>beat halo 1 on legendary
>beat halo 3 on legendary
>best ODST on legendary
>beat halo reach on legendary
>even beat halo 4 on legendary which was surprisingly the hardest of them all despite being a shit game

>still haven't beat halo 2 on legendary

That hangar level brehs...

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Halo 1 Legendary is some good fun while being very challenging.

There no reason to replay halo 3 but I don't think you can play it on legendary the first time through. Regardless I soloed it and it was uneventful.

Halo 2 is fucking incredibly difficult. It's my favorite but holy fuck do enemies take a beating in it.

I've done them all on Legendary except Halo 5. I think that one might be the hardest. Fuck that game though.

I did a Halo 1 legendary speedrun and it was a blast. Some missions were easier from it, some were much, much harder.

Halo 1 is so fucking good.

Never beat halo 2 on anything harder than normal.

>Halo 1 hunters can't hit you if you stand still

I don't believe you.

[beam rifles internally]

It's true

what level are you even describing user?

I never minded these guys too much on legendary, always seemed like good practice to me

I assume he means the Arbiter level with the heretic leader boss.

The first level on the space station dummy

see i got two different responses so I'm no dummy.

Clarify OP.

The first mission is difficult but you just need to make sure you use grenades wisely.
Arbiter level isn't too bad just use your invisibility

The hangar level I was referring to the space station

2 being harder then CE aside, I don't know why people hate the arbiter's missions so much but love CEs campaign when CE's entire campaign suffers from the design issues the arbiter missions have

I always loved the Arbiter's levels.

Quarantine Zone is the only Arbiter mission I don't like.

The arbiter missions were fucking dope I seriously don't get plebs who didn't like them

just save your grenades, use them wisely. Always carry human weapons with the exception of the plasma pistol.

arbiter missions were dope, I think people don't like that he got so many.

Who here wishes we got to "finish the fight" in halo 2 instead of having a stretched out piece of garbage sequel

I can beat every level in Halo 2 on legendary except the first one. Those boarding sections are bullshit

More like gaylo 3

I still haven't beaten Halo Reach on Legendary.

I also tried to beat Halo 4 on Mythic before I did Legendary.

Legendary in both games is retardedly easy. Halo 4 moreso a joke than Reach. I don't see how Legendary in Halo 2 and 3 could contrast well with that difficulty drop at all.


he's right GAYLO 3




Hey, no 3

>Want to play halo 2 on PC
>Install all of the necessary patches
>Cutscenes chug like a fucking train
>Game has incredibly low FPS
>Have to restart game after watching a cutscene so I can have good FPS
What the fuck is going on? Anyone know a fix for this?

Project Cartographer retard.

I have it installed, forgot to add that.

Runs perfect for me
PM me for the fix
You must be logged in to see this link

Why the hate for 3?

Background: I'm a long-time fan, read all the books and played all the games then noped the fuck out after the trainwreck of 4 and I loved 3! The only flaw I can think of (and it is a big one) is Arbiter basically disappearing. He was one of the two main characters in 2. In 3 he was just sorta kinda there.

I'd really like to discuss this with you guys. Why the hate?

Project cartographer actually fucks with the campaign I think, so that might be part of the problem

It's not that 3's campaign is bad or anything, it's just a lot of people make it out to be better then it is.

Well... say more. What do you mean and what is your opinion? Compared to the others, strengths and weaknesses?

muh two scarabs

Why do I have the opposite opinion of people here? I loved halo 3 the most, actually enjoyed 4. But I think halo 2 is the worst, not counting 5.

Are you talking about the snow level?

3's campaign has 2 really fantastic missions in The Covenant and The Ark, and a lot of people only really remember those 2 and act like 3 has the greatest campaign ever when outside of those and Tsavo highway all the other missions are merely good.

2's got a lot more high points and at least in my opinion memoriability to it, as well as better writing, wheras 3 throws out Truth's character. Additionally, 3 suffers from the core gameplay being worse then 2's. It's slower, floatier, guns are more inaccurate then ever, etc.

Granted, 2's also got more low points as well, but I do feel the average quality for 2's campaign is still better then 3's. I do think 3's got a better campaign then CE though, which is even more overrated.

