Anyone else fucking addicted to this game?
Found myself sinking 10 hours in one sitting last night, just exploring the deeps
It's like everything No Man's Sky tried to be, but good
Anyone else fucking addicted to this game?
Found myself sinking 10 hours in one sitting last night, just exploring the deeps
It's like everything No Man's Sky tried to be, but good
>Early access
Stop contributing to this bullshit, it's killing the industry
>hur hur I let memes effect my judgement
EA is fine if you do your homework and pick the good ones with active devs. Subnautica has been getting tons of new content and fixes in the last year and is close to release.
I'd have to say The Long Dark edges it out for best current survival sandbox but it's pretty damn fun.
Ok wait a few months and then play it. Problem solved.
Reminds me that I haven't touch The Forest in a while. I heard there's an actual ending now.
I don't see the No Man's Sky comparison but it's brilliant on the Rift.
Recent update has been causing some lag though. Reportedly a cache is overloading and deleting the file will solve it but reset all terraforming, destroying any bases.
Don't know if to take the time to dismantle my whole base and store the materials on the cyclops first or just wait for a patch.
Unfortunately that 10 hours is about as much as you'll get out of this game. It's super fun but not something you'll be able to sink many hours into. And the unity engine optimization is worse than dogshit.
where the story at?
Still playing but you find out what cause the Aurora to crash and somebody comes to rescue you at some point. No spoilers.
Bump, Captain.
I cant get into such games
Im too hyper to walk
around idle explorig
neat game but whats the point honestly
>what cause the Aurora to crash
Sabotage by another company, one of the lifepods contains a pda where the saboteur writes it all down because he was dying anyway.
I've spoiled myself on this game a year ago, when I sunk almost 30 hours into it. Nowdays, it's too much familiar and repetetive bullshit to get to the few new things: I'm just not enjoying it anymore. Also, I've been binge playing Factorio lately, and now the U.I. for Subnautica is driving me mad.
That said, I think it's a good piece, and most of my current complaints come from my own stupidity and lack of restraint. Should have never played an Early Access game when it was in mid-development. It's just... not a very sound strategy.
Nowdays, I wish for more games like this. I like Subnautica a lot, but it's a far spell from the ideal underwater game I crave. I want to see an underwater game with more focus on the biosphere, with actual visibility being a gameplay element, a game where going deep underwater feels more like an achievement and less like just open-world Descent
>Unfortunately that 10 hours is about as much as you'll get out of this game.
More like 20-30. It's not a particularly long game, does not have much of a replay value after single playthrough, but then again that is also the reason why, unlike almost all the other open-world survival/exploration, those 20 hours are all well worth it.
I think Long Dark aims for a very different experience. Long Dark is a survival game. Subnautica is an exploration game. There is a bit of exploration involved in Long Dark, and there is a bit of survival involved exploration in Subnautica, but the design goals are all very different.
If that was part of it then it was an extremely minor part that wouldn't have mattered in the end anyway
So not the giant alien gun then?
>Few hours into the game
>Been out exploring for a while, setting up little one-tube habitats for easy breathing everywhere
>Return to the safe shallows for my life pod
>It's not there
>Find out that it's drifted all the way into the "This isn't a proceduraly generated game so you ran out of ocean, enjoy your infinite cliff" territory
Yeah. You can live forever in Subnautica after you got plant pots and water filters.
Long Dark is more about surviving the longest on finite resources. Any new place you find is going to be just you making mental notes of where to go for more supplies in your next playthrough.
wait the life pod can drift away now?
How long ago was this? I remember that bug but it was months ago.
Regardless, my solution was to quickly craft some airpipes and place them around the pod to fence it in.
It's been able to for a while, but I'm not really sure if it's a glitch or a feature. I've personally never SEEN it drift but it's gotten away from the initial spawn point for me twice now
It's a bug. Well worth reporting. I've noticed it happening at times again since the last update. It used to do this back about a year ago, then got ironed out. And apparently accidentally re-introduced again.
Glitch for sure. It can actually pretty much ruin your game if you don't have a builder yet and it accidentally drifts into the irradiated region. You might as well start your game over in that situation.
I've had the lifepod start to sink a little bit once. Never enough that I start swimming though
I think the idea was that it will drift until you repair it, so it will 'anchor' in place. I haven't seen it happen in recent plays though, probably because the repair tool is a pain in the ass to make even when you know where to look.
I wish there was a version of the hatch that didn't require glass or at least quartz. bit annoying how you can make hulls and platforms but can't enter them without pre-made parts.