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new game plus? do I get to keep my shit?
does it make a harder game?
i can do everything in normal game, so why do i want NG+?
For what reason?
>be in a car accident a few years ago
>get brain trauma
>memory loss occurs from time to time
>constantly forget what day or month it is
>constantly forget to shower
>constantly forget about my app that reminds me of shit
>constantly forget about movies I've seen and games I've played so I can have just as much fun the second time around
Anyone have the patch notes.
What exactly is the point of NG+ at this point, with no DLC or more playable characters? Just steamroll everything?
How are you enjoying that promised 60fps, cucklord?
>New cutscenes
>you are retarded
>>constantly forget what day or month it is
>>constantly forget to shower
That's me except I have no brain trauma, just a lazy NEET.
Fuck off retard.
it was day1 patch, 1.03 don't have any of that
Have they fixed the last chapter.
Having everyone fucking die was fucking retarded.
yeah you should be mad.
Not everyone died. Fuck off dumbass.
fuck off xvkun
So I hear the overall story sucks but the characterization and interactions is great, should I get this?
WOW it's fucking nothing
fuck off
The story is shit don't pay any attention to it.
Everythiung else is fucking great.
And end game makes it fun as fuck.
No one cares, dumb Blogposter.
I remember them saying NG+ would be harder but I can't think of how much harder things would need to be to matter when endgame stuff already hits you for max damage all the time
So what's new with ng+?
I like the story except for minor things and character representation in it.
It's rushed and the combat is brain-dead but fun
The characters and the interactions are a big part of why the story sucks.
I wish someone could answer this as well. google isn't helping either. FUCK
Is this attack overpowered as fuck? I don't own the game yet.
It doesn't work on high level mobs.
It only really works on small weak enemies, so no, not really.
aw damn, but what a sight to see
Overwhelm with Bow of the Clever got nerfed. Thanks Tabata.
>monsters stay the same level in ng+
then what's the point?
>I don't own the game yet.
Well it's half off on Amazon atm. May as well get it now.
really? boy oh boy
Tell me that's new game plus and Aranea is still in the party thanks to the glitch.
Patch notes when?
Oh boy, I'm starting a new game on new game+, here I go
NG+ with the same level of mobs is pointless.
Ill wait for story content updates and then start a new.
Where the fuck is my 60 fps patch?
Never, it was all a lie.
I'm so sorry you wasted money on the "Pro"
Fuck, seriously?
Fucking seriously?
No fucking way. Really?
Anyone can give an update on the NG+?
Does it carry over your items etc. Or just your level?
>Is the additional content that I can finally add Iris to my party?
Hopefully when they add permanent guest characters it's in a free update and not a paid DLC pack.
I like it when NG+ is like this, go overkill on those early niggers
>game is still shit
>game is still worse than ff13
great game guys
Fuck off
You're not allowed to have fun.
>The current year
>Still defending 13
You tried user.
What about your level? Does it reset?
Do you keep the end game costumes? Because I hate their faggy default outfits. Also where's the 60fps mode that was promised?
>still forcing the worst meme Sup Forums ever came up with
time to grow up and move on.
XIII was bad, no meme
>game is still worse than ff13
If you really think FF13 is a good game, you truly have shit taste.
Thanks for the tip, just ordered and it arrives on Friday
This bait always triggers me. 5/10
You get all your items too. Your custom weapons that Cid upgrades get downgraded tho.
>He still tries
Just stop, before you regret wasting breath with the shitposting
Well yeah, of course - but XV is worse. Calling it "worse than XIII" is just a way of expressing how truly awful XV is.
It was a fucking lie you dumb fuck
You bought a fucking Pro?
Is the level stopper out? I need this casual shit to get harder.
>versusfags still exist to defend this shit game
No, I disagree. Its the other way around
Now Lightning Returns is a good game
Care to explain how XV is worse?
Is it not linear enough for you?
Its normal that you carry over levels, but why the fuck enemies is still the same level?
Hard mode when?
It's literally Gran Pulse tier at the beginning and even more linear than XIII in the end.
>It's literally Gran Pulse tier
I WISH Gran Pulse was as great as Lucis.
>even more linear
Kek, XIII is not linear, its just hallway
NG+ never made the game harder in Square Enix games other than sometimes adding extra bosses.
They're adding a level lock option as well though.
Not the user that's arguing with you, but I find the gameplay in XV much more fun than XIII, that and the four bros are much more likeable than any of the characters in XIII.
No they don't. I still have my 2's and Ultima Blade
That doesn't explain, anything
3/10 you baited me enough to make a reply. Not reacting to the shitposting anymore
>NG+ never made the game harder in Square Enix games other than sometimes adding extra bosses.
>The following is not carried over:
>Character and creature levels.
>its just hallway
So was the train.
You get to watch the game play itself again.
Start a daily routine that includes the most important information you need to know. Do it every day for the rest of your life, even if it means including people in your prayers.
It puts information in a different part of your brain. The part of your brain that hasn't been damaged.
A hallway is linear
When you put it like that I guess you are right, 15 and 13 are the same shit
hallway =\= linear.
Look at chapter 10 for example, its linear but not hallway. XIII is just hallway for the whole game.
Try tattooing what you need to do every day all over your body
People who are smart enough to post on Sup Forums don't actually sit down and talk to imaginary friends, right?
Combat is terrible and boils down to holding one button for the entire game and occasionally releasing it to hold another one. There's no thought put into combos, nor enemy types or effectiveness, or anything. The most extra you can do is use one of the borderline useless teammate attacks, which take you out of the game to watch the same boring animation everytime to the point where it's not worth it.
The lack of restriction on consumables and the fact they're so fucking cheap coupled with the inability to die thanks to Phoenix Downs makes every fight a cakewalk and has absolutely no threat to it.
The world is barren and there is no reason to explore it whatsoever, and the game makes awful use of it, since the story takes place mostly within separate setpieces to the overworld, leaving all that empty space unused past the first few hours. The side quests make awful use of it too, and are terribly designed, consisting of countless fetch quests, that are made even more boring than the standard ones, with shit like Dino's diamond ones or the Frog finding missions. The rest of the quests are just bounties in all but name and pose no threat and aren't remotely fun for the reasons I listed above about combat. Oh yeah, and bounties, they're boring as shit too, and the fact that you can only accept one at a time just makes running back and forth mandatory which is so, so much fun in this empty world.
The story is plain awful, and barely present, for a game where you spend so much time driving in the car - there's next to no dialogue actually spoken while you drive, where there could've been plenty of development. Then there are characters like Luna, Iris, Cor and Aranea who had the potential to do at least something but get completely shafted and have the bulk of their story happen off screen.
Dungeons are terrible and there is no effort put into giving any of them variety, and the sole dungeon that does (Pitrioss Ruins) is by far the worst in the game.
13 is shit, 15 is worse. Saying the force awakens is worse than the prequels isn't defending them.
But how can you remember the games that you liked from those you didn't?
Installing it this moment. Hype
>getting excited for a fucking ng+
>something most games would have by default nowadays
>XV needed it patched in
Just how unfinished was this game really?
Does NG+ make the game more challenging? If not then I'll just wait for story content before starting a new playthrough.
>Play a game that was absolute ass
>the next day
>Oh i can't wait to try this game
What is the difference between a gift and a curse
>witcher 3 needed it patched in
Sup Forums invented Tulpas and "ironically" worships an obscure god who they shaped after a meme frog.
If you expect intelligence from an average Sup Forums user, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.