FFXV is still a good game despite not being your Nomura wet dream. Get the over it. And take off your rose tinted glasses while you are at it.
>tfw you was here when the 2011 Versus trailer dropped and Sup Forums was overcome with hype and everybody was cumming buckets
>All those speculation threads
>Fast forward 5 years later and literally none of the hype shit that was in the 2011 trailer is in XV
I want to cry
Versus probably would've been better than XV but you guys overrate Nomura way too much.
>FFXV is still a good game
Nomura made the greatest Action RPG of all time. He's a god when it comes to pure fun in video games
Deny it all you want but sales say otherwise. FFXV is literally unprecedented in this regard. Tge only people who hate FFXV are those who expected VersusXIII and that is entirely on them.
>I want to die
We all do friend. We all do.
Versus never existed. Get the fuck over it.
Now that does NOT mean that 15 is good. It just means you have to hate it on its own merits and faults rather than comparing it to the fantasy game that only lives in your head.
That's it though: Versus XIII DID FUCKING EXIST once upon a time. Stupid fucking idiot.
>Versus never existed. Get the fuck over it
Yes it did fuck tard. That's why so many people are disappointed at how XV turned out
Not the guy you're replying to, but what do you mean? An actual game or do you mean the trailers?
Why exactly was Stella replaced? Luna was a horribly underdeveloped character
Original FFXV was episodic. that means there is XV-2.
Im happy with tabata cutting those bullshit.
>Versus never existed
There's so much shit cut from 2014 to release that you could technically say FFXV never existed.
And it will never EVER hit the 10 million mark Square so desperately wanted and many people outside of Sup Forums hate this game
FFXV isn't a bad game but it's an average one, which is kinda unforgivable if you're going to give us TEN YEARS OF MARKETING WITH A BUDGET ANY OTHER JRPG STUDIO WOULD CUM AT.
Here's Larsa from the last decent FF.
Isn't normie praise this game?
versus looks like shit compared to XV
It changes absolutely nothing. This game has brought back FF from the brink. Who cares if people outside of Sup Forums hate this game. It ain't for them. Chew on that then fuck off you sullen faggot.
that was a personal goal you fuck
>This game has brought back FF from the brink.
FF was never on the brink, they just wanted a mainline game out by 2016 and Versus was the sacrificial lamb
If I had to guess it's because pretty much every possible sub plot was removed in favor of Ardyn and the daemon situation. Nifhelm ended up not mattering at all and any reasons for the Nox Fleuret house members to matter is also gone. Explains why Ravus pretty much disappeared to the plot after his brief moment in KG, Lunafreya/Stella's involvement with Noctis was very very toned down, Verstael actually completely vanishing from the game and etc.
Not to mention really weird things like Cor fucking off to kill monsters pretty much for some reason and Aranea devolving into a mechanic
You are absolutely fooling yourself. You're some kind of brain damaged if you think the XIII did more good than bad for the franchise. But it ain't like it matters now.
They sure as shit weren't hurting for money, XV releasing was more about quotas than anything.
>Nomura made the greatest Action RPG of all time.
I like KH but most of the series after that pales in comparison. Even then KH2FM only really shines on Critical.
I wonder does Nomura want to murder Tabata?
>XV is 82
>XIII is 83
Where did it all go so wrong?
Ignis never got his eyesight back right? So how the fuck was he able to cook dinner in Chapter 14 and also generally know his surroundings during the Irfit fight?
Around 2014
Think we can meme a FF Versus XV?
>Waited a decade for a 7/10 game
I want to kill myself so fucking bad
I think we can
But OP, you got to see that in Kingsglaive
We meme'd Trump into office
We meme'd Final Fantasy VII Remake
We can meme this too
>Another mainline FF game will probably take 5-8 years to be released
>XV will never get a sequel
why games nowadays take so much time to release? FF VII was released in 1997 and VIII in 1999.
You can still function being blind and he lived with it for 10 years.
You can thank graphicswhores for jumping production costs to retarded levels at the cost of literally everything else
>thinking a few thousand autistic kids can do anything
oh user, when you grow up you'll realize...
