At what point did you lose hope for Valkyria Chronicles?

At what point did you lose hope for Valkyria Chronicles?

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when they went to the PSP

When she died.

Honestly when bread girl turned into an indestructible God

The first game.

I want to like SRPGs but hate them. I feel like I need to play with a FAQ beside me at all times so I don't miss anything because of the stupid bullshit they always hide.

Valkyria Chronicles is exactly like Star Ocean in the sense that both have exactly one (1) excellent and rightfully acclaimed game, and the rest of the series is questionable at best. Still, the weight of that one game tends to keep the name afloat through the years.


>bringing women to the battlefield
It was doomed from the start

I never did. The last game we got was the best and mobile shit is normal japanese business practice.

Even if the spinoff fails I'm sure we'll see a proper VC4 some day that builds on the mechanics in VC3.

When they hired Raita to design the characters

When the initial impressiveness of the atmosphere,graphics, and music wore off in the first game and I realized it was an INCREDIBLY shallow SRPG that was also extremely unbalanced too. The story also fell apart halfway as well.

We can all agree 2 was a miracle bu theo original Star Ocean wasn't awful like everything past 2

>General who appears as an enemy for a few missions before dying
>Becomes the new franchise mascot, to the point where the sequel's are prequels to bring her back

Fucking Japs.

>to the point where the sequel's are prequels to bring her back

But that's false.

What was the good star ocean game?

Yeah, I've heard. So let's say "the post-masterpiece entries" are questionable in both series.

3. I convinced myself 2 was just a shitty fluke and we would just pass over it. And then I played 3 and hated it just as much and knew it would only get worse. I loved the first game but fuck this series now and fuck sega.

This and the fact that the following iterations should be called "Edgy japanese highschool anime kid Chronicles". Doesn't transmit the charm of the first one.

The Second Story.


god fucking damn I'm looking for a pic of Selvaria on the beach being sweaty and nice, but CANT FUCKING find it, I swear to god I'm usually good at hunting for this shit, but if someone has it, please do post it

>Azure Revolution looks like shit
>if VC4 ever comes out, it'll likely be shit since Japan is afraid of guns in their war games
>Raita isn't releasing anything at Comiket
Rescue me from this nightmare dimension.

Till the End of Time

I havent. Revolution looks to be a good spin off.

Well, you're free to have your own opinion, man.

Thanks Mr. Skeletal.

When they made the games for the PSP.

There are several of those.

>let me be clear that she has thick eye brows


>mfw that plot twist.

That's it holy shit thank you user!

I hope you gave her a firm dicking to put her on the right path.

Post pics.

>ever having hope for a sega franchise in the first place

I want to cum inside that reindeer

That's not a reindeer.

source on your comic?

Just go blind, it doesn't matter if you don't use flawless tactics or build characters "wrong", it's way better when you discover the game by yourself than trying to be a Mr. Perfect in the first time.

refusing to localize VC3

the new PS4 game further solidified my loss of faith.


The 3rd one is good, don't believe Sup Forums they didn't even play it.

>long as fuck for no reason
>same recycled maps
>can't save during missions anymore
>still have to grind out potentials
>majority of missions are just capture the base

Those PSP games are shit compared to the first. Fuck off.

I want to milk Selvaria like the fucking dairy cow she is.

>long as fuck for no reason
Complaining that an RPG is long, really nigger? That's a good thing
>same recycled maps
Only fault. And even then, they're used much better than in 2.
>can't save during missions
Why would you need to? The maps are smaller than in VC1, you won't be spending long on one single map.
>still have to grind out potentials
So it's the same as 1, that's not a specific complaint about 3.
>majority of missions are just capture the base
There it is. Proof you didn't even play it. The PSP games introduced a bunch of new objectives 1 didn't have like defending your bases or getting rid of certain enemy containers. And it constantly changes it up for variety.

elbows 2 pointy

they need to start thinking outside the box

>being long and having good content is bad
I'm not even counting all the dlc missions either.

Third game had far more mission variation than the first and the core gameplay was improved thanks to unit customization. Fuck you.

please tell me what was posted, the archive is dead

I sure do love playing on the same small maps for 150 hours. Fuckwad.

It's not a competitive multiplayer game, user. Just go in blind and enjoy experimenting

Never, I've enjoyed every entry. Azure Revolution doesn't look great but hopefully there will be an actual VC4 one day.


>tfw Sega will never retcon her death
>there will never be a game where you can romance Selvaria

What is a Valkyria Chronicles?

Chronicles of the Valkyria.

Although I personally think it should be renamed to Chronicles of Selvaria's wonderful titties.

So it is like a military-AU themed dating sim?

Don't forget her legs and butt.

There wasn't anything even close to dating sim till 3, and in 3 it's just:
>pick which cg of a girl you want to see during beach for few seconds and pick which girl you want to marry after beating final mission.
And you can always pick the other choice after final mission for completionist sake.

Or her heels.


When they didn't bring over the third game even though it's the best in the series.

>went the PSP only route and featured a school setting for maximum sheckels
>3 wasn't brought over
>spin-off on the quadruple looks like final fantasy fuccboi garbage

After this trifecta of decisions.

Selveria is so sexy, I love her body!

gor? is that you?

>tfw my Selvaria hasn't come in yet
Hurry up USPS you piece of shit, I need my fix of Selvaria.





I want to see left get glued though.


>Behind Enemy Lines
>Enemy Unknown

I'd pay full price with preorder, season pass and special edition for any of those.

>what is every picture

That's not true.

Vc3 official English release when?

I don't think anything can keep Star Ocean afloat after the fucking disaster that was I&F.


When I played the demo for the first one on PS3.

>100% patch never
And I probably never will.

When they put out that shitty online card game, I knew it was all over.
I even played it for a while during my summer break. It was just lame.

You can stop reposting this you faggot.

The desert battle

well, time to hunt for a selvaria card for honey select

Do me a favor and post if you see a Riela card as well.

I haven't played any of them.
I heard the first one is easily exploitable with the scout or something like that, and that the sequels are not that good.

should I bother?

I don't think she's popular enough for that, unfortunately.

You're not going to be exploiting the scout mechanics unless you want to look everything up and cheese the first run of the game. And it's easy enough to play through the game getting A ranks without just scout rushing.
It's worth playing anyway. Plus the PC version has a rebalance mod that kills scout rushing and is good for experienced players.

The first game is a totally self-contained story with no sequel hooking at all so it's easy to ignore the crappy sequels.

Post Alicia




I want to see her glued.

buy her for me and i'll do it

Are you excited for the new game?

No. I'm just hanging out in this thread because big boobs.

It might have the same name but it isn't VC, so no.

Waiting for VC4

No, it genuinely looks like trash. I wouldn't buy it whether it was tied to Valkyria or not.

I'm all for spinoffs.
I'm not for bad games.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends VC1 wasn't animu and weeb as fuck" episode
I used to like this one but I think it's getting old. Just seen it too many times.

Also, Vyse, canonically, a shit.