Does anyone else not care about this, at all?
Does anyone else not care about this, at all?
I'd be mad if it was two guys.
Look at how much I don't care about this
so? what is it?
their forums are blowing up lol
fuck you
windrangerXdrow is my otp
Even if it was, I wouldn't care
It's not exactly surprising
So not really
>I'll create an entire thread to show how much I DON'T care
He's super triggered
Someone should do edits of that redhead tranny comic but put tracer in as the boyfriend.
>Caring baout a shit game I haven't even played
the only surprising thing about it being tracer is that she's the poster girl.
Well the majority of the Overwatch fan base doesn't actually play the game, they just shitpost about relationshis and fanart, so sadly most "overwatch fans"""""" do care about this.
not angry
just disappointed and confused by blizzard still trying to cater and pander to a demographic that doesn't play video games
>gets scarf with patterns as present
>going to winston's immediately after
>decides to wear a plain scarf rather than the one she literally just got as a present from her partner
Who the fuck is this bitch?
No, there are literally better girls
>this character is gay and it literally doesn't effect me at all
>better cry about it
literally as bad as tumblr
You need to go back to gg chan
>Drumpf wins
>alt-right faggots somehow expect for gay people to magically disappear aftewards
dont care
make thread
never cared about tracer , when blizzard said they'll include a gay character I thought it was either tracer or Lucio
all these threads are made by blizzdrones looking to talk about overwatch since the game has become so fucking boring nowadays
But Blizzard has never tried to cater to Sup Forums
>Caring enough to post about not caring in a shitty thread about a shitty game you and I have never even played.
take a look through the archive and tell me Sup Forums doesn't care
i care about TracerMaker very much, i think about it often.
who are you quoting
The only thing I don't get is why any time Japan makes a game about lesbians it's considered offensive but when America does the same thing it's considered progressive.
It's not a real person, who cares?
sauce me
>Blizzard confirms gay character
>now all the popular game companies will start doing the same
I don't care because Overwatch is boring
I don't give a shit at all either.
The only reason why I'd acknowledge that people could be mad was if it was a long-term established character which suddenly is gay because progressive. But honestly, we know jack shit about most Overwatch characters outside of fan "lore".
Wish it were.
Bongs BTFO
Where's the thing in her chest that keeps her from getting fucked by time?
The only reason why its moderately irritating is that they just slapped on "oh yeah and she's a lesbian" seven months after the game's release like it was a fucking afterthought because their board of directors forgot to pander to a single group in their diversity wonderland game
Like if it said on her bio or something before the release when all the characters were teased that she had a girlfriend that in someway that effected her character's history in any minor way without just tacking on "LOOK SHE'S GAY" it'd be fine
Still not a huge deal though, game's still shit
How new?
This way was the best way for them to have done it. I would have preferred the response to the blizzcon question of any gay characters to have been "who gives a shit" but this is the next best thing.
She didn't face any struggle for being gay, she was just trying to get a present for her significant other who just happened to be a chick.
Not really.
The only thing worth caring about when it comes to Tracer is porn. She's useless damn near everywhere else.
Not anymore she ain't.
It's going to be Mercy or D.Va now.
Wait who is the red head?
Hey guys hey guys let's boycott Overwatch even though we already gave Blizzard all our shekels.
probably something to do with the fact they're underage and regularly almost naked
You actually went out of draw this didn't you.
Are you that triggered?
I want to suck Widow's toes while she seduces me in French
Who the fuck let you reply to me?
if you don't care
they win.
Deux ex did it first
well bioware did it first
Lesbians are only good in porn when it's fake. Nobody likes dykes in real life.
I'm not upset, but I'm two intelligent to not see it for what it is, a marketing stunt. See, blizzard doesn't really care about gays or inclusion, they just want an easy way of attracting tumblurinas/ horney 13 year old boys. Notice how gay couples in videogames are always lesbian. This is because gay men make teenage boys uncomfortable. Basically this is just a way of sexualizing characters while at the same time looking PC, 2 things which were once seen as mutually exclusive.
Blizzard don't start trends, they follow them once they've been proven to work. Throwing in a gay character is a way to shut the left up without actually changing the game at all
don't give a fuck either way
I see what you're saying, but I think it's also possible they wanted to minimize and downplay it. By only mentioning it months after we got to know the character, and not giving it any special significance, it shows that they actually *aren't* trying to pander and are just using it as another tiny little detail to flesh out the characters.
