So when they inevitably remaster this, would you want them to actually try to fix shit...

So when they inevitably remaster this, would you want them to actually try to fix shit, or leave it hilariously broken like One Man Army/Danger Close/Commando Grenade Launcher spam?

Other urls found in this thread:

i dont care, since ill just be playing the original

>no dedicated servers
don't do that to yourself guy. Let it die.

The latter, obviously. Need something to combat the dumbfuck quickscopers.

There is no fixing mw2. At its core it's a broken mess


who cares most of us were 16-17 year olds who still enjoyed life when it came out, now were bitter 20somethings

i dont care what anyone says, especially here though it was to me one of the most important FPS games of all time

it sort of introduced the dynamic of "it's not just a game" that wolfenstein failed to do

This game is pure action and if you dont like that then whatever

Completely agree

When I heard they were remastering modern warfare I said I wish it was modern warfare 2

>most of us were 16-17 year olds who still enjoyed life
Speak for yourself.

No, leave it broken.
MW2 was a magnificent clusterfuck where absolutely everything was overpowered.
The new generations deserve to experience it, like playing COD4 on PC in Shipment with 64 players.


theyre sort experiencing it now with MWR since CoD 4 was M16A4 Red Dot Sight: The Game

It is and was grenades m40 mp5 m16 desi the game

I wish they balanced both of them.

I can't play this shit on pc, aiming on console was fucked so it being broken wasn't a bad thing

Best guns
4.Green sniper (m40a1)?
6.50 cal sniper

>RPD that low

delet this

youre right actually, I should have it at 5

Maybe nerf grenade launchers somehow but that's it. MW2 is still a lot of fun.

leave that shit as it is, its 10/10
>being shit

ump45 is the GOAT

yeah, in 2, thats a listing of 1's best guns

bestgun coming through

I'm currently playing it on 360 feels good brother

I'll start

>the new generations deserve to experience it
agreed. MW2 was the best because it was the craziest. im still waiting for a game with dedicated servers to play like it. Nothing has come close. Everything strives too hard to be """"""""""""""""""e-sport material""""""""""""""""""" and be competitive with CSGO.

Outta the way faggots, best raifu coming through.

> dat sexy as fuck reload animation

I say leave the game exactly as it is, just update the graphics. It was a ton of fun.

>your face when they plan on adding the FAL, Galil, Mac-10, PP2000, Striker, M240, .44 Magnum, and VSS Vintorez to MWR


>update the graphics
still looks fine imo
just give us dedicated servers and the game would have never died.

>being that guy
of course you always had a silencer equipped.

>the game would have never died

there's no PS4/XBox One version

literally only reddit would want that shit fixed in the remaster

>d-do i fit in yet

>le fit in meme
Kill yourself

The MW remaster and cod subreddit actually had this same fucking discussion and unsurprisingly, they wanted all the quickscoping and OMA noobtube shit fixed

bring back the old akimbo models too

I was twenty, but I see your point.

Last decent CoD. If they "fix" anything they'd likely end up fucking it up.

I spent so many hours, even days of my teenage years playing that shit. Search and destroy/ headquarters pro was the shit

Fix OMA and the javelin and care package glithches. Would also be fun to play with the pre-nerf akimbo 1887s, but it would be better if those were gone.

MW2 was fun and memorable BECAUSE it was broken as fuck

Fixing it would just ruin it

bloody hell we just got our arses kicked

Ideally both, they could have separate modes or something

Exactly, it's perfect :^)

>Infinite Warfare gets a game mode that gets rid of jetpacks and rebalances weapon damage to compensate for the lack of verticality
>Community collectively begs them to keep it because for God knows what reason it was a temporary thing
>They put it back in but still make it sound like it'll go away again

what mode is that

Tactical Team Deathmatch

Makes me think why MW3 failed so hard in the eyes of so many

It was a legitimate sequel but it didn't capture THAT feeling MW2 had

Is mwr worth the 60 dollar price? I played IW during the free weekend and it was honestly really enjoyable. COD4 was my favorite COD. But I'm conflicted on spending so much.

I've been playing it a lot. I don't see why people are mad that there's more cosmetic customization options, though

Mate I was 11 when it came out lmao

Who was the best call of duty commentator? Seananners? Blametruth? Whiteboy? Woody's gamertag? Xjawz? What happened to these guys?

they'l fix everything that made it fun and break it in ways that aren't fun

>that feel when I was 15 when CoD 4 came out
>Now I'm 24 and hate the direction my life's taken
>Still playing CoD 4 but in HD

what happened

Seananners. Only because his nuke with every gun was actually entertaining to watch, and he was one fo teh few not to get premade lobbies and essentially "boost" it. He's shit now.

Exactly the same as me mayne

add lean and dedicated servers or i'll buycott this too

>add lean

what are they trying to do, get the /r/blackpeopletwitter audience?

All I want them to do is make it hack proof because that shit ruined this game.

>No faggy gingerbread man outfits
>no faggy hot pink and neon green camos
>no cancerous supply drops
>no female soldier option.

>no female soldier option

MW2 was broken in a fun way.

>No faggy gingerbread man outfits
Won't happen
>no faggy hot pink and neon green camos
Will happen
>no cancerous supply drops
Definitely will happen
>no female soldier option.
Will happen

Speaking of MW. Is MWR as bad as people are saying? I haven't give it a shot yet. But from what I hear the server tick rate is like 10hz, and the game suffers heavely from k/d kiddies head glitching with the M16.

>Is MWR as bad as people are saying

Not from what I've played. The tick rate means you die around a corner sometimes if you try to run, but Famous Amos or whatever the guy at Raven's name is seems like he actually listens to feedback.