In terms of the other games, ODST's campaign is great and the story is decent, so it's my second favorite after 2. Reach is about on par with 3. It's higher points are lower then 3's, but the average mission quality is greater then it's, so it evens out. 4's campaign is basically a newer, slightly less tedious version of CE's, but the story is absolute retarded trash. 5's got good level design and set pieces but the missions are extremely short and some of them don't even have combat, so that plus the ehhh story nips what would otherwise be a great campaign in the bud.

Halo 2 has the worst " Challenge " of the series because unless you straight cheese you aren't going to do shit.

I've done Reach, 4, and 2 on solo legendary. They were pretty easy.

CE and 3 are by far the hardest. 3's guns are all so shitty and inaccurate, I can't even kill anything.

>2's overall campaign is better than 3's

This is a dumbass.

Oh fuck I did the entire first trilogy on legendary by myself.

Two and three I did on Mythic by myself too. Now I feel autistic.

How about you explain why you disagree then

Did all on Solo Legendary. 5 was only difficult when fighting the 3 Warrens.

Legendary Solo Difficulty: 4>2>1>5>ODST>3>Reach

4 is easy. I don't remember any hard parts.

Enemies are massive damage sponges with limited animations and primitive autoaim coupled with the most basic fucking AI I have ever seen. All the textures are just SO FUCKING BAD, especially when compared to textures like say the main character. Weapons were nerfed to slow down MP, but in turn hurt SP even worse. Dual wielding was its own fucking can of worms, but made single weapons even more gimped.

Regen health just meant elites were beyond fucking bullshit. Then a non-reloading sniper rifle with an aimbot greater than a farsight meant jackals were beyond a chore.

The story was completely fucking GUTTED, instead of a fantastic tail about fuck race traitors and plasma-burners we got muh intrigue on a race that should have stayed mysterious. The moment elites spoke english, all of the fun of fighting an alien force on foot was fucking gone. The scarab which was hyped up beyond belief could not be destroyed by the player. Instead it died in cutscene, hurting the sandbox/believability of fighting an actual military force. Not being able to kill phantoms was a rough hard slap in the face out right lie from E3 as well.

The BR was the worst fucking shot placement weapon I have ever used in an FPS game. It was worse than the fucking Carbine in Call of duty 1 on anything above normal. The maps were god damn muddy textured and sterile as fuck boxes. The arbiter was the biggest example of " Metal gear solid 2 syndrome" I have ever fucking scene.

Instead of this cool new enemy that tries to hunt us, we get keith david taking away all the alien aspects of fucking aliens.

A fucking BOSS fight, instead of something more enviromental and fitting to the series. The god damn cliff hanger, the fucking massive gaping plot hole wider than goatse that their U-turn storywise made.


>mfw shut myself in my room and worked my way through halo 1-4 on legendary in one week
>mfw when they released ODST on MCC I did it all on legendary in one sitting

fuckan jackals man

Killing the Knights before they were nerfed in 5?

3 pretty much didn't need to happen. It was rushed bc microsoft wanted a halo on the 360 since they saw that halo 2 was still topping the charts for most played live game.

3 took away from 2 while at the same time adding a bunch of stuff that was never fully utilized.

it had
>a dumbed down story
>less grenades(but more grenades... kind of)
>new equipment(that wasn't really used)
>a terrible engine that would cause your warthog to hault when landing from a jump
>double suicide because of a broken beatdown system
>a theater mode which is awesome
>forge, not so great because for the most part all you can do is add some palettes or a gas can or two
>4 player coop
>most of the campaign was spent driving around in vehicles blowing stuff up
>a very easy to level up ranking system
>simple maps contrasting some really great asymmetrical maps in halo 2
>useless weapons (flamethrower, spiker)
>cheap weapons (mauler, spartan laser)

idk there's more. In the end halo 3 was a terrible thing that killed a great game in halo 2. I really wish they made ODST after halo 2 so that ODST's story wouldn't be completely irrelevant coming after halo 3. That would have bought them time to a make a proper game of 3 and also wouldve blown people away to see a pseudo halo sequel.

Maybe it was tedious at points but I don't remember it being it too hard.
Most of the later sections threw power weapons at you.

>The story was completely fucking GUTTED, instead of a fantastic tail about fuck race traitors and plasma-burners we got muh intrigue on a race that should have stayed mysterious. The moment elites spoke english, all of the fun of fighting an alien force on foot was fucking gone.

So it's a bad thing that there's actual complexity to the narrative and they fleshed out a part of the universe? Are you fucking serious?