This is literally Kingdom Hearts Starring Sasuke.
And it's STILL better than what we actually got.
>Noctis interacts more with Stella in a six minute trailer than Luna does in the entirety of XV
Yes but he KNEW where to lead Noctis in Irfit's attack also in the ending when Noctis bows down to his friends, Ignis knew when to bow to even though it was quiet. There's no fucking way a blind person can know something like that. Maybe it was all an oversight?
>mfw retards think the "Stellafags" were just making shit up
>Have to watch a shitty movie and meh anime in order to attempt to understand the story and characters.
Why the fuck couldn't it have just been in the game?
>see amazon notification on my phone about special deals
>check it out
>see pic related
I'm glad, I really want Square to crash and burn.
This is the most evil thing I have ever heard of.
>Just bought the game yesterday
>See this
>not even 2 weeks from launch
So I guess those nip pictures of huge stock going nowhere weren't made up.
I didn't watch any of those and got the story no problem.
>mfw Tabata said FF XV would be a masterpiece and would make other games panic
>got outsold by dead rising 4
>Not waiting for the inevitable $10 deal bin price in mid march/april
Versus babbies will never stop being butthurt, I see.
Holy shit really? A fucking mainline FF game gets outsold by Dead fucking Rising? Is FF that dead?
No she doesn't. Stella was also dead the whole time, just a ghost so means nothing anyway.
It didn't. XV is the highest selling PS4 game in Japan and among the top 3 highest selling for November NPD along with battlefield and cod. Also most downloaded on PSN.
Have you fucking seen it? Of course its dead.
>relevant to Dead Rising 4 in any fucking way
Never go full retard.
If your only source for that is some shitty Sup Forums thread then you can fuck off.
>Aranea does an entire poledancing routine on the spear as it's on its way down
Now that's quite something.
Seriously, the intro for this game was so goddamn horrible. It should have begun as Kingsglaive did, which actually does the basic job of explaining what the world is like and what's happening in it. Not the "oh well, isn't this a terrible start for an adventure?" nonsense that tries to be purposefully bad but is still bad nevertheless, on top of leaving you adrift with no context for what's happening.
Imagine if any of the previous ten or so games that are still talked about and enjoyed to this day required you to go dig up some VHS movies from the 90s or 80s to have any idea of what's going on.
Good job not reading what I said.
Just like the may leaks were only from Sup Forums. Eat shit.
go to bed xvkun
The price has been slashed like 50% on all platforms in all regions. The game is a critical failure.
>There are people that $60 for this unfinished, rushed game
>There are people who paid $90 for the Deluxe Edition
>There are poor fucking souls that paid $270 for the Collectors Edition
I would be foaming at the mouth if I wasted so much money on this shit
It's regular price here in Canada and from what I've heard it's been on sale. It's the holiday season, things go on sale. It will go back to regular price after the holiday season.
>FF XV is a good game
How delusional do you have to be?
>There are people who paid $90 for the Deluxe Edition
That was me. And I hate the game after beating it and doing a bunch of side content.
Even Toriyama the fucking waifufag made a better and more cohesive story.
It looks really shity honestly. I can tell its running on ps3 hardware especially.
I feel so sorry for you user. I really do.
I can give you that the story would've been better, but that gameplay doesn't look as fun as XV. Especially if the command menu pretty much tells us that it would've just been kingdom hearts combat, but a lot slower and heavier.
>That double jump at 5:10
There isn't a double jump in the final game, right? I really wish there was
Shitposts aside, I'm genuinely curious as to actually why indeed the new direction has to scrap/heavily modify the initial concepts.
My theories is to split the universe to individual products; OP's description of the how XV supposedly begins became Kingsglaive, Noctis' bonding with his father now A King's Tale, etc. As to why, maybe it's easier to market XV this way, because now you can play/watch the free/cheaper XV before playing the main part.
Still have no idea why didn't they just change Stella's personality if they really have to change her.
KH is more fun to play than XV though
>Still have no idea why didn't they just change Stella's personality if they really have to change her.
