I'm gonna say it again, Javier is without a doubt
Our guy
I'm gonna say it again, Javier is without a doubt
Other urls found in this thread:
>he bought a telltale game
>he doesn't buy telltale games
What's that on his neck? Cattle mark?
Which is better, beard or no beard?
Early stuff that didn't make it into the game. It's supposed to be a brand that the main antagonist group uses to mark their people. Javier was originally supposed to have it but instead they gave it to Clem
Am I the only one pissed as SHIT how they killed off Kenny?
This literally RUINED the entire Season 3 for me.
>he buys DRM free games
Just fucking torrent it you dumb idiot.
Technically speaking, he is probably alive if you had stayed at Wellington
>have to makes a choice between two characters and only one of them survive
>doesn't know that means they will be dead for sure next season
How dumb can a person get?
>he buys games
>it's a everyone dies again so it doesn't mater in the end episode
>he plays games
Don't get me wrong. I knew they were going to die, I knew TT would just bullshit their way to not make 6 different stories for each ending.
But dying off a fucking car crash?
Could be worse the game could have completely ignored your choice
>But dying off a fucking car crash?
Well, at least we didn't got it worse as Janefags.
>playing Walking Dead after season 1
>watching Walking Dead after season 1
>She let Luke cum inside
>She knew there was a possibility of getting pregnant
>Still fucked him
>Finds out she's pregnant after swearing her allegiance to Clem and the baby
>Hangs herself
She honestly was nuts and what you could call closer to being a ultra feminist in a zombie apocalypse
>Hangs herself
Holy fuck. Are you joking? Please tell me you are.
It could have made all the endings canon
Alrighty then, guess I'm picking Ken on my save thing.
He's not
She's gives clem a random ass tattoo as well
>over 4 years after first infection
>they had no idea walkers existed
How fucking retarded is Telltale?
>How fucking retarded is Telltale?
I believe that intro is the "le before infection" bullshit AGAIN and then going to the "present" of the game.
Ummm, the intro of the game takes place as soon as the apocalypse starts
>Go with Kenny-Clem gets a scar above her right eye
>Go with Jane-Clem gets an AJ tattoo
>Go alone-Clem loses her ring finger
>Stay at Wellington-Clem gets a scar on her face
Which is best?
>car crash
You mean that little nigger got him killed.
Both of them
>you can cuck your brother or get with the asian woman
>Kenny will remember that
Not for long he won't
>spoilers in a preview image
OH my fucking gooooood.
Now I am not so sad Kenny died that way.
In the end Kenny was the right choice.
>Yfw Clem is only playable during 5 minute flashbacks that only happen once in each episode
Who modeled Kenny and Jane? They look wretched. How did Telltale fuck up models owned by Telltale?
>Pulling a Shane
>In his brother's house flashback
>Expect I was just going to tell him to get off my back, and tell him that I am here since he whines so much about it.
Well fuck, wish they wrote that better.
>Pick a dialogue that looks badass on screen
>It actually makes you sound like a piece of shit
Well fuck my ozone
Post season 3 Clem shots, super cute
when is episode 3 out?
Clem is the only character I care about, the entire TWD series should have been her story and end when she dies, fuck Javi.
>Fuck Javi
You know that Clem wants to
>those deformed graphics
>Main premise is Javier protecting his family
>95% of his family die before the first episode is over
Well diddly pop, lads
>We need a home
>With a big beautiful wall
>Walls work against Zombies
>Behind Walls we are save
Who is going to build THAT WALL?
Could it be a Trump-Wall?
Walkers can come in, but they have to come in legally!
We have to say it folks: Radical Walker Terrorism
Why did they fuck up the artstyle?
But the wall gets torn down
Console graphics are looking really low compared to pc imo
? I'm not an expert with manual, but isn't their an e brake to make sure shit like Clem did, doesn't happen?
Why didn't Kenny just wear his seatbelt?
I know there's no traffic, but people still crash ther cars A LOT in the walking dead
That was hard to watch. Why would she leave him like that? Telltale are hacks thats why. Fuck this game
Do they expect us to believe that neither of them were carrying guns?
What a surprise. Kenny was the correct choice.
More like Wellington is the correct choice. In the Wellington ending, there's a chance that Kenny is still out there