December 20th, 2016. The day that Sup Forums, the internet, and the Overwatch fanbase went completely fucking insane.
December 20th, 2016. The day that Sup Forums, the internet, and the Overwatch fanbase went completely fucking insane
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You were already kinda dumb if you didn't think she was gay to begin with.
I knew she was a lesbian, I had my suspicions anyway. I personally thought it was kind of obvious she was a lesbian, seemed pretty noticeable.
I'm just talking about everyone else on the internet that is going COMPLETELY INSANE over this stupid shit.
oh no not lesbians
attractive hot lesbians in my video game
making out and having really hot sex together
i'm so fucking angry
fucking SJWs UGH i'm so upset
Anybody comment on how the art is atrocious?
Literally nobody cares except for the actual tumblrinas. Ironical IT'S NOT FAIR DELET THIS TO INTELLIGENT FOR STRAIGHT TRACER threads don't count.
please don't put any more sexy lesbians in my game
oh oh please don't I'm scared of progressives ruining my games
not canon
I was playing overwatch for a few hours today and no one commented on it. I think the active overwatch fan base doesn't give a shit.
When you think this stupid ass character can't get even worse.
>blizzard that desperate for attention
Really makes you think.
hey reddit
>make character lesbian
>get a million (You)s
You fags realize they're just going to keep doing it now for even more attention, right?
>it has an opposing opinion therefore, it's Reddit
>the place with less users than tumblr
>even less users than facebook
You are pretty stupid.
You prefer how something is said over WHAT is said.
Overwatch fanbase officially worse than nep fags. Fuck off and don't come back
>MFW dumbasses that are against LGBT representation in games are always the ones that spread it around
Seems like even on Sup Forums most people are fine with it.
Only a minority are upset.
Yeah, fuck off.
>play a few matches
>some level 25 player named "TRACERISGAY" with only Tracer on their heros played
yeah i think it's just the autists who care about it
No shit, Sup Forums is mostly straight males and straight males like hot lesbians.
You need to go back.
Why does this keep happening to me?
I have seen very little discussion on this. I am very surprised.
I have seen more people talking about Torbs 80 kids
Why is this a problem, anyway? Why are people so upset about something so insignificant. I don't really understand.
>inb4 agenda/pandering
And? you think complaining like retard online without an actual argument is gonna change anything? They're just gonna force it even more.
>le trump memes XD
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and never come back.
IS A Sup Forums POST
I know this is ironic but I really wish the alt right would figure out that "diversity" is the direct cause of capitalism. Move to socialism or communism if it bothers you.
>desperate for attention
>one panel in a tiny ass holiday comic book most people will never read
Come on user
>The day that Sup Forums, the internet, and the Overwatch fanbase went completely fucking insane.
More like collectively shrugged. This isn't even a top 10 response.
Anything that isn't a straight white male triggers Sup Forums.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about lesbians
It's Blizzard trying to score progressive points while playing it super safe. It's really pathetic, but then again I would have expected nothing less from Blizzard.
why do they need to push this kind of political garbage into games, jesus fuck.
You'd be less angry in your safespace, friend.
thanks for missing the point entirely. Fuck off back to plebbit shitter
They literally made a statement at least a month in advance "hyping" it up. Yes, they are fucking desperate at this point.
Name 4 lesbian fantasy characters that can sell anything. I'll wait.
So would you. Back to Sup Forums.
>lesbian kiss episode
Who cares?
Capitalism for you.
Lesbians are a crime against humanity
why do they even do these comics man?
the animated shorts were enough to give the heros character
You have to be baiting. You think they are hyping a comic up for the sole purpose of saying "LOOK SHE'S A CARPET MUNCHER SEE?!"
Tell me, if the way they showed tracer as being a faggot is wrong, how should it properly be done?
Why does a video game character's sexuality matter? Unless it's a shitty story-driven game with hack writers, it serves absolutely zero purpose.
Sex should be private. I don't want to know if an online FPS character is a homosexual, I don't want to know if they're heterosexual, I don't want to know if they worship feet, I don't want to know if they love facesitting. Airing private matters isn't "liberation", it's fucking stupid.
By not generating attention with a statement such as "One of our characters is gay!" months in advance to hype it up.
It's blizzard trying to score money because that's the point of a business. The US doesn't own the companies in it like Russia or China.
Obviously they're trying to copycat valve with their TF2 comics.
You have too much time on your hands if you actually care
What is the rational argument against this move, really? SJW agenda? So what? You think yelling at the top of your lungs in the Internet is gonna change anything?
