are failures of nature and cripples are failures of nature

i whant to see the psycologic study that support your opinion user
>ib4 80s studies
>ib4 catholic universities studies

>If homosexuals could reproduce with their gay partner? Then they would be normal. Until then they're objectively degenerate.

so by that argument eny person that choose to not have childer in their lives have a mental ilness


if someone is gay. than unless your reporting about how much they love gay sex, than it shouldn't ever come up. someone sexual preference isn't who they are or what they are about.

if it is that makes them a massive cunt. any straight girl whos all about the d or any straight man just tryin to fug that still makes them a



We're not, but you can pretend that we are because pop blogs that think they understand science say so.

>yellow nails

>Oh no two girls kissing this is what I need to talk about right now
Do Blizzard fans have no lives?

funny how y'all weren't bitching when the flirty in-game lines between rein and ana came out
it's not needed, it doesn't affect the game in the slightest. It's no different from any other bit of lore - like how ana lost her eye, how widow got all blue and shit

you daft cunts


Man, you insecure fruitcakes are almost worse than niggers.

>Tracer's girlfriend is actually a trap
>she's not the "LGBT" character
>It's Torbjorn
>The T in LGBT stands for turret

Here's your (You), I'm sick of these Stormniggers

There is a Sup Forumsnigger on Sup Forums who keeps complaining about yuri, they have an agenda against /u/ and purest love.

Sup Forums is /u/ with video games.

yes actually.

you are intended to breed. it is actually your only REAL purpose.

you know what we call a dog who doesn't try and breed?

a fucking retard.

how do you show that a character is gay without being pandering then?

>ib4 by ultra criptic dialoge options

i mean how do you guys would show tracer couple without beign pandering?

It's happening right now with (you). Are (you) them?


If there is one thing that I'm proud of, it's that I will never be mad over a fictional relationship

>mfw Blizzard thinks that anyone that actually plays the game actually gives a shit, or that this will somehow convince tumblr to buy the game.

How fucking stupid are they?

>yes actually.
ok user i had a good time thanks for showing everyine how retard you are

I remember a decade ago, many would pretend or act "gay" because it was "cool" and they tried to cry for attention, now see what happened now.