>V/ Goes full autism with PC master race bullshit, shitting on Nintendo whenever they can
> But,Sup Forums also jacks off to sony and the PS4
Also Nintendo switch thread, who else /hyped/ here.
>Get to play all my favorite games on the go!
>Only 250$!
V/ Goes full autism with PC master race bullshit, shitting on Nintendo whenever they can
This is a bait thread isn't it?
>sonyggers reverse reverse false flagging
>implying PC+Nintendo hasn't always been the correct choice
Duh, you can tell by OP's word8ng, but funnily enough he brings up a good point
also what thread isn't bait these days
nothing on this site is real any more. its just trolls trolling trolls, plus the occasional person trying to push a random political agenda like they're not in on the fact that we're all just fucking around
I hope not. I'm still really excited for the switch. Loads of people in uni will have them. Portability's the logical next step for the best stuff Nintendo's accomplished in recent years
>you had to buy pc + ninty home + ninty handheld
>now one pc+switch
Thanks nintendo.
>cherry picking
I hope this is true - come the next handheld refresh, just make a smaller Switch
I agree, Nintendo needed to find a good niche in the market and making a powerful handheld was the obvious choice.
>Only 250$!
It's going to be more than that. Even the Wii U disaster is still 300.
And no, I'm not hyped with the specs of this thing.
>implying the specs matter
It's a handheld, I'm not too worried about the few pixels that might be off. As long as the games run at 30FPS it's good to go.
>Leaks are true when they are negative (specs)
>Not when they are positive (price point)
Sup Forums pls
>It's a handheld
It's a console. That's how they're marketing it.
Are we Joycon Bois yet?
Finally, someone else who understands the the best combo for gaming.
Nintendo is held to a much higher standard than Sony.
Terrible console then
Plus it gives them another good excuse to skip a graphical leap. Keeping budgets steady is probably the most important thing for Nintendo at this point.
This user gets it. There's no discussions on Sup Forums anymore, only shitposting.
You'll still think that while I play a new Metroid Prime on it though, which says a lot about you
>a new Metroid Prime
It really is.
Sony pumps out movies and calls them games, meanwhile nintendo is the only company left trying to actually -fun- make games.
*Make -fun- games
PC+Nintendo is God tier
All those PC+Sony players literally bought a Bloodborne machine
Japanese tech sites are also calling the Nintendo a piece of shit and no developers will want to waste time minimalising their game for it just to run.
I know this is bait, but i'm going to explain to the people that this point confuses
PC fags hate anything and everything that doesn't run at 420fps and are currently unsure about how much they should shit on the switch as framerates are not yet confirmed
idorts only really shit on the xbox, and only in a "I wish there was a reason to buy this" way
PS4 fags are enraged because people seem to be cautiously optimistic about something that's sole function is not to churn out Breathtaking™ 32K™ Screenshots
>No one is going to waste their time minimizing their game for a handheld with tens of millions of players
30fps on the BotW demo on Fallon was confirmed
Press F to pay respects
nintodlers please.
>...so we had this brilliant idea of taking our next handheld and telling them it was a console so they'd pay $300 for a budget tablet and $60 for phone games, and they did!
It's a tablet screen using tech specs from 2006
any posts containting ecelebs should be banned
All console peasants play in 30fps and love it.
And that's when they actually hit 30fps (see The Last Guardian and Horizon, that struggle to hit 15 fps).
Nintendo is hardly a exception.
They will never know the joy of playing at 144fps
Just think that you could have had a beautiful 1080p 60fps Metroid game if only Nintendo had made a proper console with proper specs suitable for 2017 hardware.
Not happening now though. Now you won't get a Metroid game at all aside from maybe Federation Force 2
That's the WiiU actually (see it's 2007 GPU).
The switch is tech from 2012
Any argument on the Switch that includes the keywords smartphone or WiiU are invalid, because neither of those systems can run vulkan tier shit and are not comparable not even on a gflops base.
And yes, i'm aware there are SOME phones that can at vulkan, but they're as rare as good modern Sonic games, so no one write games in vulkan for em yet.
