Hey Sup Forums want a storytime?
Hey Sup Forums want a storytime?
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Bumping since op cant do it himself
Is this the new comic?
Stop posting this, I live in Russia and you're going to get me arrested.
>not selling a national hero a fucking scarf on Christmas
what the fuck do you think?
things are about to get real gay.
I wonder if censorship actually reduces the number of gays in the population, always wondered how much is genetic and how much environmental.
it's a tricky subject, there's no right answer. plenty of people who are inclined to be attracted to men would never even think to act on their desires if their environment is 100% heterosexual.
Wow, tracer is a cunt. Didnt even tell winston that she is going to spend her christmas with her bitch.
Moon over June really stepped its game up
Seriously what is up with the art?
it's so inconsistent.
Reinhardt is a big guy
The only reason it's censored in Russia is because Putin has been courting the Eastern Orthodox to increase his power.
>I actually feel bad for edgelord incarnate
I'm not quite sure why you guys are so angry, blood boiled, infuriatated, insulted and disgusted by two women having a relationship. From the looks of it, it isn't "forced" or "out of character". Tracer always seemed like a chubby chaser in my opinion. Besides, this isn't 1994 or whenever you guys used to go to school. This is 2016, and LGBT relationships are more accepted. I'm not saying you should accept them, but not doing so leads to people like you getting laughed at when you publicly announce how you're angry at an LGBT couple.
I'm a straight white male in case you were wondering.
Reaper and Rein a cute!
>actually having the audacity to use "current year" as an argument
This is either top tier b8 or your a fecking retard.
Its american Sup Forumslacks being butthurt that this stuff is shown after Trump was elected. They expected all gays and trannies to just drop dead so this is inconceivable to them.
for you
The greatest irony of this post is that there were far more gay couples, interracial couples, black/hispanic/asian heroes in the 90s than now.
And no one really gave a shit except evangelicals.
Now people constantly broadcast this shit and people get either obnoxiously happy or obnoxiously mad all while there's actually less of everything now.
Everyone seemed to be shipping Tracer with a woman anyway, it was just Widowmaker everyone wanted her to be fucking before this.
Everything is part of the SJW cabal coming to take our vidya away and poison our youth with political correctness.
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
Because it's impossible for sane, normal people to be disgusted by unnatural perversion.
What does trump have to do with anything?
>two girls kissing
>somehow a bad thing
I want Overwatchfags to fuck off to /vg/.
Worst game gets worst comic.
Even a 12 y old coul draw better.
Gabe a cute
>So sexually insecure that you feel disgusted at two people kissing.
Keep repressing those gay thoughts. Maybe they won't catch you if you shitpost hard enough.
It is.
What a vomit-inducing tumblr-tier garbage style indeed.
>old milf and soldier 76 have to be sad together because they are fucking lonely
>soldier 76 has to remember a picture of Mike Pence and Noctis together
>Rein is a big guy with a big family and probably dresses as santa for his kids
>no idea who those that Reaper are stalking are but that's probably his ex and her new family
>Mc Sombra sihpping confirmed?
>i actually feel bad for widow
>ha you don't like gay people?
>what are you, gay?
Solid logic there m8
>Tracer always seemed like a chubby chaser
I mean, really, What does a chubby chaser looks like?
>its the current year
Scientifically proven, friend.
On Sup Forums it is.
>This is 2016
>all this hullabaloo about Tracer's gf
>not enough praise for Torb getting mad pussy with an entire litter of kids
Well a nut is a nut...
Who was the letter from?
>Took off the device keeping her from phasing in and out of time
I thought she NEEDED to wear that chest thing to stay in one place.
>Best girl turned to pandering garbage
>Winston all alone
I don't know how to feel right now
Im also a straight white male, lesbian couples are awesome.
This was not. This was obnoxious pandering for the sake of it.
read up. Apparently the device has an AoE field or some bullshit.
>single study
>must mean all people who don't like gays are actually gay
So she's married to Windranger?
>soldier 76 has to remember a picture of Mike Pence and Noctis together
Fucking kek
Can we expect Emily as the newest dlc character? She can throw mugs of cocoa at people and her Q could be wearing a qt Christmas jumper!
Man, unexplained science is the same thing as magic. Good to know, but fuck that shit. I thought she had a permanent boobplate costume so she could stay alive.
Genji probably since it came with the quill he used to write it
No, now she just needs to be NEAR it :^)
> Widow at her husband's grave
I thought they skullfucked the memory of caring about her family out of her brain.
If she feels sorrow for his death, wouldn't she want revenge on Talon?
Trump being elected basically justified all the dumbshit these people actually believe. Its ridiculous.
Why does everyone but Reinhardt look retarded? A decent artist can't be that hard to find.
Since this is suppose to be an online comic book it gets over looked, but the torb panel and Rein panel are the same panel.
It's a flower bomb, she's finishing the job.
They did. Don't question the shitty comic, user.
is pharah going on dates with the tf2 sniper?
>horribly written
>inconsistent art
>sjws pandering
Yep, its a western artist alright.
So what do you think, pining for family, or about to murder three people? I'm more inclined to believe the latter.
Boring comic.
>I know you are but what am, I the study
Yeah I'm sure this was one of those "experts" they always talk about but never list by name.
I think she's dating Reed Richards.
worst porn ever.
i'm not even 1% aroused.
Nice, desu-ne.
>banned in Russia because gay propaganda
Blizzard BTFO
We can safely say that they will never have any gay content in their game because they need the Russian market.
user I think you're a retard
That's the Spy
if all the overwatches are friends then why do they kill each other
Fucking LOL
Usually thin, dininutive, and short
something something heroes on both sides something something
Genji because that feather is his calling card
The game itself is non-canon
Whos in the pic
she's not even wearing the scarf she just received