Post races that are slaves and have a tragic history

Post races that are slaves and have a tragic history

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>food source
>sexual relief
All in one compact package. Lunarians are geniouses!

The Jews.


if only they where vidya related


aw shit , you win this time

>ywn live as an uplifted lizard living in with ancient god trees and end up living like enslaved shits for most of history but you don't care because your soul and memories gets recycled anyway and those dryskin don't have the same holistic view on time as you do


What the hell did 343 do to them?

what the fuck

what happened to the grunts?



yea no s'wit

The Grunts were the only aliens of the covenant (besides Elites) to rebel against the covenant. There were billions of them fighting and they almost won, they surrendered when the first Arbiter glasses their home world.
The reason the Arbiter exists is because of the grunts.

No I mean what did 343 do to their design. They look like shit now.

From what I know they were slaves first. This happened, then the prophets gave them a place in the military as a showing of respect of sorts.....only to act as fodder anyway but still.

>those workers at the Xen area that don't attack you and just focus on their job
HL1 was pretty fucking awesome dammit

they went from cute in halo 2 and 3 to more rough in reach and to total garbage in 4 but that's to expect 343 overdesigned everything.

I love how South park can make a joke like this and jews just laugh in self deprecation but if it was a muslim then muslims would get angry

They made them reptiles instead of arthropods.

5 has them going back to having exoskeletons and makes their arms and legs look fine but their face is still stupid

They were always cannon fodder but it was after the rebellion that the Elites started to somewhat respect them and started giving them better equipment.

The Falmer of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim brought to you by Bethesda.

Bethesda: We don't create games. We create worlds.

Me and all my favorite franchises

>world gets invaded by aliens
>forced into being their mindless soldiers
>their genetics are destroyed to make them better soldiers

I can't remember the last time anyone got mad at South Park for anything. Even the Mohammad episode was only censored because the Comedy Central execs were scared pussies.

>forced into being their mindless soldiers
I thought the combine soldiers were volunteers?

They never said they looked like arthropods, only that in terms of biological comparison that they resemble them.

This could mean them simply having an exoskeleton despite it looking reptilian.


Where are the Falmer? They fit this perfectly.

If they really didn't want to couldn't they just kill all human?
Think there's a military plan if all the pokemon are just like fuck this shit?

iirc it was either being just a lowly citizen, or becoming a part of the Combine to atleast receive better pay/ food/housing (although its not much better than what the citizens have, and for things like food you may just receive more rations than others)

You could go a step further and perhaps become a Combine Soldier but you're quite literally torn apart and rebuilt(like the Combine soldier corpse on the operating table in Nova Prospekt), sure you still have certain elements that still make you human, but for the most part you've become an entirely different being.

Nigga I fucking said this.

the creators are jews. just like chappelles show and the boondocks can make fun of blacks. i do wonder how a muslim making fun of muslims would go down, though

Deepest lore

IMO the voice change in 4 was more disturbing than the visual changes, thank god they reverted back to high pitched voices in 5.

Look up the Ahok trial in Indonesia for a current example.

To put things into even more perspective at just how harsh things were for ordinary citizens in the HL2 universe, next time you load up HL2 pay close attention to what the Overwatch announcer states

>50 percent reproduction credits
>Rank leader: reminder: 100 sterilize credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation
>Attention community: unrest procedure code is now in effect. Innoculate, shield, pacify. Code: pressure, sword, sterilize

Sex and/or reproducing? Yeah that's illegal, though if you eliminate/pacify enough people/aliens/etc you can atleast get a round in a simulator.

Valve hit a goldmine of creepiness when they decided to use medical terms in Combine troops radio communications, makes them seems so fucking inhuman and disturbing while still using familiar words.

And that would make Prophets...

Doesn't matter, people still get butthurt

The Half Life world is actually very well realized and thought out. People love to give HL2 shit nowadays but it at least built an interesting universe with loads of small details that you don't always pick up on in the first plathrough. Such a shame HL3 will always be this game that will never live up to that hype.

HL3 will be the game that never will be released

Also they're one of the most intelligent species within the covenant

All I expect from HL3 is a conclusion to the story and good gameplay, I don't think people should be hyping it up as much as they are.

and to think I thought Breen had a point

Listen to the increasingly nervous Breencasts. He's trying to prevent humanity from total extinction and he's terrified of the benefactors (possibly the advisors). At the point of ep2 and HL3 he's probably dead with the benefactors controlling things.

>The Half Life world is actually very well realized and thought out.
Is City 17 the only city on earth? It doesn't sound that way from the name and the intro sequence where Breen makes it sound like people have been transferred from other cities. But if it's not, why do the combine act like the linchpin of their occupation that is SO important that if they lose control of it they basically go into disarray? Is it the only city with a citidel that can telelport more combine in to solve the problem? If so, why didn't they build more? If there are at least 16 other cities why don;t they just combine some of the troops from those cities and send them to retake city 17? Why does it seem like 21st century earth can transport more troops faster than the Combine can? If they beat 21st century earth in 7 hours, it can't be THAT hard to put down an insurrection, even without the citadel.

Can you hype a game that will never ever come out?

Earth might be smallgame compared to what the combine have already conquered. There's no guarantee that they even care about it that much, but a citadel might be a huge project that is expensive even for the combine.

Retaking city 17 doesn't matter because the portal is destroyed

>he's probably dead
You SEE him explode. Him dying in an enormous explosion is the lead-out to HL2 and the lead-in to HL2:Ep1.

I always understood that Earth was nothing but a backwater outpost to Combine, explaining why troops placed here consisted mostly of stuff that could be produced on Earth and using humans as manpower. The forces Freeman faces are nothing but lowly guards when compared to actual Combine war machine.

