So why isnt there a Sup Forums discord, and why does this community not play games together.
I only ever see risk of rain and mario kart threads, dont you guys like video games?
So why isnt there a Sup Forums discord, and why does this community not play games together.
I only ever see risk of rain and mario kart threads, dont you guys like video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
There are multiple, and I'm sure they're mostly all varying degrees of cancer, with a couple actually being chill
An "official Sup Forums discord" would be a fucking cesspool, Sup Forums isn't really that kind of community
Are you fucking stupid?
Go into the Sup Forums steam chat group. Do you seriously want something that shitty or worse?
Well aside from discord just general "lets play this" threads. For FOTM shit and such.
there is and it's fucking gay
no way around this
Sup Forums's greatest strength is it's ephemeral nature
Slack > Discord
all discords devolve into circlejerks over time
Sup Forums never does
Discord is normie cancer. It'll just turn into a namefag circle jerk.
It's already too much we have a normie games like overwatch being shilled hard here. We don't need discord attention whores making this board even worse.
I mean, most people are going to use a chatroom as a social circle and try to get to know each other better, is a discord supposed to be an impartial thing where people just play video games together and avoid any personal subjects
Do people actually use this while playing games with others? Or is just a chat room?
I wouldn't play with you fucktards if you paid me.
i'd suck a dick with my asshole for a new bass
>wanting a circle jerk
Reddit is probably your speed.
You know what disregard this question since it's dumb for many reasons, plus I don't care.
Y tho
i have no friends and i want to play with you fur faggots
Because a shitload of Sup Forums's current userbase is underage and finds console wars "funny."
there are multiple and almost all of them are circlejerks
this fucking board is a circlejerk of shitty, contrarian opinions for the sake of being contrarian.
I'd play a game with you, user!
>Sup Forums never does
Oh, sweet summer child.
Congratulations on making the second wrongest post of all time.
Pic related is the first.
>Lost my console a long time ago.
>Want to play something.
>Open an steam account.
>The two games I can afford are cs:go and rocket league.
>Chose cs.
Did I fucked out? I feel like I fucked out.
Go to /mhg/ in /vg/. Charlotte will be your friend.
>too many people
>discord is shit
>nobody would moderate it well
>the community of Sup Forums is shit
>memes are fucking retarded
just go to your reddit discord and fuck off
If you have $15 you can afford a lot of shit
why did you pick the two most normie shit games possible?
If we took the Sup Forums community and moved it to discord, it would no longer be Sup Forums, would it?
Please leave
There is one, come join us.
Hey guys, my name is NuclearNautilus! :D
I'm admin on a relatively small discord server and we're trying to find new members.
If you like to meme around with other 4channers, come check us out!
>Why isn't there a Sup Forums discord
Let's be 100% honest with you
It'd fill up with tripfags
Who would then become the next wave of shitposters who the rest of Sup Forums will blame for everything and they won't even be wrong
But wait op! There is! Come be epic with us !
There is a Sup Forums Discord, it's always been:
Sup Forums doesn't have time to play games, what with all the shitposting about how bad the games they haven't played are.
Every Discord that has spawned off of Sup Forums has been one of three things.
>Gay ERP
>Sup Forums circlejerk
>A giant pity party
Or a combination of these things.
Don't forgot drama whore trannies
thx Sup Forumsros can't wait to play ;)
np senpai ;)
The trannies in servers I've been to were pretty chill, it's the drama created around them by people thirsty for feminine penis and angry Sup Forumstards that create the trouble.
> Hanging out with people on Sup Forums
You're either a newfag, a memer or an anime homosexual who pretends to be a girl and ERPs on steam.
Only Sup Forums community that has ever been any good (that i've seen) were a few scattered Napoleonic Wars M&B threads back in the day.
Assured player base
Are you stupid?
>anime avatar faggotry
>people who still think smash is a fighting game
You are dumb as shit if you want to be in a community like that
>why does this community not play games
>pepe avatars
>kekekekek niggers
>meme arrows in game chat
No thanks.