If anything, Blizzard, and more corporations are going to keep doing it so get free publicity from this.
If you don't like SJW, gays, whatever, fine, but crying about it like a kid won't change anything. You have to give legit reasons/arguments to hate this, not just cry about it. This is what they wanted in the first place, for all groups, supporters and contrarians to talk about it.
>get asked if their game has lgbt representation
>respond with "yeah"
How the fuck is that hyping up at all? Are you that obsessed with what video game characters want to fuck?
No, but you bet your ass Blizzard is. Otherwise they wouldn't have made such a huge deal about it before the reveal.
Calm down, Sup Forumscuck
They did it because gays buy games, gays have money, more money=good for company. Some pandering=possible increased sales from a group=more money=good
Not hard. It has literally fucking NOTHING to do with wanting to be progressive and everything to do with making your product as appealling to as many people as possible. Business 101.
> irrelevant
Blizzard is just cashing in on immature people who project themselves onto fictional characters, gay or straight.
Because you're attracted to women who look like men and so are they.
>this is what shills want you to believe
This is the last place on Earth where you supposed to pretend like you're doing something productive.
Alt-right are a bunch of Nazis. You can't have National Socialism without Socialism. They're enemies to capitalism and America. Just look at Donald "Free Trade is Overrated" Trump. You're all being sold down the river to fascist pinkos, and Trump is just the start.
The president doesn't matter to a game like this
Stop projecting your Trump obsession
it was generally known there was at least one gay character, but it hadn't been explicitly stated
Can we talk about how depressing as fuck reapers little block was?
The music cut out right when his block came out, really added to the sense of fucked
How is answering a question making it a huge deal?
You are making mountains out of molehills user. Cite your claim of them making it out to be a massive thing of importance.
>Implying they won't supercharge it to get back at Trump voters
You fucked up m8. Should have voted for Jeb or Rand.
The fact that they took the time out of their day to address such an unimportant detail speaks volumes.
yuri is the purest form of love so I don't see the issue here
>tracer's gf will be the next hero added to the game
You're half right. The majority of the playerbase is straight men as expected and straight men like hot lesbians, which is why we got that instead of a gay man which straight men dislike. And it also solves the "it's 2016 muh progressiveness" pandering issue as well. It's definitely a net win for them.
fuck off yuricuck
>gays have money, more money=good for company
Then why isn't any videogame company making a big fuss about one of their characters being a Jew? Jews are a group with deep pockets, you'd think they would appreciate some love and representation in videogames, especially after the horrible things that have been done to them throughout history.
Why are you so upset?
u fucking retarded redditors don't understand that there's literally NO NEED for them to do this at all
I'm gonna be honest with you guys: This really doesn't seem like a big deal.
Literally shaking at this literal white genocide
Half the fanwankers are probably lesbo tumblr artists anyway so if anything Blizzard knows their audience
99 per sent of Sup Forums posters are only play the modern games! If u are one of the 1% who play real retro game like Mario and Halo like my post
This post is brought to you by the DaiQuentin Corporation.
Legalize cuckolding! Vote right
Yuri is for love
Yaoi is for lust
Are you upset that your waifu is a carpet muncher?
Fuck off Chapo
the sjws and libtards are over and done with and they know it. if they keep it up they will be arrested and thrown in prison and i for one will be happy.
america is alt-right now we won and more and more people are seeing how we're in the right on all issues. the leftie plague is over and done with.
eh, i thought the ruskie was the dyke
This. Who do you think it is that wants people over desperately taking any low-wage job they can find? Immigration is promoted by corporations - but okay, let's vote right and pro-corp to solve that!
No I'm gay as fuck. yuricucks are just cancer.
The interesting thing is going to be watching the inflow of Tracer porn to see what artists do.
I don't know who this girl is, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's a lesbian, liberal SJW, right?
There are games with jews, m8
Jews also aren't an untapped demographic
considering how unattractive tracer is it's not surprising
this kills the argument that blizzard doesn't do SJW pandering though.
You're the one who's upset, nu-Sup Forums
what? She is right? If you thought that was cringey you are wrong.
The only one cringey here is you for sharing it
Sup Forums here. I'm okay with this. Get bent, anti-anti-SJWs!
No, men like hot straight chicks who'll fuck other chicks for our attention and to get us off.
Lesbians are at best tolerated.
Good falseflag
well overwatch is still a subpar pseudocompetitive f2p for $40 soulless shit
but with waifus, yeah. blizzard knows how to do business
Fuck off, you're not Sup Forums