Actually 2015.
It's based on the Maxwell architecture used on the geforce 9xx line of cards, but more around the tier of the 910 than the 980.
German AA dev here.
The Switch is more powerful then you think it is partly because the massive Android overhead "nVidias" shield suffered from.
Who cares? As long as it is steady and not detrimental to the game (like competitive games or curazy) 30 fps is okay.
It's not like the human eye can see past 26 images per second anyway. ',:^)
>Making a Metroid on a 15 million dollar budget wasn't profitable enough to bother with, but that's definitely going to be different when they triple the development costs!
>It's based on the Maxwell architecture
source? i don't remember nvidia saying anything like this
The fuck is Vulkan?
This shit ain't Star Trek.
>suffered from *is gone
They said the chip is using the same technology as their strongest GPU at the moment.
Well, its the rumor people are basing all their shit on released by digitalfoundry, which is the same place where the meme clock came from.
If you want to discuss actual real hardware, all i can confirm you it is not based on the fermi architecture, given the fact Jimmy Fallon is still alive.
he gets it so hard that I've been here since 2007, left fo a couple of yeras and now the only thing I find fun in Sup Forums is shitpost, bait, LOL, poping in on threads about games I like but Sup Forums hates to just say "I like this game, I had fun with it" and leave, and gender politics discussion because deep inside I am a mysogenic.
>They said the chip is using the same technology as their strongest GPU at the moment.
That's Pascal, not Maxwell. And that's just PR-speak using enough weasel words so it could mean pretty much anything
It's a low latency API thing.
Basically the "secret sauce" consoles have to get extra performance, but somehow shoved on PC.
The girl gamerz thread exploded so why not ecelebs?
why do nintoddlers cling to pc now that their console is confirmed to be 2 generations behind? we don't give a fuck about your kiddy mareo and zelda games.
fuck off sonygger
We were always PC+Nintendo.
they should all be banned. or you know just stop posting dumb annoying niggers
That's not how it works my man.
You can't count discrete "frames" for the human vision, different kinds of images can be detected at different rates (also, human vision is way worse than it looks, your brain is just really good at filling in the gaps, what can cause weird results in tests).
24 frames was found to be the lest needed to make movies appear smooth, but it's all about costs. 30 frames is the same, but for vidya.
I care about games, and PC+Nintendo has the least overlap
>we don't give a fuck about your kiddy mareo and zelda games.
This isn't sports where you pick a team, user. You pick a product that you buy. I don't really care what you do or do not give a fuck about.
Nintendo is for literal children
Your PS4 GPU is running only at 800 Mhz, which means it is a lot slower than the Intel HD 4000 that runs at 1.1 Ghz.
because you get the most and best games that way. PC for mulitplats and nintendo for exclusives. the other consoles exist for no reason at all. do you seriously think PCfats care about generations like that you false flagging faggot? stop pretending, nobody is convinced
user, was that meme face not a giveaway?
Obviously a higher framerate will make a moving image look smoother. But you don't really need a gigantic framerate to get something that is smooth enough, especially if you don't sit close to the screen.
Video games as a whole are for children, pretending otherwise won't make your parents proud of you.
>in this post: delusional guy that nintendo will make a "muh realistic metroid"
Mario pizza is confirmed to be on this new Nintenfag console so all tubers should be fine with their plumbings what worries me a lot is the amount of good year we ll need soon to make all those poorly designed hand joy! Stickk.
Hoowweeeveerr this is not a prob Masuda is working right now on a brand new pokemon GEN that will fullfill the needs of EVEN the most vero autist out there so calm down keep playin your fucking PS4, next birthday present will be' a Switch retardos.
>The switch
>Tens of millions of players
LOL with all the Japs dissing this piece of shit, it's going to flop so hard it'll almost be embarrassing
What about the waifus thread? Or here's X say something nice to X? Or the Senran Kagura ones?