They did, she's called Luna
KH is alright, I feel like it gets boring after a while, but that's probably just me. Also I couldn't imagine something that plays like KH, but is so heavy and slow, being fun. If they were going to go with that combat they should've just had everything be super floaty, fast, and fantasy-esque.
Tabata wanted to spite Nomura so he changed all of the characters. Stella didn't look or even have the name of a useless slut so he changed her completely.
Precisely, why the name should also be changed? If they can do personality change to Noctis of all main characters, why not also Stella?
Remember when Versus XIII was supposed to be a musical? Why is Nomura such a hack?
>Tabata spites Nomura
Call me naive, but unless there's an official explanation as to why, I refuse to believe a man can be so spiteful. Besides, I don't remember something that may made Tabata dislike Nomura. Not personally, at least, unlike Sakaguchi-Square.
>not realizing that was a fucking joke and Nomura was just trolling like he always does
There's no other logical explanation. Tabata also literally said he didn't like Noctis so he changed him, which is by definition spiteful towards the original creator.
>Nomura was just trolling like he always does
Just like Versus XIII then
musical would have been better than what we got
>ten years of marketing
You mean one and a half?
Also FFXII was a fucking turd too with many of the same problems XV has, dumb trap poster
>Finish FF 15 last night
>Download the New Game+ patch
>Enemies don't scale with you in NG+. They are back at level fucking 1
>I just oneshot everything
ONE FUCKING JOB LITERALLY ONE FUCKING JOB. I wanted to give Tabata the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't a complete fuck up and it was Square pushing him to make those bone head decisions but it's truly all him. He clearly has no fucking idea what he is doing
>XIII did bad for the franchise
Nice meme
It's XIV 1.0 that killed FF, XIII sold as much as IX, while XIII-2 and LR both sold plenty
>finished game that is 60% on-rails tutorial
>unfinished game that has some neat postgame content
Really makes your nerves twitch
While I agree with you, I still wish I could have seen Nomura's original vision for the game.
And that is the only leak that is spot on, other time is pure bullshit.
There was nothing to scrap because all that existed was literally a video.
>VIII and IX were developed at pretty much the same time, with X coming into production around the time VIII was released
>meanwhile XII took 4 years to come out after XI and was a production mess because matsuno got japanese cold
>XIII took another 3 years and was basically just a tech demo
You want simultaneously development? too bad fuck you here mobile game
The game for revealed 10 years ago. Those reveal trailers didn't produce themselves. And the occasional trailers to prove the game wasn't dead.
The only good part of this trailer that is missing from the main game is that noct and co were in insomnia when it was invaded.
The rest of it actually looks like trash and I'm personally pretty happy they took their time to fix it. Game is still retardedly flawed in the story department (which makes no sense considering they A: had a billion years to get the beats down and B: made a fucking expensive movie which arguably caused more story problems).
Versus was revealed 10 years ago
Any retard could guess it was iceboxed and about as much of a game as Agni's Philosophy or the PS3 version of FFVII
FFXV with an actual release wasn't announced until 2013 and wasn't marketed heavily until last year
Given how much of a scattershot development the game had it is extremely doubtful that anything could have come of all the early stuff.
Versus is FFXV, with a name change and a release date.
Versus' reveal still left an impact, especially with the occasional trailers.
>Even Tabata cut a bunch of shit from his own trailers
What the FUCK went wrong during development?
How would you guys fix it?
I didn't really follow the development, but to me it seems like the producer fucked everything up so hard. The game feels rushed and fragmented despite that it took so long and had this whole media empire buttressing the launch. Whoever thought the movie tie-in was a good idea should be put out back and shot. The person in charge of budgeting should've kept people on the project a decade ago, put his foot down when Nomura had his crazier ideas, shouldn't have put Tabata on the project at all, and should've let the game stand alone.
We have two options
A. Let Nomura keep his project and do what he needs to do
B. Swipe the board clean and let Tabata make his own XV /without/ using Nomura's concepts, he has to start from scratch
I quite liked what Tabata was going for with the Brotherhood themes, but what we got is simply not what Noctis' story was supposed to be. Better he explore those themes with his own OCs, there's less baggage that way.