What are some good Lovecraftian games?
What are some good Lovecraftian games?
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>good Lovecraftian games
That could be said of any game that would be posted in this thread.
I heard he was a huge racist
Is it true?
going through this game on pc is an Absolute mess. Boy i was glad when i finished it and uninstalled it. However, in retrospect, i enjoyed the game.
Does it matter?
Who isn't?
I would say Bloodborne but I know a lot of people who haven't seen the second half would chimp out on me.
Well, Dishonored obviously.
Everyone that isn't a mustard race faggot has already beaten that game a thousand times over.
Fuck off
If you actually read Lovecraft then Bloodborne. It does a great job pulling from tons of his stories.
If you want just the general idea of cosmic horror, I suppose Eternal Darkness.
What are some games where I can be a huge racist?
Well he was paranoid and fearful of most people and rarely left his home. That and racist or xenophobic attitudes were more common when he was alive.
Mafia 2
Killing niggers is great
On the Creation of Niggers (1912)
by H. P. Lovecraft
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
who hasn't been spoiled about Bloodborne yet?
What did H. P. Lovecraft mean by this?
Every thread.
He was for a while. Kinda simmered down on it when he got older from what I read and heard. I know one of his books had a character that called his cat nigger man, which was weird.
what is this referencing?
Why would you need the second half? Early game is clearly Shadow Over Innsmouth.
>Not calling everyone nigger man
He looks like a fucking goblin, I'm howling
Lovecraft was a giga-autist and he approached his racism with the enthusiasm that only a literal, undiagnosed autist would. Even his contemporaries (who were all racist as befit the times) thought that he was extraordinarily zealous about how hard he hated the blacks and chinese.
some recent yurop movie
Racists are often autistic paranoid people who talk big on the internet but are afraid of leaving their home.
He literally named his cat "Niggerman"
how did they manage to get such photoshoot-tier photographs of a live assassination?
>ctrl+f Quake
>no results
fuck this thread
Nigger are you serious?
Posting kino
Guy was supposed to hold a speech in front of a bunch of journalists.
sometimes kino just happens
>racism was common when he was alive.
Sure, and it's common now, doesn't make it an excuse.
fuck, that's some strange coincedence right there
He disliked almost everyone who was non-English. I wonder what exactly his problem was.
who's foot is in the left of the pic? how many people did that guy shoot?
fuck off Sup Forums
So, it's basically a confirmed Pulitzer right?
He injured 3 others.
is this a jojo reference?
might be
Misread as Latverian, sticking to my guns and claiming this thread for Doctor Doom.
What are some good games with Doctor Doom in them?
Yeah but could he beat my cute high school girl and her [Quicksilver]?
First half is great
Lovecraft was much more than racist in any modern sense. He was an anglo supremacist with some tolerance for nordics and medeterenians.
He was a hardcore romantic for aristocracy and conservatism, he was pretty much a Sup Forumsack as fuck, except he was very antireligion.
Later in life he renounced many of his beliefs and he was married to a jewish woman despite holding antisemite beliefs because he considered her anglicized.
Technically he produced more writing in letters than works and most is preserved so we can see what kind of a person he was. Go read it up if you care enough.
fuck off retards
He also used the correct form of English
What is your favorite Lovecraft story?
I greatly enjoyed "The Shadow out of time."
I refuse to believe lovecraft wrote this poem, I just refuse.
>he renounced many of his beliefs and was married to a jewish woman
Actually his wife left him because he wouldn't stop going on with his anti-semitism.
They didn't actually get divorced, and people use this as an argument that he wasn't so bad. But they forget back then people hardly ever got divorced, even over much worse things. The fact that they separated is pretty much equivalent to a modern divorce.
There is one that the critics never liked and is a little out of his usual style.
The Thing on the Doorstep.
Of his more typical works I guess Rats in the Walls would be my pick, I like when he uses the cannibalism theme.
Probably Innsmouth and Whisperers
Honestly he's not very good, and the people he copied from were better writers.
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, it's like the hobbit but with cats and ghouls
Who are they +
i too am tired of quake being mentioned every single thread
Holy shit, JoJo reference?
Some new Chick flick featuring Paul Rudd.
Yeah, but pretty much every southerner back then was. He's a product of his time.
Sunless Sea
Lovecraft was fantastically racist, even by the standards of his day.
The Thing On The Doorstep or Rats In The Walls.
Both of them where actually pretty spooky.
is this game worth playing? i've heard mixed reviews
Honestly one of those 'who cares' kinds of facts. Doesn't have anything to do with his writing, so he could have been the shittiest asshole on the planet and we'd still love his work.
if you want to fucking rage, then yes
if you're good at risk assessment/management
takes a difficulty spike mid/late game that surprises people when meme-tactics don't cut it anymore.
I enjoy it.
The Outsider
Out of the Aeons (though it's a collab.)
if you like games like xcom
>Doesnt have anything to do with his writing
>It turns out my family interbred with thick-lipped tribal beings! How Horrible!
>The settlers on the mountain INTERBRED and devolved into animals! How horrible!
A ton of this dude's art involves how bad interbreeding is. Admittedly, they are evil fishpeople but it's suspect.
Could be a "chicken or the egg" thing. Er.. Hindsight bias.
Its a good game, but not for everyone.
The dungeons take about 10-15 minutes tops, so its good for short bursts. There's like 10+ classes, 4 spots per party, meaning you can have great fun teambuilding. The combat isn't TERRIBLY rng-ish, you'll get pretty reliable numbers, but you can still be fucked over by random crits at the worst time.
The biggest turn-offs to most people are the facts that you can't 'grind' easy dungeons with an experienced party (higher level chars will only do higher level dungeons) and RNG can really, REALLY fuck you over (and with permadeath this can mean losing your favorite character to something assinine if you're not careful)
Honestly though at 15$ or less I'd recommend it, easily 30+ hours of content and more if you stick with it to the end.
Are you actually retarded?
8/10 if serious
5/10 if pasta
>that feel when the room before the boss, you run into a Shambler Altar
what are some major AAA games in the last 5 years besides Bloodborne with a major Lovecraftian influence?
I'm literally shaking right now
Call of Duty
reminder that the Lovecraft bust is no longer the science fiction award because some nigger woman complained he was a racist.
>New game comes out
>Follows a Lovecraftian vein
>Developer refuses to call it Lovecraftian
>Lovecraft was a huge racist
wow.... rly makes u think...
Was he the author who wrote the letters to the girl talking about wanting to sniff her ass and eat her shit?
Who was that?
Dream cycle stories
The white ship
The strange high house in the mist
But Lovecraft didn't live in the south.
>unless the human being we base our idols and depictions on was an infallible Jesus-expy lacking any negative aspect to their character, we can't use their likeness or else we're promoting their bad traits
wasn't Gandhi racist too? Or was he a wife beater?
There's nothing wrong with just calling it "cosmic horror" these days. It's not like we still call FPS "Doom Clones."
Rats In The Wall and Colour Out of Space.
Its more like someone getting butthurt you refer to a game as a "Metroidvania" because they didn't like Metroid, and you are thinking "Fuck you, you know exactly what I'm talking about so why would I not use this term."
Lovecraft married a jew despite being strongly anti-semitist.
Also he called her names to her face for years.
I'd be more inclined to believe he stayed a paranoid nutcase his whole life.