Look deep in your heart user, and tell me the ONE game that you want to get a sequel more than any other in this world.
Look deep in your heart user, and tell me the ONE game that you want to get a sequel more than any other in this world
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For the love of FUCKING god just give me Conker's other bad fur day
Dragon's Dogma
Shenmue II.
Shit taste
A real sequel not Alundra or whatever.
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Great taste
oh wait, it's actually fucking happening
What would a Catherine sequel even be about?
Skies of Arcadia is the one game I want a sequel for.
Just another story in the same universe with the same themes. Obviously not about Catherine, or any of the other characters. But same puzzle gameplay, new blocks, new story, new characters, possibly various romances.
pic related.
I can't think of a game I want a sequel to that wouldn't end up being bad with how modern gaming companies are. Republic Commando would just be EA Battlefront or CoD. KOTOR 3 wouldn't be by Obsidian, BioWare would make it and they'd shoehorn in gay and transexual characters and the endings would be Red or Blue. Vampire the Masquerade would end up being casualized to hell with an even worse story.
I have fond memories of lots of games and I would love for them to be sequels, but I know they'd only tarnish my memories.
Warcraft IV in the house.
The saboteur.
I wanna die.
Surprisingly not my favorite game, Steambot Chronicles. Probably...
Fuck, this is actually pretty hard.
Probably Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
I want the Persona team to make something weird like Catherine again, but I don't think a straight up sequel would work. Maybe a different kind of puzzle game
I cry every morning I wake up and there isn't a sequel.
Beyond: Good & Evil
Half life 3 just so the meme can die
Fat Princess
An actual sequel to final fantasy crystal chronicles, without retarded multiplayer requirements
This shit would be perfect as a $15 PSN/XBL/Steam game but will never happen because Capcom is too busy shilling Street Fighter and Resident Evil, and ruining Dead Rising by giving it to a bunch of Canadian cucks.
Sword of the Stars.
Fuck you Kerberos
Probably this, it just stands to gain a lot from a sequel.
I don't know why you would want a Catherine sequel. It was great, but it worked perfectly fin as a standalone game.
Vampire masquerade
Nier but then it happened
So Ecco: Tides of Time
Wario World
Make the combat deeper, make more enemy types, and make it longer, and you've got a top-tier game.
Zone of the Enders 3
Never ever, I know.
Risk of Rain.
Just give me more doc, I want to see more of that world.
Fuck off
Your dream disgusts me
Saints Row 2.
Shame Volition vanished completely after 2008.
I hope my niggah, I hope...
They could call it Minecraft 2: Purchase this game or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Guaranteed GOTY
I still want KOTOR 3, but with a more Mass Effect style gameplay, aka, active combat but melee and active power usage. I also want it done by Obsidian with realistic time and budget constraints instead of just telling them suck it.
I've just played too many turn based games and I want a Star Wars game with super cool force powers, neat melee combat and a bitchin' story.
Was literally about to post that.
At least we've got the fan remake to look forward too.
Everquest. And no, Everquest 2 doesn't count.
H...h...have you literally never heard of dark savior? Not trying to be rude, but how old are you?
This or mischief maker for the n64
I know the series is still alive, but I would do terrible things for another old school Mario Party.
>tfw no follow up game with you cucking Satan
That game was shit, mate.
Came here to post this
not exactly a sequel, but i want a new mainline SMT on consoles.