Trails of Cold Steel III

>PS4 exclusive

Has Falcom lost it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>2017 fall
>not ps4 exclusive

Whats the point of your opinion if you are not pc keks

Just buy a fucking ps4 you fucking poorfag. I am sure if my poor as fuck ass can do it you autists can get one.

so we all agree to boycott Sen3 right? start spamming those tweets

I tip my cup of tea to you, crybabies

>PS3 is last gen
>no one has the PSVita
>somehow releasing a game on the best selling current gen console is a bad idea

Nope. 3 years too late actually

>falseflagger trying to create drama

Why does rean look like so edgy

>Rentals now count as full sales

rentals of what?

They lost it when they made Ys 7

>It must be PC players complaining about a series they have never even had a port of
Fuck off, I played the last two games on my vita I shouldn't have to buy a PS4 for this one.

>forcing people to buy a remasterstation 4 to finish the plot

is this the blunder of 2017 already?

So what do you guys think about the new battle system? We'll be tapping buttons instead of selecting from menus it seems

if you have a good PC you wouldn't care because you have a bunch of games to play yourself

>I played ff3 on my SNES why should i get a playstation to play FF7

seems fine, I wonder what charge is

nvm it says change lol

>releasing your game in the most selling console of the generation is a bad idea
>contrary to releasing it on a dead console that only a few nips care about

Why Sup Forums is full of retarded children?

I know right!? Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 were both released on the PS2. Why the FUCK should I have to buy a PS4 for Kingdom Hearts 3?

what's your excuse for not having a PS4 already user?

It's just Nintards false flagging. They are desperate for anything to cling on to at this point.

Not him, but Ace Combat 7 isn't out yet.

More importantly, Kondo hinted that Estelle would be in the game, which means best girl will also make an appearance.

>sen 2 finally did away with school uniforms and everyone was better off for it
>nope back to school uniforms
fuck you

Calvard when?

What would happen if I pulled out the plush doll?

In fairness, you could wait till January but yeah

>another kh remaster collection
>tales of its on fucking pc
>a digimon world game thats known for being terrible
Jesus thats a shit list

>we will never get a Adol only ys game again

It would be extremely painful

>Estelle would be in the game, which means best girl will also make an appearance.
Sure they're rivals, but that's probably not enough to ensure that Anelace will get in

I hope she does though; I'd kill to see her and Rean have an Eight Leaves One Blade duel at some point

She's a big girl.

Don't worry vitabros, japan won't put up with this bullshit like westacucks do. It will definitely bomb.

Not without Pater Mater.

Ys VIII in 2017 git hyped


Kinda figured that XSeed was waiting for the PS4 version so they could do both in one go.

Buy a fucking PS4 already you fucking walmart cashier

Vita version won't be translated. Don't be mad.

is this DOAL WEELD meister a new co-protag or some sort of rival

I can understand them wanting to make the game bigger and thus not being able to run it on a vita or PS3 but uh, yeah, releasing it only on the PS4 is a pretty big fuck you. It's not like this is a completely independent series like Final Fantasy, this is a trilogy and it's forcing people to either skip or pay up and buy hardware just to see the next bit of the story.

At the very least it should hit PC too, that won't make everyone happy but it would drastically increase the amount of people that can play it and help less people get fucked over by the platform switch.

Cold Steel 3 will bomb now but I really hope it doesn't make Falcom stop developing for the PS4. It's where they need to be, they just chose the wrong fucking series to start with

Renne is still stronger than most other Enforcers even without Pater-Mater

But ps4 sold like shit in japan.

Who the fuck bothered to own a Vita who doesn't already own a PS4?

Come the fuck on.

>few nips

Fuck off retard vita has a bigger install base than ps4 in Japan.

In what universe? It tops almost every week in hardware sales and a few months ago it surpassed the WiiU in terms on lifetime sales in Japan

Nobody gives a shit about the Vita. Get over it, fuckface.

Kiseki fanbase lies in Asia not the west so no.

Is there a fanbase more salty than vitacucks?

And yet the Japanese are almost unanimously excited about the exclusivity because it means the game won't fucking suck like CS1 and 2 did.

it's been steadily rising, especially since the release of Persona 5 and VR

Can I get the first two on ps4 or do I have to buy a vita?


