Indisputable Vidya Facts

Bee Banjo is best transformation

what game?

I prefer Van

Mario 64

Donkey Kong 64

Weed McLeed: Oh Shit I Just Peed

Mystical Ninja staring Geomon


Washing Machine is my favorite. Too bad it needs a retarded code.

Mexican Mission is the best timesplitters map

>Bee Banjo
>Not Beenjo Kabuzzy

Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie
(these are the real names of the games)

Conker's Bad Fur Day

It's definitely not these.

>It's definitely not these.

This is the weirdest thing I've read on Sup Forums for couple weeks.

So the weirdest thing you've ever read on Sup Forums?

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot


i don't get it?

This is the most Snorkel the Dolphin thread I've ever read

Newfags on suicide watch

Submarine-Banjo master race here

include me in the screencap