Post em

Post em.

This will be fun.



Bad anime
No anime
Good anime
"""good""" (fapfapfap) anime


Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Megami Tensei



I'll give you Radiant Dawn, but Path of Radiance?
>game talks about the harsh reality of war and the negative implications of indoctrinating children into nationalism they can't even understand is edgy
Time to change your diaper


I didn't know Eighting even made shooters


Sauce me?

They're very famous and well known for them, generally as Razing.

So sayeth the Lord.

ntr yaoi futa female:muscle

>inb4 not video games

Objectively correct.

2 is still great, though, and Rage Wars had the best MP.


>baby cartoon movies
this is an adult board


If it ain't brown, get outta town.

I'm so sick of this meme.

What if I just like brown girls?

Better start packing dad.

I'm pretty sure your dad would be angry if you had a brown girlfriend.

That's fine by me.
My dad IS brown you banana hammer.



rose tinted goggles directly coorelate to contrarian taste

>patrician isn't FE4
ya blew it.
And Path of Radiance is good.

>he thinks I played every game on release

One day you will open your eyes and see the truth.


Sup Chris

>Travis Big Dog

never knew I wanted this in my life but goddamn is it so fitting

But SEGA keeps shitting on its fans. How can you possible like them that much?

Unless you mean the old console-era SEGA, which admittedly was pretty god-tier.


all of those games are shit


>any AC
>not in pleb-tier

>subtle doom 64


they used to be at least decent and worth playing, pre-AC3 days

Revised edition.

they are the reason Prince of Persia no longer exists
fuck AC

But Sega's best game is on PlayStation.

My accuracy and truthfulness cannot be surpassed

I still haven't played I and II

At least Plebeian is in the right spot

Fuck off nerd, they were damn good open world games for their time, and far better than the slop Ubisoft puts out now.

Where do you think you are?

I don't know what philistine means and I'm too lazy to look it up. Is it finer than patrician?

Switch the SMTIV games, and switch Nocturne and SJ.


I like Ike.

At least you fit right into the philistine description.

You are a philistine.

This reminds me of how Apocalypse is still less satisfying as a game than IV despite its mechanical improvements.

The power of shit writing

Old timey fancy way of saying stupid, guv


Thou shalt know thine fury of thine builder's hammer, fool

One of its underrated virtues is that its world building and exploration (which casuals hated of course) were pretty good.

Apocalypse throws all this down the shitter, because even if you ignore the markers, the world is always blocked to guide you into where you must go, and the NPCs can't stop jerking it to Flynn.

But I disagree, the gameplay of 4A makes the game much more satisfying, although the writting indeed decreases its overall quality.

You know I'm right.

>not having batman forever on there

wow what a fucking disgrace.

I believe it's more like a conformist and uncultured person.

Basically someone worse than a pleb because the pleb is happy-go-lucky and doesn't know better, but the philistine will go out of their way to avoid anything that challenges or breaks their narrow views.




>I don't know what philistine means and I'm too lazy to look it up
Okay, so then what you should do is look it up.

patrician and philistine should be switched

not a single title in the souls series

This only applies to gringos. Everyone loves KoF in cool countries.

goat taste coming through

MK is for people that want to look cool and assure you their game is legit because it has lots of blood. Sounds more like Contrarian.
SF is for people that only care about the cool esports game they saw asian people playing on TV. Sounds more like Plebeian. Otherwise, correct.

I feel tempted to make a >3d one


The soulsborne series doesn't work with this template because 2 was the only bad game.


2 Is literally the best. Also demon was trash.

Bloodborne and DS3 were above average, not great games.

Crashing this thread
I'm not saying Maya is bad but lets be real, you are a sour counterculture fuck If you actually think shes best girl

Plebian and Contrarian don't have to be bad games

Awful, underage taste. All of these are Philistine compared to King's Field.
>he hasn't made his own dungeon with the KF making tool
The amount of people getting shocked and appalled by babysouls on PC proves how young the average person here is, seeing as how From used to do that anyway.

>The Patrician's choices consists of Metal Gear 2, its 3D remake and the demake of the remake.
You might as well had thrown in Twin Snakes.


>the queen of all archetypical tsun is patrician
>the only girl that actually behaves like a normal human being is plebeian

no wonder you still don't have a gf, user.

Demon Souls and Dark Souls II
Demon Souls: its the OG and in every series in every medium people always say the first one is the best one
DSII: Stands apart from the series most b/c of b-team. Easily the most controversial game. Essentially love it or hate it.

Plebian: Too lazy to look up but it would have to be bloodborne or DSIII, as those games are the most bought. You fags thing plebian immediately means lesser. The plebs are the commoners. The majority. Thus something plebian would be the most consumed.

Patrician: this is purely a matter of taste, however we can assume there is some level of exclusion. Dark Souls II could not be patrician due to its controversial nature. Dark Souls III cannot be due to its recentness, and likely due to what I am assuming is the fact that it is the most bought and played game of the series (assuming that initial sales figures increased with each successive game as the series became more and more popular)

Philistine: You could put Dark Souls II here if you were asshurt enough. Otherwise there is no game in the soulsborne series to deserve it. Maybe put Lords of the Fallen here. idk.

Pleb: replace with Asuka Shitley
Cont: leave as is
Pat: replace with Rei
Phi: replace with the old bitch

see as he was totally right

No I agree. Maya is definitely the hipster or contrarian pick

That's actually a good point.

IV had great worldbuilding and atmosphere; no other game in the series made Tokyo feel like a true character rather than just the setting.

I'm genuinely surprised that people ITT are acknowledging her; even the scientist bitch is more relevant.


The moment Kojima ran out of ideas to redo Metal Gear is when he started to go downhill.

Twin Snakes is shit though, don't insult me like that.


Don't listen to them, you're right user

all i remember about maya is that she helps with the techy shit and freaks out at the end.

shit bait

Alright I think I got this.