And those sales are shit, read the numbers not the rank.

when the Collectors Box of Trails could only hold 2 vita games you should have known from the beginning the 3rd wasn't gonna be on the vita

vita or ps3 gurl

No, play the last game of the trilogy. You don't need to play the previous two games.

vita version is shit. you can get the first 2 on ps3

The 2008 recession and 2011 tsunami kind of killed Japan's economy. Most people there now prefer cheap mobile and handheld stuff as opposed to full-fledged console releases.

Nice made up shit.

>read the numbers
>it pretty much sells more than the other systems combined

I dont follow

What? I just said the name Vita, because that's one platform the games were on, I didn't say anything else about it.

Calm down.

That was an XSeed made collector's edition, not Falcom, they had no idea where the third game would be.

The 3rd is on Vita already though

Yeah is doing like shit just like I said.

Fuck off vitard.

Maybe learn to read first then?

Guess I'll have to get a Vita then, too bad it never goes on sale

>it's OK when Witcher, Halo, MGS, Chrono, SMT, Persona, and DMC change consoles.

Stop trying to hold back progress PCucks and join this gens master race.


hmm well "never" isnt the word, its been on sale before on the psn store

>Abloo bloo bloo why isn't Falcom making a game for 2018 for a dead console and dead handheld

i seriously dont i understand these lastgenfags complaint. do you want a better game or just same shit ? i dont see people complain about FF moving platform. Ps3 is over 10 years old, Time to let it die or your game will be holded back by technology forever

Why do people hate never ever pc cuck


>you will never get to lick Fie's bare feet

fucking kill me now.

>he calls it FF3

>is doing shit like I said

As far as modern console market goes, the ps4 is on the top, if people think like you, which luckily they aren't, Nintendo and Microsoft would've closed down their gaming branches ages ago

I have both cold steels on vita and I'm more than happy to see them jump to ps4 for 3. Vita could just barely run the games, and forcing falcom to waste dev time optimizing the game for it is pretty stupid.

>you will never get to rewrite Fie into a real character instead of pure pandering waifubait garbage with "btw im a jaeger" thrown on

Because it's a trilogy, 3 games that together make up one story. This isn't a series like FF that moves platforms as technology increases and it doesn't matter because the games aren't connected, this is essentially 1 game in 3 pieces that now people have to get an entirely new platform just to see the final chapter of. The easy solution is to release it on other new platforms/PC so that as many people as possible can have access to it.

Judging by the shitposting/retarded posts in the thread I guess this is never a subject that will get discussed with any common sense or maturity.

>forcing people to keep a dead console plugged in to finish the story

Savior of the industry desu sempai

don't insult my wife Fie which I love so much

just how poor are you guys? you can literally get a ps4 for under $200 now. thinking 2017 games should still be on a 10 year old console is absolutely retarded

Ps mortis fags can't accept their baby was stillborn

If Kingdom Hearts fans had to own a PS2, a PSP, a DS, and a 3DS to play all the games, you can suck it up and get a PS4.

>read the numbers
>number of PS4s sold in Japan is more than any current gen console and more than every other console on a weekly basis
hm think you might be a bit touched in the head m8

factually incorrect

M-muh comfy

Uncharted 4 stories are connected but it still have to moves on.

last gen is fucking DEAD. LET IT DIE.

I want a better game. I don't care If poorfags has a problem getting it or not.

While it's a shitty move for KH to end up that way you also have to realize the series has been running for 14 years now and that makes it fairly impossible to keep it on one platform, CS is only 3 years old and splitting it like this is something they should do their hardest to avoid or make up for.

After all the shit they allowed to happen to SC I really don't think they have a firm grasp on how to handle things.

>He does not realize i am talking to dumb autistic americunts so have to dumb down what i say to even comunicate with these plebs.
So FF3 is good enough for you. Pleb.

>The easy solution is to release it on PC
and there we go

pro tip: this being on PS4 means there's a better chance of a PC port due to not having the PS3 fucked up architecture
but you better make a petition just in case ;-)

No console warrior shitposting please, make a troll thread for that.

the vita is sold on the psn store?

That's why they made the collections though, so people can have it all on one platform. No reason why this can't be the same.

>he says after begging for a port
hm really gets the old nogging jogging