Is there anybody that didn't see this coming? I'm glad it was Tracer, if it was a guy there'd be an influx of guy on guy porn. I need more lesbian overwatch porn.
The lord Kek
So it needs to be a little progressive but not too progressive?
The fact that someone working at blizzards job is to draw cartoons about their fictional game charachters munching carpet is the only thing that offends me here.
>I'm two intelligent
>this thread
And since she's canon dyke, the r34 artists aren't going to use her for anything even remotely het anymore.
She's litterally only gay and futa bait now.
And with the way the shilled that awful futa fuck sfm animation she's basically done for in the far more lucrative and larger mostly vanilla porn market.
I don't play overwatch but I thought Tracer had to wear her time machine vest all the time to avoid exploding or something
There's also the fact that they went the safe route and just introduced an attractive lesbian couple. Completely avoiding the "ew homos are fucking degenerates unless they're women in my lesbo porn"-guys.
We all know true love can only exist between men.
why are anti-SJWs always such failures at life?
>posting a pic must mean you make it
What about if it was two guys with boobs?
The Last of Us had underage lesbians and it got instant GOTY
gay love is the solution to every problem
>Hey blizzard can you remove this one pose because my daughter plays overwatch too?
>Ayy no probs incompetent mom who we don't know, we're on it! Out character WILL NOT be defined by their sexuality!
>Ahhh.. Tracer is gay lol ecksdee.
You don goofed blizz.
Character being lez doesn't make her more marketable to teen boys little buddy.
Lesbian porn is marketable to boys when it's the vanilla soft core man comes in and they're both bi then lesbians. Not a character who just happens to be a lesbian.
I loved your work on My Life As A Teenage Robot
that's an incredible drawing user, it looks just like a screencap
They don't like characters designed according to the "male gaze", aka designed to appeal to your dick. So they like lesbians, but they don't like lesbians designed to give you a boner
>caring about tumblrwatch
not a numale cuck faggot desu
it wouldn't bother me if i didn't suspect that it was forced for the sake of PC box ticking.
shut the fuck up, overwatch is only played cus MUH WAIFUS
Nope, not really
And Tracer isn't boner fuel?
None of this makes sense family.
But even still, no one would've cared that she was gay, people are gonna make all the fucking porn they want of her and no nothing about her character is going to change. They COULD give her lines in game that could imply that she's a dyke to make this tiny detail significant but it wont fly because Russians would get pissed about it (see pic related)
Honestly they did it in the best most insignificant way they could, but not doing it at all would've been better. Either way, not a huge deal.
Lesbians are more acceptable than gaymen in today's society, they took the easy way out to please the SJW's.
Overwatch is a shitty game and it only matters for the porn it generates.
I just hope someone makes a better SFM model of Dva that has a better vagina.
You cared enough to post it.
Fuck off.
you think the only "lesbian" porn people watch is when it ends up in a threesome with a dude?
I have two thoughts:
I hope we get to play as that red-head, but I really want them to add another male hero soon.
I look forward to even more lesbian porn of Tracer.
You cared so little that you saved the picture and made a thread about it to tell everyone that you don't care
Thanks user.
Now, you didn't hear it from me but it's getting a new season in 2018.
Who and who?
Be the change you want to happen, user.
>Be Trump
>Promise to protect gays and lesbians
>Fake news tells people that he hates gays
>People now take that as fact
Really toasts my almonds.
You got 90 replies in 15 mins and they're other threads up, so I guess.
No such thing as a popular lesbian waifu bruh.
Not even in japan. And the otaku will commit ritual suicide over their waifus.
> Stop putting token lesbians into games, it's sexist!
> Well done for putting a token lesbian in your game, v. v. progressive
Not complaining lads, lesbians are back on the menu. It might be PC for boob armor to come back too.
>it's irritating because it's an afterthought, i.e. not at all presented as an important detail and basically just there for flavor
>but it's no big deal, I don't care
>I agree, it's pandering!
>But they went with something the majority video game-playing audience would probably like (straight white guys) instead of actual minority/sjw pandering
You people are fucking retarded, you can't even make up your minds on what you want to complain about.
At least be consistent with your stupid shit.