>Paying $250 for a inferior NVidia Shield TV, which cost $200 at launch a year ago
This is just fucking pathetic
It's over, I won't buy another Nintendo console anymore. 3DS will be the last thing that I own from them
I'm just tired of ancient hardware, Nintendo always used old or/and cheap tech but since the Wii they dropped the ball so hard
Reading this was weirdly entertaining. Do you have more?
Obviously that shit should go away aswell.
Who said anything about "realistic", nintendrone? A Metroid Prime game with modern graphics would be amazing
>Nintendrone still pushing Pc+Nintendo meme
>They no longer hiding fact nintendo by itself is garbage
>MFW there's 0 (zero) nintendo game worth to play
vidya waifus are on topic. senran kagura is a video game
>LOL with all the Japs dissing this piece of shit,
Its like you dont live in the internet age people diss it since its cool to hate it atm
Man, the Prime Trilogy could've sold millions if they didn't make it a limited edition thing.
Yes but at least their games doesn't look like PS3 2007 tier graphics or have to use a shit control design
since n64 i've just been pc and nintendo handheld
i'm probably buying a switch for muh pokemans if this is the handheld now
i guess that means i can play new zelda too?
really only like 2d zeldas though
That Seasons of Heaven trailer was pretty bad, both the kid and the dog looked weird when moving
Why do you bully us?
There is rarely any vidya discussion in these threads, and if you come in to ask about the gameplay you get a bunch of smug animu reaction images as replies. These threads might aswell be on /e/.
The truth will be known when someone decaps the SoC of the system.
I bet on this happening around feb 2016.
We will know if its maxwell or pascal, how many GPU cores there are, how many ROPs, if there is any sort of EDRAM cache, possibly how fast this EDRAM cache is, how many CPU cores and so forth.
Only Nintendo franchise that hasn't been ruined for me is Zelda and Xenoblade. Mario kart is a maybe but that series will only be redeemed if Block Fort 2017 happens.
Doesn't seem so bad. Metroid Prime was the GC's 7th best selling game.
>people that don't think like me are memeing
I like having them both, when friends come to my house to play we whip out the wii u and play, when I'm alone or play online is PC.
Why is that so hard to accept?
well i wouldn't know since i don't go in those threads but they are more on topic than ecelebs and girl gamer threads.
Zelda's turn is coming up next.
What is it with Nintendrones piggybacking on mustards?
Granted. But they are only a slight step above that.
GC only has 7 games
The two most despicable vidya fanbases decided to unite forces?
yep it is, but op will deny
>modern graphics
Realism is modern graphics, people dont consider cell shading as modern they consider it masking the console limitations
I.e breath of the wild
Funnily enough borderlands is the same thing but doesnt get the same shit
What is it with you feeling the need to cling to your "team"?
You pick the platforms that have the games you want to play. That does not mean everyone who has a PC should want Nintendo (or vice versa). It just means a lot of people enjoy the wide variety of games that is covered by owning these two platforms.
>Realism is modern graphics
No, you're confusing artstyles with graphics. Modern graphics are HD graphics with things like proper textures and AA. Stuff Borderlands has but BotW doesn't.
They need to join the master rayce (even though most of them have shit/mediocre laptops) to justify their 0 third party support
>What is it with you feeling the need to cling to your "team"?
I have no "team" whatsoever, really, but every time someone starts a console warring thread, there's always some Nintendrones preaching the "virtues" of "Nintendo+PC combo" (whatever the fuck that means), as if they're too ashame to praise Nintendo based on their own stand-alone merits. I seriously doubt most of them are actual mustards.
It's funny how the best selling Metroid game is on the worst selling system Metroid has ever appeared on.
Console Borderlands and console skyward sword better example since botw isnt released yet is the same rhing user, its not hd graphics and shit its just literally better light and shadow effects
Oh please. Borderlands uses those filters and very simplistic cel style to easily use lower quality textures without it becoming noticeable. Wind Waker did that shit long before them on weaker hardware and produced similar results just minus as many black lines all over everything.
Well, maybe that is just because that is a good combo. There is the least overlap out of all the PC+console combinations.