Halo isn't Doom or Duke Nukem. It's not meant to be just you mowing through a ton of enmies and being badass for the sake of it. It never was. There were 2 seperate novels that had perspectives from the covenant before Halo 2 even came out.

The beatdown system was just best way to handle latency.

For the average modern Sup Forums user, Halo 2 was their very first online FPS. This might change when the even younger players who started with 3 take over.

was it really? So much fun was taken away from multiplayer as a result of this. It gave shitty players a way to get kills when they didn't deserve them. Getting killed from a beatdown after you already killed the fucker with your own beatdown is frustrating. There were more factors that came into play on when it became a double beatdown like who's health meter was higher etc.

>forge, not so great because for the most part all you can do is add some palettes or a gas can or two

Nigga do you even remember spin cycle? not to mention any of the other glorious forge maps.

I did the exact same thing user, except on heroic

Still working through ODST. I feel like that game is more of a slow burn, whereas the other ones are more urgent in their pacing.

This explains it.

>tfw you enjoy most things Halo
>tfw you just hide every Halo thread on Sup Forums

sure, I remember the millenium falcon, I remember other shit. For the most part it's all useless to me. If I want fun map making I'll play Far cry instincts predator.

Ah thanks user, I actually have read this before. I think one of my problems is that if you are already wounded from a previous battle and go in for the kill on someone and legitimately get the kill without taking damage, all that person has to do is go for a beatdown once you already put yourself in range by making your lunge beatdown. It's almost inherently flawed although I understand what they were going for

>less grenades
Why is this a bad thing?

>Complexity to the Narrative,


IT wasn't fleshed out, what was fleshed out was the concept, the idea of fighting an alien force and having absolutely no fucking idea what the fuck was going on. It was all heinlen up in this bitch, I'm sorry you couldn't understand works like Freespace or Starship troopers you fucking ASS!



The fact you niggers run around stroking your cocks to arbienchief and other bullshit is proof enough. Halo 2 was...COMPLETE..FUCKING..GARBAGE.

The MP was fucked because all concept of skill was tossed out the window because BUNGIE literally are lucky assholes who don't understand balanced shooters. They haven't made a single balanced or well rounded MP since fucking Halo CE.

What made CE so engaging was the depth of it, Alien force, little to no understanding of them, dealing with a dire circumstance and actual battlefields with sets allowing the player different approaches. Before you would be scripted to get the job done in the necessary manner, in CE you could do ANYTHING.

A perfect example is assault on the control room, the player can stealth, he can Snipe, He can steal a ghost, he can take the tank and armor it up or go full warthog. He can go through the entire thing on foot for FUCK SAKE!

Halo 2 was literally the most scripted, bottom of the barrel fucking FPS game that has ever fucking existed.

And then I see you faggots come in here "UGH, THE LIBRARY IS BAD" T-fucking you faggots.

All the while in this crazy ass denial as you die 30 fucking times against 2 enemies on a rooftop with energy sniper rifles.

>Sniper Jackals on H2 Legendary

[autistic screeching]

Ultra Elites on Halo 2 Legendary.

Who fucking though 400% shield power was a good idea?

They're fucking really hard to hit twitchy bullet sponges.

Don't even get me started on the Ultras and Zealots in Reach, they fucking bounce off the walls like spastics, all while having shield power the size Manhattans electrical grid.

The issue is online there's no way to tell if you legitimately got the kill without taking damage.

>he doesn't pack a PP & BR to cheese them


It's the only logical way to handle them, and it takes 2 fully charged shots from a PP to take down an ultras shield in Halo 2.

dual pistol+plasma pistol or plasma pistol and BR are necessary for those smarmy fucks.

>even beat halo 4 on legendary which was surprisingly the hardest of them all despite being a shit game
What? Halo 4 legendary campaign is the second most easiest one after Halo 5 legendary campaign.

Halo 4 is full of cheap kills. It's not hard, it's just tedious.

Like 2, but it doesn't have a good story or enjoyable sections to make it bearable.

Jeeze, have you been this angry ever since 2004?

Part of it was people got attached to chief, I can't put my finger on why but there's something really charming about him. Arbiter was new and took time away from chief, so it annoyed a lot of people.

Arbiter is a cool dude

I loved playing as him, plus all the cool lore we get to learn about the inner workings of the covenant. Thats one thing I hated about halo 3, no more Arbiter missions.

What did 3 actually take from 2? Never played that one much I only really did 1 and 3.

