Tracer you fucking lesbian
the newest comic confirms it
>there are literal faggots on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW triggered by fictional lesbians
Faggot acceptance was a mistake.
>Skinny Mei
>literal chinese thigg scraping the edge of her clit against British tomboy ass
>Pandering is okay when blizzard does it.
Why did Mei get no love in the WINTER FUCKING COMIC
>dreams for waifu fags destroyed
Pretty stupid decision of blizzard, should have let everyone guess so you make everyone happy.
I still want to know who has the futa cock. Tracer or the Red head? Maybe both? No way they are normal faggots.
Dated a fat girl once. Currently dating her actually, we've been together for about five years.
Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.
The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.
I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES in the cracks of my PS3 controller. Between the buttons and under the analog stick.
So I guess this is the new shitposting topic for the next few months?
At what point did people stop caring about the game istelf but just about what sexualities and races have representation?
>hating 2D lesbians
>when our neighbor are the HQ of it
You mean canon Mei?
Fuck you. Thick and curvy should be the canon for everyone.
Sometimes I wonder who came up with this pasta.
>I actually found FECES in the cracks of my PS3 controller.
She is skinny.
It was her outfit that made her look thicc.
nah the new shitposting will be about that all of those kids in torb's panel were his grandkids
Have you seen their legs? They're the size of Reinhardt's arms.
>board makes fun of homosexual men to the point of calling them fuccbois and meatslaves
>brand a woman a lesbian and it's shitposting
>Overwatch """""""""""""lore"""""""""""""
The real problem is that they made her a "boring" lesbian. Males can't fantasize on that kind of lesbian.
I'm so fucking done with this SJW shitfest.
is this a JOJO reference?
Niggers and degenerate fags get out, this is a Sup Forums board. Lesbians can stay because they're pure.
They're fucking snow pants. They need to have layers of thickness to keep you warm dumbass. I fucking wish that's how big her actual legs are. Goddamn.
you never even began!
Just suspend your disbelief, user.
Mei is too cute anyway, I can't even think of her dirty. It just makes me sad.
>tfw you helped spread this meme to ruin all discussion for the topic
This only makes my dick harder.
Fags need to die, lesbians are okay.
Is she actually gay or are people reading into shit that isn't there?
>internation teams of heros/villains contain people from around the world
>hero team that's been going for decades contains old men and women
>roster of 23 characters contains literally one confirmed queer character
Feel free to point out which part of this is sjw
She's in a relationship with another woman, so at the very least she's bi
Who gives a shit? Overwatch isn't a story based game and it has nothing but the most basic character interaction. A character being announced as lesbian months after release and in a tie in comic is pure PR move. Dumb normies will eat it up though.
what is this world coming to?
How is Sup Forums not going apeshit with anger right now?
ill summarize the comic strip
mcree walks in
>howdy tracer theres somethin ive been wanting to ask you
>>yus luv
>would you like to go out for a bite of my texas toast
>>no luv i only slap hams
>tumblr eats it up and spams ow in congratulation
>gg gets furious and spams it to show how mad they are
>all this free advertising
It's a pretty smart move
I give a shit because (((Blizzard))) are pushing their fucking degeneracy in my face again. Thank god Trump will send them back to Israel.
is the hidden message of the comic that Genji and Hanzo both like christmas cakes?
That guys sound like a huge fag
>Arnold Tsang got down with the thickness
And thank Lucifer for that.
The last part, dear faggot.
Because only literal faggots hate lesbians and Sup Forums is majority straight males.
This is levels of spoonfeeding that's ridiculous
Literally just go read the comic
Literally just look at the Sup Forums catalogue
For fuck's sake user
She got a whole game mode dedicated to her for Christmas. What more do you want?
Sup Forums was always a safe haven for gays and.
Intolerance is not allowed here.
I heard of it and instantly looked in the catalog. This is the only thread. Odd change of course since Sup Forums goes apeshit over any percieved "degeneracy" or "sjw agenda"
I expected a massive fit. There was more anger over Linkle.
>approximately 500,000 threads about tracer/widowmaker over the last year
>holy shit guys tracer is gay we should panic
What a boring character design
I guess that's what they mean by work in progress
>Based Kotaku, quickly reporting the news that really matters
so Sup Forums suddenly changed its mind on things?
Cheers love! the cavalry's queer!
>linking kotaku
>unironically going to kotaku
Think about your life choices
Can't wait for Widowmaker to do what her name says and kill Emily so she can claim Tracer for her own
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who don't just compromise and believe that Tracer's bi
Lesbians are okay, fag men are not okay. Fags should be against the law
Fuck you.
fictional lesbians are hot.
which carpet is she munching?
I guess Japan is technically a neighbor?
Who cares about that dyke? Post Mei.
Or do you mean curvy Sup Forums and I'm just slow?
Since when? Sup Forums flips out over both.
Cried about life is strange being "dyke propaganda"
He's talking about /u/
>Tracer is fucking MoJ
Nice to see someone else with taste.
>Tracer's ass is for women only
Little jealous desu.
It's possible that she has not been canonically unfrozen yet. Lucio and D.Va were likely not featured because they haven't officially joined Overwatch yet.
Nice SJW-tier delusions.
>Arnold Tsang is a waifufag
Based Blizzard artist.
I figured it out so nyah.
Ana is a grandma she shouldn't have that nice of an ass
>they shoehorned best girl as lesbian
Mei's in the comic in one panel; she's being interviewed on television.
I bet the other Overwatch girls are all uncomfortable around Tracer in the shower.
Apparently he plays Pandaren; so I guess it's so surprise Mei ended up becoming a chubster.
The only ones crying were fags. When we get a mainstream gay man in vidya just watch Sup Forums react with either indifference or glee. God I hate faggots so much.
so now that tracer is confirmed carpet muncher im guessing we're going to see some hot slutty lesbp fan art as a result of this. maybe this isn't so bad
>he cares
>he isn't at least bi
This. Or the FUCKING OBVIOUS ZARYA. Or even Mei.
>Tfw the next will be a tranny reveal for socialjusticebux
please tracer looks like a stretched out 12 year old boy
... I could use a scarf!
Why would they be? It's almost 2017.
And I see Recall is active as well. I'm gonna toss it up to them wanting to cover Mei's origin in detail.
It wouldn't be Mei, Blizzard aren't going to risk pissing off the Chinese fanbase any more after her sour reaction last year.
because 95% of women prefer penis and procreation with men
Every woman should, this not a 3DPD pic
Finally the floodgates have been opened. We've truly been starved for hot slutty lesbian Tracer fan art.
god I hope so, the porn will be glorious.
and since im trans all the (you)s i get will be great
wtf i hate tomboys now
Because Zarya would be too obvious. Gotta mildly subvert expectations
Best girl is still down for the dick
im not sure if you're being facetious or not but more lesbo fan art is always a good thing