GBC > tPC >>> HGH = RR

GBC > tPC >>> HGH = RR

The cute girls were never the focus, just part of the aesthetic. Relying on them as a featured gimmick will only make the series fail.

If the first game was a cross between Castlevania, Metroid, and Mega Man, the next game needs to be a cross between Super Castlevania IV, Super Metroid, and Mega Man X. they can't keep getting smaller and simpler than the GBC title, they need to go bigger and bolder.

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GBC was a fucking slog mostly because of the teeny tiny screen area. Damn near every jump was one of faith because there could be a pit just off screen that you can't see.

I agree for the most part, though i'd say GBC is better than tPC by more than one > and HGH I think is better than RR.

Definitely agree with your sentiment.

They are flanderizing the series dammit

Is there an item or something that makes you run faster?

What did he mean by this?

Yeah I'm skipping this game if they couldn't be bothered making a proper metroidvania

Medusas turn people who look at them into stone

So is half genie hero

I'm already rock-hard baby.

Is HGH good then?

Is it me or is this game edgier than usual if not outright gruesome?
I mean, Mario has stomped quite a few Goombas in his time and you always killed countless bastards in Shantea but Mermaids as canned fish, with one of the sidecharacters getting them as live long food supply, delivering roasted anthromorphic Aligators and killing fellow racers WHILE on the mission to make the race go smooth seems a bit much for happy cartoon violence.

What about killing the Archers and they literally explode into bones?

>Picked up my PS4 copy of HGH today
>Its in a box which contains the game case and small case for the OST CD
>Open game case
>The hell? Is that a manual?
>Its not one of those shitty phamplets, its a full fledged manual. 17 page manual all in full color and explains everything from characters, to some of the items, controls, tips, etc.

Based XSEED. WF definitely made the right choice for picking XSEED for the publisher.

>17 pages
get your bitch ass out of here. Shovel Knight's was around 40

Still waiting on my physical PS4 HGH in the mail. Always a nice surprise to get a good manual.

if you actually think GBC was a good game you're a nostalgiafaggot.

>17 page manual

that's cute

It still happens with fighting games no matter the company

the game has been a big disappointment and feels rushed, we lost dungeons, which was a major part of the games, and we only got 6 stages even though 2 of them were stretch goals.

>17 Page Manual

I cannot stop laughing.

It's just okay. Mildly enjoyable.

Not him, but played GBC for the first time on 3DS, I not only think it's good, I think its far better than other Shantae games, albeit with its own share of problems. The screen is too zoomed in and fighter moves are useless. The dungeons are way better, the world is way bigger with nooks, crannies, goodies, and meaningful shortcuts to find, there's more than 1 town and a couple of mini games, the game doesn't beat you over the head with fetch quests, and I honestly like the animation a lot, there's something endearing about this level of quality coming from the gameboy color.

Hey at least theres still a manual for the game.

True but some manuals for fighting games don't have the move list(Under Night In-Birth and current BlazBlue games for example but at least Guilty Gear Xrd Sign and Revelator have move lists in manuals).

Nice, opened mine to check it out.

17 pages is massive compared to games released since 2010.

you don't have to kill any of the racres; in fact it's easier if you don't.

Also in TPC Shantae killed that old man trying to revive his true love.

Forgot about that but yeah that felt out of place too.

> the next game needs to be a cross between Super Castlevania IV, Super Metroid, and Megaman X

This sounds like a complete clusterfuck

>Shantae killed that old man trying to revive his true love.
>he didn't beat the game
Way to go, dipshit

They're called "Metroidvania"

>tfw there will never be a Shantae comic book series and/or cartoon

If I had to choose between Shantae and MN9 getting the franchise treatment, I'd take Shantae any day. Mighty No.9 was just a series of poor business decisions and Inafune getting ahead of himself.

Honestly... what kind of man tries to make a franchise out of a game that isn't even released yet? Who decides to make a SEQUEL for a game that isn't released yet? WHO FUCKING THINKS IT'S GOOD IDEA TO CROWDFUND ANOTHER GAME AND AN OVA SERIES WHILE YOUR OTHER GAME ISN'T EVEN RELEASED YET? Fucking hell, Inafune. I trusted you.

XSeed actually commented on that. Sony fucking penalizes them for including manuals, doubly so in Vita game cases. Apparently they really had to push the envelope to get the manual it currently has.

He was fine in the credits.

Shantae did murder the fuck out of a dog though for gems.

>He loves to rebuild machines from the lost age (our time).

Remember that time when you could kill a dog for no reason? And how in the next game you could meet his ghost?

Please stop, you've done this in every Shantae thread i've seen for the past few days.

OST rip where? please

If that makes you feel any better MN9's cartoon was cancelled.

Jake will probably put up the OST tonight.

>Shantae is set in a post-apocalyptic future.

That explains Rottytops' ghost in Pirate's Curse and her clothes. Just how fucking old IS she?

They're called "shit"

I just want a sequel to GBC shantae. Bring back the open world, multiple town hubs, and dancing mechanic.

Not even the same guy, faget.


I've got a steam copy of Half Genie Hero to give away and a steam copy of Shovel Knight to give away. Post your steam, and which one you want. First steam to get it that I see doesn't have the one they want in their library is the one i'll gift it to. I'll ignore people that post both and their steam.