>No playable elites since 2010 (TMCC doesn't count)
Living is painful

I agree with you, I'm just saying he probably felt like an annoyance to people who just wanted to see more chief. Arbiter's great too.

at his best in arby n the chief tbqhfam

That's what they were going for. Marty put in the sax for that slow burn film noire vibe. I dig it, a metric fuckton of people hate it.

Grenades were a great way of influencing enemy movement in multiplayer and straight walling out a threat in other situations (think capture the flag or bomb). In halo 3 they said "hey look here there are two brand new grenades so it still comes out to 8" and in practice one grenade was never used while spiker were simply frags when stood on top of but plasmas when stuck with. Give me the 4 frags and plasmas anyday. Not everything has to be completely overhauled in a sequel.

>what did 3 actually take from 2
I'm not sure if you're asking what 3 borrowed from 2 or what they took out that was in 2. In my statement I meant it as in they took out stuff that was in 2 when they made 3. But if you want to know what 3 borrowed from 2 I guess you could say their player base

Playable elites would be fun. And fun isn't allowed.

Plus it would interfere with 343's shitty microtransaction system, because there is like 500 armors for spartans so they would have to make more for elites as well, plus re-do all the assassinations.

Also the 343 elites are fucking huge and bulky and they need to hunch over even more than the H2/3 ones to be spartan-sized.

>replaying 1 on legendary
>fucking elites dancing all over the screen while being perfectly accurate

nope, only lasted 3 levels before going down to heroic

I meant in what they removed, from what little I remember all that was taken was the spectre, which even then got replaced with the prowler.

The hardest part is truth&reconciliation.

After that. It's easy.

*before the currently 4.5 hour 2001: A Space Odyssey masturbation session that is Season 8*

Even though I don't really like asymmetrical maps, Zanzibar has always been my favorite map.

Oh yeah, that happens to me too. What's up with that

>That hangar

First level you mean? Cairo Station btw.

why did 343 JUST the elites so hard?

they looked their best in halo 2. bungie fucked them up in 3 and reach but the halo 4 elites were a MISTAKE






The tingle in your nuts as you hold the spartan laser in the windmill as the sound of the warthog grows louder until a mongoose barrels through the archway but you hold fast and wait for the fully loaded warthog then get shot at from the arches but you don't give up you run into the wall of the ring to buy yourself enough time and there it is. The warthog. bbbrrRRRRRR TRIPLE KILL!

I don't like when their eyes are very visible, except in Halo 2A, they looked great in there.

Halo 5 multiplayer is so good right now.

H2A are the best elites (left)

(Also, only the Campaign ones not multiplayer)

I don't usually like remasters but I really want halo 3 anniversary. Done by sabre interactive like H2A.

I want it because h2a was fucking beautiful. It's how modern halo SHOULD look, but unfortunately in the mainline games 343 seems to be sticking to their fucking atrocious art style.

I miss my old halo days. I guess I'm luckier than most cause I have 1 and 3 digitally on my 360 but I miss high school, having buddies round and doing local. Can almost taste the pizza. Thinking on it I should see if anyone's got another 360 and we can do a LAN party for nostalgia's sake.

My money's on them doing halo 3 to sell the Scorpio. Make the resolution 4k (totes not upscaled 1080 guise) and maybe link it to the halo 5 multiplayer like CE. Although I'd prefer the halo 2 route of including the multiplayer itself.

Yep, that was one of the best parts of halo, playing it with friends

Nowadays halo 5 has arguably the best multiplayer (not by default, but the forge and customs settings use greatly expanded what you can do, not to mention the insane amount of weapons)

But, it has no fucking splitscreen or LAN. What the fuck.

I completely fucking disagree. I HATE the Elites in H2A. They look so much shorter and fat and stocky. They look and walk like dwarves in armor. I hate it. H2 made them look tall but ferocious. You could understand why they were so terrifying. H2a almost makes them look and like dudes in costumes for fuck's sake.

they look literally the same in h2a

A daily reminder that 343 is a fitting punishment for what you did to the halo series. You johnny come lately halo 2 loving niggers.

They look like the originals but less weird in the face. Everyone's got their opinions I suppose, I just hope we can all agree that the Halo 4/5 elites are garbage.

I really want to play the Halo 2 remake.
It's the only numbered Halo I've never finished.
I have avoided nearly 100% of footage of the remake as well.

When I inevitably play it, will I be disappointed as far as graphics are concerned?