>But from what I hear the server tick rate is like 10hz
It is, on dedicated servers which is hilarious. The lag compy is IW levels of shoot first die first too.
>the game suffers heavely from k/d kiddies head glitching with the M16.
Yeap true. 85% of players just camp up with the M16 and call it a day, probably the worst thing about MWR is the new CoD community is fucking atrocious.

The broken game design is what made it fun

Hunting boosters, OMA grenade launcher on the secret Highrise roof, knife lunges from across the map, ripping around like sanic with a care package smoke grenade

you'll never make anybody happy, but I have played literally over 30 days of this game online (almost all in the year after it came out), and I believe all that truly needs to be done is:
1. Make an explosives timer at the start of games (and rounds) to eliminate spawn tubing and grenades
2. Make jitter-mods impossible
3. Reduce noob tube power by about 35%
4. One-man army doesn't refill noob tubes
Not necessary, but would be nice, to:
1. Get rid of last stand and final stand
2. Being able to select which killstreak you want to use, like in every subsequent game

>the game suffers heavely from k/d kiddies head glitching with the M16
I don't recall it being any different in the original.

Not a commentator, but I always liked SandyRavage's videos, Booster Justice in particular.

GUN1T123 :^)

It's already been proven the switch to server side hit detection has made the M16 and G36C lasers, they where good before, but now they're more consistent. Same goes with the M40A3, it can one hit Jugg users now without using the Acog.

>M40A3 can one hit people using a bullshit perk

I'm not seeing a problem

I hate myself for recognizing every single one of those names.

Neither am I. My point really is that this isn't MWR at all, so many little things have changed, that to me all add up. I'm assuming that's why they dropped CoD 4 off the title. Wouldn't surprise me if MWR gets MW2/3 stuff soon enough, heck the FAL just leaked in the supply drops with the ACR. But the ACR was for IW.

If they remaster this, they should probably keep it the same (although they already nerfed MOST of the bullshit stuff in the original game from what I can remember). On a related note, if they end up remastering Black Ops then they should massively increase the number of zombies that can be on a map at once. I seem to remember the limit being like 24 at a time, it was far too easy to walk around without a care in the world.

they're adding a lot besides that

>.44 Magnum
>VSS Vintorez (not sure why they don't just add a silencer attachment to snipers instead of adding one that's silenced by default like this)
>Kamchatka-12 (auto shotgun)
>XM-LAR (semi-auto rifle)

Yeap sums up my point of them purposely calling it MWR. I'd guess those weapons will be added with the Variety map pack to try and temper gflames. But in all honesty, it wouldnt not suprsie me if MWR becomes a MW1/2/3 mix up.

High Tier

USP .45

Normalfag tier


Gas yourself tier

Barret .50
Model 1887
Desert Eagle

yeah... there's a reason why this game was unarguably the best one in the series and the reason is its lack of balance
it's not THAT unbalance but small shit like the model 1887 before the nerf, the g18s and a couple more were what made this game such a gem.
it was all about fun

>it sort of introduced the dynamic of "it's not just a game" that wolfenstein failed to do
Could you explain this? I really have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't have any problem with them adding more shit. Raven's concerned with whatever they add fitting the setting at least, that much is obvious by the fact that the only options for uniform customization are actual camos and the only noticeable player models are a guy that looks like Zack Galifianakis from the Hangover and some guy wearing a boonie hat with paint on his face

What platform? I was thinking of getting it on PS4

>completely broken weapons that made everyone use the same 5~6 guns in every single game (mp7, akimbo fm9, acr and some more i can't remember)
>some of the worst (and smaller) maps i've ever seen - which rendered snipers pretty much obsolete and ironically the same could be said about the shotguns since they had about the same efficient range of a knife.
>KILLSTREAKS4EVERY1 because who cares if you keep dying, you still deserve a lot of prizes just for playing

this and the overall smell of feces and lack of creativity made this the lowest point of the series... and the last call of duty game i played for more than a week

PS4, and while it's not any indication of concurrent player numbers the leaderboards has over 3mil people on it.

From what I've seen during primetime hours there's a lot of people playing though. I usually play Ground War and during a good time of day I'll see something like "22/22 potential matches" before being matched into one, and that's just in the one playlist meant for up to 18 people


>those obviously set up videos

a real human bean

Xboner here. The game here is in the top 5 most played usually battling with BF1. So on our platform using BF1s population it averages 100-150k, I can imagine PS4 would be no worse.

i only want them to fix the dialogue

and a real hero

Im with can you explain what was so special about MW2? Granted I was probably 13 when it came out anything positive probably just flew over my head.

>it sort of introduced the dynamic of "it's not just a game" that wolfenstein failed to do

seconded, what did you mean by this?

>not sitting your ass in the hallway's back door on skidrow with nothing but a RPD with fmj and a grip
i feel bad for you, kids...
>pic related: just go up the stairs and wait for you chopper to do everything for you

>he didn't like being told to do everything

This game is a 10/10 broken mess

Tampering with that would ruin the spirit of the game.

let's go

I honestly wouldn't mind some commando nerfing and somehow tweaking one man army/danger close. Not sure how though. Maybe have danger close only apply to equipment and secondaries or something like that

Yeah I feel you man it was a moment for us fags born in the 90s.




Nah. Having Ramirez being told to do everything was golden.

The one thing I'm sad about in MW3 is that the Rangers weren't in it.
>So when are we going to Moscow?
>Not soon enough man. But I know we're going to burn it down when we get there.

this but more COD4 - WaW beta - MW2