HGH please.

I 100%ed the game kid

Shantae was never Metroidvania


HGH Please

>the steam version of Tales of Symphonia
Is that as much of a shit show as i've heard? Anyways, you got it.

>Shantae on her Twitter has made mentions that Uncle watches "Animes" with naughty tentacles.
>Mimic's implied to have recreated television, unearthed intact Japanese porn, and watched said porn.

Fucking hell.

>the lost age (our time)

Cave Story is not shit.

The first game was though.

>The first game was though.


>one of the few things that survive the apocalypse is porn

Fucking Sony.
What's MS and Nintendo's excuses then?

So where's the MEGA for this?
Not going to pay money for a game that might be shit.

>GBC > tPC >>> HGH = RR
Pretty much. It's still fun, though. But I hope they bring back dungeons and a connected overworld for the next one.

They should have scrapped all the costumes and character modes they are planning for an overall bigger game. Sure it's nice if you can play as Rotty or Risky Boots, but you essentially just replay an already short game.

Thanks user! Forgot to cap the gift page.

ToS isn't too bad with the Unofficial Fix Mod.

>(from our time)
>Shantae is actually in the future and not just "phantasy with pop culture and some modern tech" world

Cave Story is even less Metroidvania than Shantae.

No wonder Mimic's arms are like fucking tree trunks.

As expected.

come on, HGH is better than RR at least

sent ;)

here. Shucks. Thanks, regardless, you're a nice dude; especially what with Christmas around the corner

Really? Well that's good.

Anyways, have fun.

All three companies "strongly discourage" adding manuals to game boxes. XSeed had the same issue when releasing Senran Kagura on 3DS. They tried to make a full color manual for the game, but Nintendo "strongly discouraged" them from doing so, whatever that means. They ended up getting around it by including the manual in the art book at least.

Sorry man. I might gift it again around these parts later this week because Christmas.

Why the fuck would they discourage physical manuals? No one reads the digital ones on the 3DS anyway.

I'll take shovel knight my man


Nah, no need to be sorry. Just too slow on my part

The average person doesn't read physical manuals and they need to print out a bunch, which only the minority like you and me will keep so it's a waste.

>Metroidvania games generally feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, though access to parts of the world is often limited by doors or other portals that can only be opened after the player has acquired special items, tools, weapons or abilities within the game.
>Acquiring such improvements can also aid the player in defeating more difficult enemies and locating shortcuts and secret areas, and often includes retracing one's steps across the map.
>Through this, Metroidvania games include tighter integration of story and level design, careful design of levels and character controls to encourage exploration and experimentation, and a means for the player to become more invested in their player character.

How are either not Metroidvania?

Shantae was a good Metroidvania, there should be a sequel that's a better Metroidvania.

I have absolutely no idea. I tried asking Tom at XSeed about it since he's a total bro, but he said he wasn't allowed to disclose the reason why. All he could say is that companies really don't like it when you include full color manuals.

RR was a lot more original and had much better visuals.

Huh, not finding you on the steam search. Might be me doing it incorrect though.

>Why don't companies include colored booklets most people are going to throw away
Gee, I dunno

my account name is nterror7, my id is honeybun

my bad my dude

>The only reason TVs aren't widespread across Sequin Land is because Uncle Mimic's too busy spanking it to Japanese tentacle porn.

Living the dream.

>How are either not Metroidvania?

Shantae has you go into dungeons (which have doors locked with keys) to get some glowing magical artifact which is then stolen by the bad guy. Does that sound more like Metroid to you, or Zelda? It has the exact same progression as a Zelda game except it's a platformer.

Metroid doesn't have keys, it doesn't have "dungeons" and it doesn't send you on a mission to collect glowing jewel MacGuffins. In Metroid you're in a single labyrinth and the only barrier to progress is which powerups you have.

so is the new game locked to 1920x1080 rendering resolution or something? It looks fuzzy at 1440, clashing with the smooth art style, and I can't seem to force additional AA through gpu settings.


gotcha. Sent.

Thank you very much!

no idea since I play in 1080p

So does WBiMW and that's a Metroidvania. A metroidvania with Adventure game elements doesn't make it not a Metroidvania. It still fits in the same genre.

No problem. Have fun.

if you're ok with a gamerip, here.

>So does WBiMW and that's a Metroidvania.


Cave Story is almost completely linear, barring the different endings, and barely encourages exploration when almost every pick-up is on the critical path and rarely hidden.
It's a good game, but not a good example of Metroidvania by any means.

It fits the criteria.

nope, see

Is there a good control scheme for playing this one-handed?

Why are you so surprised? It's Aladdin all over again.

not the same guy, but Ive always seen metrovanias as zelda-like games but being platformers, anyway, shantae even if it wasn't a pure metrovania denying that there are a good amount of metrovania elements as part of the base desing is retarded.

Vita version didn't get one, and it's horseshit.

seriously? damn

>genie is in the lamp for 10k years so he couldn't have known 3rd century fashion if aladdin happens sometime after 10th century
>and yet, assuming the post is true, that he was put in lamp in 3rd century at the latest and this was 103rd c, he somehow knew of contemporary 20th c singers, even though he was still imprisoned inside the lamp at that time

also didn't aladdin visit japan at one point too?

Aladdin crossed over with Hercules in the TV show