Anybody remember Little Inferno?

It was good.


Sugar Plumps should have actually died rather than fake died, though. Don't know why they decided to do that.

It was shit. Released for like 15-20 bucks and hardly had any gameplay to speak of. And just to clarify, Im not one of those people that hates all indie games. There are some I really enjoy. But this game belongs on the app store for 99 cents

I enjoyed it, but that might be because I liked fucking around with al the stuff you could burn.

you did save the free hug coupon, right?

Yes, I did.

I was a little disappointed that everything burnt down to dust. I'd have loved to see things melt, or parts of things that needed to be melted/burned at higher temperatures, maybe some fluid simulation.

There were a few things that exploded.

And if you want to talk disappointments, I think the most disappointing thing about the game is a part during the ending.

Explosions were okay, and some of the other 'status effects' like rot or ice were a change of pace, but still, it all broke down to dust.

The ending was a bit weird, I don't remember it very well.

For me, it was that weird, out of no where explanation that Sugar Plumps didn't died even when she clearly did.

I know I'll be called cheapskater killing videogames, but that pricetag was asinine for what essentially is a mini-game. It was kinda fun and all that, still.
There is huge BUT, though. After World of Goo I was expecting something on the same level. If you see this as a game from creators of WoG, it was not just step down, but tumbling down the stairs, breaking all limbs and ribcage in process, but managing to survive in the end.

>fake died
She didn't even fake die, her fireplace did the same thing yours did.

I actually never finished it.

I ought to.

well, it was clearly set up as her having died, and the story would have been way better if she did.

I agree, I was expecting a lot more after WoG

>it was clearly set up as her having died
Have you never heard of misdirection in your life, user?

Well, misdirection doesn't necessarily mean a good story.

Like, how did she find a beach if the entire world is freezing?

I never said the story was good, user.
I wish the whole game had just been spooky shit like when she "died".

I've had it in my library for ages but haven't played it

That was the best part, yeah.