>If they beat 21st century earth in 7 hours
That was only because the portal was being held open, and the combine were literally pouring out. Since the citadel was fucked at the end of HL2, they simply can't even send reinforcements over. As for the uprising after the Nova Prospekt level, Breen was trying to prove humanity's worth to the combine by trying to keep the revolution down without re-opening the portal (you can hear him sort of foreshadow to this during Nova Prospekt).

Combine Overwiki says that the destruction of the Citadel caused a chain reaction that disabled the teleportation capability of the rest of the garrisons, and left only the Superportal that resulted from the explosion. The entire plot of HL2-Episode 2 was disabling the Superportal, thus ensuring that humanity would only have to deal with the occupation force instead.

>Be Necrontyr
>Evolve on shitty irradiated planet orbiting a dead star that can just barely sustain life
>have dogshit lifespan
>Lifespan so bad society and cities revolve around death and depression
>Manage to slog through technology steps but even most advanced tech can't save them from shitty genes
>Go create ships to go colonize and hopefully evolve somewhere else
>discover immortal, fat toads that sit on their ass all day shitting themselves and making lifeforms
>Discover knife ears that breed like rabbits and can live for thousands of years
>Go in blind tard rage for cruelty of the universe
>Vow to eradicate every single lifeform
>Declare war
>get fucked by toad men grandpa magic powers
>Discover even older sentient gas clouds orbiting stars and feeding off the energy
>Build metal suits to weaponize them and use agains frog people
>Gas clouds find souls really tasty over star energy
>Trick all the Necrontyr into turning themselves into machines to be immortal
>Feed on all their souls
>Br Necrons
>Become mindless killbots for the next million years
Now that's what you call fucking tragic

I'd say a shock invasion is probably easier to pull off than occupying territory. Guerilla warfare is no joke.

I mean look at modern conflicts as an example. We can invade backwood shitholes so easily but then maintaining some kind of presence there is so draining.

Imagine doing that on a planetary level? The Combine are more than likely doing this on multiple fronts. There is more than likely some kind of political intrigue in their society as well. Imagine losing your foothold in occupied territory so badly that you'd need to send another invasion. Political opponents would have a field day.

what the hell kind of political opposition would a multi-dimensional conquering alien empire have?

That fucking filename.

Where the hell did you get that.

Remember the Tsars? The size of the empire has little to do with anything. Internal political opposition will always exist unless they are completely united like ants or some shit.

I mean that's also possible. They are aliens. Who's to say they are as inefficient and retarded as us.

I was about to say that I bet Chikorita tastes like a cucumber, but then remembered it evolves into bayleef.


The Combine are streached out sure. But what is true we DON'T know how many of them there are. And you know those striders? Well the real combine footsoldiers are 8ft tall mech suits of the same kind of machine with weapons on each hand, jetpacks and so on.

No one makes fun of jews better than actual jews.

>halo game that takes place on a ring close to a world populated by grunts
>game ends when you finally kill off the elites stationed on the ring and nearby planet
>credits level where you're eventually overran by grunts

I wonder how many people would suicide due to impatience and how many would do it because they felt bad for the little guys.

Except the fluff changed so the Necrons now managed to successfully rebel against their masters after winning the war. The C'tan were "shattered" into fragments and the Necrons decided that they had nothing better to do so just went to bed. Doesn't seem so bad to me.

There's always opposition, if not from political opponents then from inside the system. The current leaders could be overthrown by people close to the top if they seemed inefficient or uncapable of doing their jobs properly.


>They never said they looked like arthropods, only that in terms of biological comparison that they resemble them.

The halo 3 bestiary calls them arthropods.

Grunts a cute

Yes, by comparison.

They literally can't be Arthropods though, they aren't from earth.

I really hate the Necron backstory. Life that evolved with a shitty star would be adapted to the shitty star.
If the cancer was caused by the star then leaving their planet would solve the problem.

I think Civil Protection were volunteers but the Overwatch were draftees or at least had less free will.

Their story was tragic up until they turned oblivion inside-out, seceded from the empire, then went on to conquer Morrowind and summon corrupt hist trees from oblivion to kill people.


Is it slavery if you get what you want?

Is it rape if the victim has a rape fetish?

This is the kind of stuff that miss. Too bad colorful csgo skinw replaced this

two different things, a proper analogy would be "Is it rape if she wants to be raped", and the answer is no.

They had a goal and they reached it, and the cost didn't matter to them


Of course, but arthropod still has a specific list of traits, and having an exoskeleton is litterally the most important one.


Ok, but earlier halo games didn't show them as as having notable insect qualities in what little skin was scene.

Therefore, to complain about the 343 design in pretty pointless.

Were there any games that even showed their faces before 343 took over?

>renamed humans
How boring.


So did Breen actually have good intentions or was he power hungry from the start?


abe's odyssee, its what the entire game is about

>literal fucking slaves to these big business motherfuckers
>they do shit like clean up the meat pits after other species are turned immediately into food
>even though they are already designated shit cleaners, FUCK IT. Time to make them food
>all because they were losing money


what does the jew class do

I think it's like a cleric/druid sort of class from memory.

I remember mage was so fucking broken though. I didn't think I'd be gaming a fucking South Park RPG as hard as I did.

That class is redundant when Thief already exists.

Wouldn't that tube impair his peripheral vision?

Then why do they act retarded in-game?

Why would he need to see to the side. To the side is only more grunts. The enemy is in front of him and that's where he needs to go.


Proper analogy would be a food analogy.


Aren't Grunts supposed to have gas masks because oxygenated air is toxic to them?

Like their eyes would bleed and shit if they were exposed to a normal atmosphere.
