>confirmed to cater to SJWs, globalists, libtards and gays
Why do you guys like this game?
Confirmed to cater to SJWs, globalists, libtards and gays
Other urls found in this thread:
because none of that bothers me, because im a fucking adult and its just a fucking video game
>List of things OP is triggered by
Because Sup Forums is full of those now
Was really hoping for something involving mcree or hanzo
best boys
>being this desperate for attention
glad im not a pathetic waste of space like you. must live a lonely and worthless life.
I am a gay SJW globalist libtard and dont like this game
Hanzo's probably a gay as well.
No straight man shows off one nipple like that.
Vocal minority. Game is essentially dead
how much of a faggot must one be to be legit afraid of SJWs, or globalists, or libtards, or gays ?
are you THAT insecure ?
I never did. It's a casualized ASSFAGGOTS low skill ceiling normie game
Anyone who unironically likes Overwatch is a fucking normie newfaggot who should go back to r/gaming
what kind of jaded individual do you have to be to analyze every piece of a game looking for evidence of people you hate, so you can determine whether or not you like it? When did this board stop being about video games? Oh yeah when /vg/ was made.
i think the gameplay is fun so i play it even though i hate having given blizzard money. i wont give them a penny for anything else for the game though.
>le libtard pretending to be neutral post
Because it's fun and Mei is bae
maybe you should stick to tumblar kid
Because only insecure manchildren or tumblristas give a shit about things like this.
How is being "afraid" of globalists not valid? Tell me with a straight fucking face people like Soros haven't been extremely harmful and impactful on the world.
cool meme response.
Because Blizzard is at its core comprised of white males who dig metal and masculinity, and even when they branch out and make something that doesn't fall under their same favorite tropes, they still do it somewhat tastefully, and even when they cater to agendas, they don't put the catering at the forefront but rather make it a forgettable afterthought, not unlike a clever reference in a quest chain in World of Warcraft. There is no political agenda, no desire to indoctrinate, it's just something for gay people and then back to the white male power fantasies.
>merely pretending
would you have her piss in a cup for you and freeze it so you can lick it like a popsicle
just for laughs haha
>Because only insecure manchildren or tumblristas give a shit about things like this.
That would be the whole player base in that case
>who gives a shit
It's all the SJW, globalists, libtards homosexual fault
Faggots like Jean-Paul Gaultier have been impactful on the world and I'm not afraid of him.
I literally don't give a shit about Soros. I just hope he dies.
Just like I hope OP dies.
Why don't you just make your own games?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a globalist and if you don't agree you're being a hypocrite posting on a Taiwanese porcelain doll forum.
the desperation continues. lel. just give your family what they want from you for christmas and kill yourself to end their disappointment
Games still fun I really don't give a shit.
I voted for Trump.
fuck off hillaryfag
>founding fathers literally fight for social justice
>Sup Forums hates social justice warriors
>America was literally founded from various people around the world coming into it
>Sup Forums hates globalism and immigration
>America is one of the most liberal countries in the world (the American constitution is one of the most liberal pieces of literature in the world)
>Sup Forums hates liberalism
Are Sup Forumstards literally the most anti-american group to ever exist?
Because all my friends are playing it, and the game itself has no discernible story line, and the characters are about as one-dimensional as a cast of extreme stereotypes can be, so I don't give a fuck, because I don't follow the political climate of a FUCKING VIDEO GAME, unless its actually physically shoved into my face at every waking hour.
>Why do you guys like this game?
we dont like it per se
its heavily pushed by paid shills
>Sup Forums ?
more like o/v/erwatch
op is a Sup Forumstard senpai
3 types of people make these threads
1. Fans of another game that isn't getting as much attention
2. Poorfags who cannot afford it.
3. "It's popular, so I must hate it!"
>playing cuckgames in the year of trump
>Why do you guys like this game?
I don't. Stop making threads about it when half the catalog is congested by them.
Well, if you lived in one of the economies that Soros had crashed or in Europe where Soros-sponsored mass immigration rapefugees are everywhere then maybe you'd give a shit
no, I want to have sex with her in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
>russian shills are anti-american
gee i wonder why
>I play video games
>I'm FUCKING a white adult
haha just got back from work and this one made me laugh
He clearly isn't from Sup Forums because he's very much an idiot
Reminder the only correct way to play tracer now is to get as close as possible to all the other girls' asses. Even in comp
Progressivism is not synonymous with liberalism, you moron.
1 type of people defend this game
1. Blizzcucks raising their wive's sons
Have you ever been raped? If not, why do you care?
Because everything has to be a political agenda.
I enjoy the game because it feels like the next step up from Team Fortress 2, like a natural evolution, but you know, fun this time around.
It helps that the playerbase of this is somehow less autistic than TF2, even with the waifufags.
>isn't from Sup Forums because he's very much an idiot
Globalisation means everything turning into the same as it mixes together. You wouldn't get different shit from them at that point because there would be no difference between countries.
If you want crazy shit you want difference between places.
Don't wanna be a Sup Forumscuckian idiot!
>Settlers and immigrants are the same.
fuck off troll
Which one where you? Probably a poorfag.
My countrymen have been raped. People in my community (i.e. city) have been raped. I know that it might be a foreign concept to give a shit about something that doesn't directly affect you but I care.
Fuck off politics faggot.
Bad things happen all time, retard.
globalism is good if at home you have socialism
fuck off trump go back to twitter.
>buyer's remorse over his creatively derelict babby's first shooter
They're right
So because bad things happen all the time I shouldn't give a shit or try to prevent it? What kind of moronic reasoning is that?
>Sending the poor to another country
>Poor people leaving to another country
Yes goyim it's just a bit of cultural subversion nothing untoward happening here
does overwatch appeal to niggers all that much?
>what is lucio
>what is Winston
But I mean moreso in general ?
Their type is usually lumped with dudebro games such as CoD
because we are
and proud
It's called open borders and care for other HUMANS and HUWOMANS as you, racist
It's liberals, you redneck
Not a grey man like you, cis.
Why do buzzword bandwagoners hate games they don't even play?
You can't fix it and you never will.
>complains about globalism
>expects anybody but his own countrymen to care about rape in his own country
You sure are a conundrum
>Sup Forums faps to lesbo Tracer porn since the game was revealed
>lesbo Tracer porn becoms canon
>Sup Forums gets up in arms
You know, if my shota Tracer was confirmed canon I certainly wouldn't complain like you straightfags.
Synonyms for progressivism
noun person or group favoring change
on the left
wew laddy
>people immigrating into the country aren't immigrants
Fuck off you god damn commies.
whoa epic
obligatory you sick fuck meme response
Sad because this is probably most of Sup Forums's actual mindset
Because I'm an SJW globalist liberal
That being said I haven't played since I tried out Sombra cause rounds are still to repetitive.
>classical liberals
>modern liberals
>the same
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4