What games have you been playing Sup Forums?

What games have you been playing Sup Forums?
You beat anything recently?

Beat Pokemon Sun and Moon, Dragon Quest VII, playing Xenoblade Chronicle for the holiday.


Been playing Etrian Odyssey 4. I've never finished EO3 so I'm hoping to come back to it sometime later, something just sorta clicked while playing and now I'm absolutely loving the game.

The last things I've beaten recently otherwise is FFXV and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, both were fun.

Monster Hunter Gen(again), Divinity Original Sin, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Red Alert 2 campaign (again), Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.
Now looking for something to keep my mind busy.

Pokemon Moon, Astroneer, Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero, Let it Die, Elder Scrolls Online, Overwatch.

Mostly Shantae. Got it early. Its pretty fun. Hoping to pick up Subnautica on the Christmas Sale.

Pokeon: 9/10
Anstronner: 8/10
Shantae: 8/10
Let It Die: 7/10
ESO: 7/10
Overwatch: 9/10

Pretty good gaming happening right now.

King's Bounty: Cro--

>Little anime girl's doing air quotes

OOHHHH, haha gotcha. Uncharted 3.

I beat bully
Playing thief deadly shadows at the moment
I don't know what genre of game to play next. Turn based rpg maybe?

Beaten and currently playing Pokemon Sun. Giving it all the free time I have. Gotta hatch those shinies.

Those are peace signs user

Why not just let the gay bait threads happen every couple of days or so? They're not really special when they're daily.

Just beat the league in pokemon sun, and apparently I'm not the only one.

Glad I caved to the hype

>What games have you been playing Sup Forums?
Theatrhythm, and just started Dragon Quest V

>You beat anything recently?
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams

Three game winning streak on OW boiiii

Just finished S;G0, playing through FFXV now and I'll be playing Nep Rebirth 2 after.

>Only one more expert trail and one code Crimson mission

Almost ready to start FFXv, come Christmas

Sup Forums is really straight right now so it's kind of kindling my hetero drives

>Just finished S;G0
How'd it compare to the first? Wondering if its worth picking up after the holidays or waiting for a sale.

Finished finals today

I'm going to crash later so I can finally go back to Pokemon Sun, last I remember I arrived at Akala Island and received Stoutland Pokeride

Also I find myself daily playing Garden Warfare 2, extremely underrated game, really fun

Nothing. Im in a tropical country so its actually worth being outside. 3 weeks and Im back home in comf winterland and I can play games again.

I'm helping a friend grind out crafting materials in God Eater for his new character because he forgot how much it sucks not having the postgame Predator Styles to rely on.
Also berry farming and Destiny Knot Pickup hunting in Pokemon.

because the children have ADD and need to do it all the time on skype, discord and mainly here too.

but dont worry, they are doing it ironically so its alright

I just beat Recettear. Loved it.
Can't pick what to pay next. I have Azure Striker Gunvolt, Forza Horizon, Deus Ex MD and Portal 2.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Just beat metro 2033 redux on ranger hardcore
> didn't get any fucking achievement from it tho

I liked them a lot more when they were a once a week or so kinda thing.

Play DOOM and Knack, both are pretty fun even though Knack is more of a tech demo, but it serves its purpose.
Finished Last Guardian and FFXV

Doing postgame in FFXV

I plan to buy Rainbow Six Siege too

Titanfall 2,game is goregeous and its probably the best multiplayer experience i had this year

same as always, first some anons do some gayposting for fun, and then the children see it and run with it full ADHD memeforce way

I treat my video games like I threat my tulpa
As if they exist

Finish my report card/cgs on Sengoku Rance in anticipation for the new game.

I have no friggin' idea, so I'm going to assign numbers to what's on my desktop and roll with this post
2 Dark Crusade (Titanium)
3 Stardew Valley
4 AoE3
5 C&C Generals (reroll for ZH or ROTR)
6 MW4 Mercs
7 Company of Heroes
8 SimCity 4
9 WoW (Kronos)
0 play nothing, continue to shitpost

>post Nost-rebirth

Oh believe me I intend to switch to Nost in due time, I'm just waiting for the initial surge of scrubs to calm down. Saw the same thing happen on K2, it's quite comfy now though.

Rerolling for when I inevitably get bored at the turn of the season.

>tfw no thick eyebrow gf

Had to restart Lisa because I lost both my arms and all my good party members.

Second playthrough is going amazing.

I've mainly been playing Skyrim lately. PS4 one. Using the mods has been fun. Playing the game vanilla again is going to be hard, Other than that, 2K17. Just made a Center.

Not with that kinda attitude you won't.
We'll find one some day bro

Nothing. I've played nothing. I just browse Sup Forums and read about games, but I don't play them.

I think about playing them, sometimes I even open Steam, but then I end up doing something else instead. Kinda weird.